Chapter 122 Crazy breakthrough
  Trial space No. 027 9527, seventh floor of the first trial tower.

Luo Yuan stood in the void, looking down at the devastated space destroyed by his lightning world, his eyes cold.

All the Zerg warriors on the seventh floor were turned into ashes, but Luo Yuan did not find the Zerg 'Mother Queen'. He directly swept the entire space with powerful spiritual power, and then he found the Zerg mother nest.

Luo Yuan's golden phantom sword directly split open the mother's nest, and a "Mother Queen" about six meters tall flew out of the mother's nest. Her body was white and crystal clear, as if made of crystal. The Queen Mother had beautiful transparent butterfly wings. , the face was shrouded in a faint mist, possessing extraordinary charm, and bursts of strange and beautiful music sounded and reached people's ears.

"As expected of the Zerg Mother Queen who is very good at mental power, her charm is so powerful."

same moment!laugh!
  A fierce thought force directly penetrated Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness.


The tower of void in Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness stood still, and the impact of the thought force collapsed directly.

The seemingly weak and pitiful Zerg Queen looked at Luo Yuan with a pair of sad blue eyes, but Luo Yuan's eyes turned cold.

  The golden phantom sword pierced the Queen Mother's head directly, splitting it in half. The Queen Mother died on the spot.

"How dare you enchant me." Luo Yuan sneered, "The Zerg hive at this level is not strong. It can barely cope with the average ninth-level star level."


After killing all the opponents on the seventh floor of the first trial tower, Luo Yuan was teleported into the second trial tower. What shocked him was...the opponents in the second trial tower were actually the same as the second trial tower. A trial tower is exactly the same! The only difference is...the strength has soared!

"For the same ferocious beast, the 'Blood Mammoth', the second one is so much stronger than the first one! So how terrifying are the third and fourth ones? There are fifth, sixth and seventh ones behind them. ! No wonder Virtual Universe Company has the confidence to let everyone die." Luo Yuan was a little surprised.

This trial is quite difficult!

It took Luo Yuan one day to reach the first trial tower, four days to reach the second trial tower, ten days to reach the third trial tower, half a month to reach the fourth trial tower, and half a month to reach the fifth trial tower. It took a month to build the trial tower.

Soon, Luo Yuan reached the sixth floor of the sixth trial tower.

This is a vast wasteland. On the wasteland, there are ten huge dark golden beasts that are either lying down or walking and patrolling - the giant starry sky beast 'Cang'.

"The target of the sixth level, the starry sky beast - Cang!" Luo Yuan looked at these ten starry sky beasts.

This starry sky behemoth 'Cang' is one of the more powerful among the starry sky behemoths. Of course, it is incomparable to the twelve peak bloodlines of the starry sky behemoths. But 'Cang' also contains innate secrets. As the darlings of the origin of gold, they are ferocious and contain amazing combat power. Although they have no wings, they are naturally able to fly.

In terms of average combat power, it is slightly stronger than the top bloodline among humans!

The ten giant starry beasts in front of us, 'Cang', have a main body length of about 300 meters, and a tail that is close to the length of the body. Their entire bodies are covered with dark golden scales, and there are sharp protrusions standing up on their backs. Its head is very The huge, wide mouth is even more chilling, and the bite force of the teeth inside is extremely amazing. The head is bare and covered with scales, and a pair of huge eyes with triangular pupils appear to be cold and bloodthirsty.


The ten giant starry beasts, 'Cang', all turned their big heads to look at the tiny human being in front of them - Luo Yuan. "Interesting." Luo Yuan's eyes contained an even more chilling killing intent!
  I saw Luo Yuan's figure flickering, and nine phantom bodies immediately appeared next to him. These nine phantom bodies looked no different from the real body. Ten Luo Yuan directly used the fourth level of the Yanshen Weapon without any expression. Each of the workers dealt with a giant starry beast named Cang.

The long dark golden sticks carried behind each of them quickly flew out in a stream of golden light that covered the sky. A large number of golden swords were suspended in front of him. Countless golden threads were flowing, and each golden sword was slightly different from the other. Keeping a little distance, the complex secret patterns on the golden sword shot out a large number of golden threads. A total of 1600 golden swords shot out tens of thousands of golden threads containing the power of the law. They were connected to each other and quickly formed a misty and huge totem. Golden pillar!
  Each of the ten Luo Yuans held a huge totem golden pillar, which was astonishingly powerful. Each of them held a thick golden pillar in their right hand and swung it towards the starry sky giant beast 'Cang'. Suddenly, the surrounding space was faintly oppressed. At this moment, this totem When the golden pillar rolls, it seems to be compressing the space.

This made the ten-headed starry sky giant beast 'Cang' on the opposite side look fearful. They couldn't tell which one was the real Luo Yuan. The ten golden totem pillars wielded by Luo Yuan were each dealing with a "Cang" at first. Later, the ten golden totem pillars were intertwined with each other to form a space field. Because the starry sky giant beast 'Cang' was too big and too slow to cope with it in a closed area, their heads were smashed one after another.

As a medium-sized starry sky behemoth, 'Cang' has no internal world, so it naturally does not have a pronucleus. Its life is similar to that of most flesh and blood lives. Before reaching the domain lord level, the soul is in the brain, so the head is He died on the spot.

After breaking through the sixth floor, Luo Yuan rushed towards the seventh floor.


The genius war has set off huge waves in every universe country, attracting the attention of countless people.

And now the pinnacle battle between the geniuses of 1008 Universe Kingdom has certainly made countless people in various Universe Kingdoms anxiously look forward to it. However, now the trials and eliminations are not broadcast to the public, but only the rankings are broadcast.

"Luo Yuan is so awesome! He has always been ranked first in the overall ranking!"

"Look, the official website of Virtual Universe Company has recently launched a promotional video for 'Demon King Luo Yuan'." In a business square in Ganwu Continent of Virtual Universe, a group of people looked at the huge electronic screen and laughed while discussing. They were talking about Luo Yuan. Source is proud and proud.

But the most excited and enthusiastic people are the people in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, because Luo Yuan came from this Star Territory.


Virtual universe, in the central square surrounded by 1008 buildings.

1008 great immortals were all sitting in one place, looking at the screens floating around them, laughing and talking to each other.

"There are really a lot of geniuses who hide their abilities during the selection process within the Universe Kingdom."


A group of powerful immortals are commenting on some geniuses who have performed astonishingly. Because the top 100 in this trial will directly get the quota, many real powerhouses who have hidden their strength have exploded, and all of them have maximized their strength. These immortal beings were a little surprised.

"Thirteen, it's really not easy for you to deal with this Luo Yuan of Wu Universe Kingdom. He is currently the fastest to break through the level, and he is also the one with the highest points ranking. Look, his divine weapons have reached at least the fourth level. The ten major fields and The power of the world is even more perfect, especially the use of the original laws of space is much better than Bolan!" A silver-haired man wearing a silver robe said to Thirteen with some envy.

"Well, I'm proud of Luo Yuan!" The scale-armored giant named Thirteen nodded with a smile. He looked at the ranking list on the screen beside him. On it were the rankings of the 1000 geniuses in the Ganwu Universe Kingdom. Ranking.

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(End of this chapter)

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