Chapter 118 All Heavens and Worlds
  "Haha, Third Brother, we know that you have broken through to the cosmic level, but this is the rule of the genius battle. For the sake of fairness, all contestants must have a star level in reality when they first sign up. After that, no matter how high you are during the competition, No matter what realm, by the time they reach the virtual universe finals, they will all be at the ninth level of the stellar level. After all, this genius battle tests potential, not realm." Luo Feng said with a smile.

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't dare to break through to the cosmic level rashly. You have to work hard in the next competition!" Luo Yuan said.

Luo Feng nodded seriously.

As time passed, a famous genius arrived, and there were more and more people. In the end, all 1000 talented masters gathered together, and these thousand people stood together bustlingly. Many of them were acquaintances in real life or befriended in battles, chatting and reminiscing with each other.

"Luo Feng, you are here. You must have improved a lot in strength over the past year. I know you have made great progress." Rong Jun, a young savage man, came to Luo Feng and looked down and said.

Luo Feng turned his head and glanced at the savage who was more than three meters tall: "Wait for the peak showdown, you will know after you try it!"

"So confident? Hey, this is Luo Yuan, right? I've seen your battle videos. You are very strong, but I can definitely surpass you." Savage Rongjun noticed Luo Yuan next to him and his eyes lit up.

Luo Yuan raised his eyes and looked at the wild giant man in front of him with disheveled hair, bare feet and strong muscles. He frowned and said, "You are blocking my sunshine!"

"Uh..." The savage Rong Jun couldn't help but stand there in embarrassment after hearing this, but he was not angry because Luo Yuan was indeed much stronger than him.

"Boom!" An invisible coercion covered the entire square. The faces of the 1000 peerless geniuses turned pale and their bodies trembled involuntarily. Then with the sound of footsteps, a giant wearing a scale armor and a helmet walked over. His natural aura was like the arrival of death.

The smell of blood and blood makes people involuntarily frightened!
  A giant over eight meters tall! It was the same person who existed last time.

"The 1000 geniuses of Ganwu Universe Kingdom, according to the order of the king, I will lead you to see the geniuses of all the worlds." The giant's voice boomed, and the eyes under the helmet gave people endless pressure. "You can call me 'Master Thirteen', do you understand?"


The 1000 peerless geniuses couldn't help but all responded in unison, including Luo Yuan.

"What a terrifying will. In reality, this 'Thirteenth Master' might be an immortal god at the level of a king." Luo Yuan thought to himself.


1000 geniuses are as weak as ants in front of this scale-armored giant. They will naturally feel fear. This is purely instinctive. No matter how strong your will is, you can't suppress this instinct.

"Luo Yuan! Rong Jun!" The scale-armored giant's eyes fell on Luo Yuan and Rong Jun, especially when he glanced at Luo Yuan, there was obvious appreciation in his eyes.

"Master Thirteen." Luo Yuan and Rong Jun bowed slightly at the same time.

"You are the only two people in our Qianwu Universe Kingdom who are sure not to be eliminated. The king has great expectations for you. Don't let the king down, do you understand?" Scale Armor War The giant robe said.

"Yes." The two of them responded respectfully.

The scale-armored giant glanced at the other young people and said coldly: "As for the others, there is no hope!"

Suddenly, many of the young people clenched their fists, and Luo Feng in the crowd also frowned slightly.

"Hmph! Don't be dissatisfied. Strength is not just words, it is demonstrated through fighting!" The scale-armored giant said coldly, "Except Luo Yuan and Rong Jun, the strongest one among you is Luo However, according to our information, there are many rare talents in this class. It would be good if Lian Luo Feng can break into the top 5000, but if he wants to break into the top 1000... the hope is slim!"

"Of course!"

"You may also create miracles! In history, there are some peerless geniuses who were average at the beginning, but suddenly broke out in the final peak match." The giant in scale armor glanced at a large group of people, and then changed the subject, "Okay, follow me Set off!"

This group of peerless geniuses from various star regions of Qianwu Universe Country can only endure.

Luo Yuan patted Luo Feng on the shoulder and told him not to take the giant's words to heart.


Then Luo Yuan and his thousand geniuses, led by the scale-armored giant, teleported at the same time to a brand new dimension opened up by the virtual universe.

This is a vast continent.

Luo Yuan and the others, including the scale-armored giant who led the team, a total of 1001 people appeared on this continent at the same time. "Ganwu Universe Nation team, there are 1008 buildings ahead. Your Universe Nation team is arranged in Building No. 0825." A middle-aged man in white robes respectfully saluted the scale-armored giant.


The scale-armored giant snorted, then led the team to fly directly into the distance.


"1008 buildings, one Space Kingdom team lives in one building?"

Looking from a distance, 1008 buildings in the distance naturally form a ring. In the center of the 1008 buildings is a beautiful square with birds singing and flowers fragrant. In that beautiful square, there are many young men and women from various universe countries walking and chatting casually. , at a glance, there are at least more than people.

"Land!" the scale-armored giant roared.

The talented team from Ganwu Universe Landed quickly, landed on the edge of the square, and then walked directly along the road towards Building No. 0825. The square has dedicated passages leading to each building.

"Look, that building No. 0825 belongs to the Ganwu Universe Kingdom. It seems to be the genius team of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom."

"Look, it's Luo Yuan, the handsome young man wearing dark gold armor!"

"Yeah! He is very strong."

"Which one is Luo Yuan?"

"Luo Yuan?"

Many geniuses from other universe countries began to discuss as they watched the Qianwu Universe Country team from a distance.

The entire Qianwu Universe Nation genius team heard the distant discussions of other Universe Nation geniuses, and most of them felt secretly resentful in their hearts. Who can break into the top 1000 of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, who is not a genius and a proud man of heaven? But now it is obvious that the geniuses of other universe countries only value "Luo Yuan" and do not take others into consideration.

Luo Yuan was very calm. As the large team advanced, he glanced at the other Universe Nation geniuses present. Their eyes were full of fighting spirit and fanaticism.

After a while, the genius team of Ganwu Universe Kingdom followed the scale-armored giant and entered the building No. 0825. The first floor of the building was very wide, enough to accommodate thousands of people gathering.


That powerful pressure appeared again, oppressing the 1000 geniuses, causing Luo Yuan and everyone else to turn around and look at the tallest giant in scale armor.

The scale-armored giant restrained his pressure and said indifferently: "I have number plates from 1 to 1000. Each of you has received a number plate and entered your respective room with the number plate. That is where you rest and live! "Then the giant in scale armor waved his hand!

One by one, the number plates floated down and landed in front of everyone.

Luo Yuan reached out and grabbed the number plate. There was only one number on the number plate - '1'.

Luo Feng also reached out and grabbed the number plate. There was only one number on the number plate - '3'.

A thousand talented masters grabbed the number plate.

"You are free to disperse!"

"You can sleep and rest in the house, or you can go to the square to communicate with geniuses from other universe countries." The scale-armored giant glanced at the 1000 geniuses and said coldly, "When it gets dark, the organizers of Virtual Universe Company All of you will be summoned. No matter where you are in this plane, you will hear the announcement."

After saying that, the scale-armored giant strode out directly.

The 1000 geniuses in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom breathed a sigh of relief, and went into groups holding their number plates, chatting, or going to find their own rooms.

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(End of this chapter)

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