Chapter 123 Space Crush
  In the virtual universe, there are already hundreds of thousands of eliminated geniuses in the central square.

brush! brush! brush! brush! brush! brush! brush! brush! brush!
  Almost within a few seconds, more than ten figures were teleported to the central square at the same time.

These people looked depressed, and they comforted and warmed each other.

Seven trial towers.

1008000 geniuses passed both the first and second trial towers. However, starting from the first floor of the third trial tower, a large number of geniuses were eliminated.

The third trial tower eliminated the most people, accounting for almost 90% of the total number of people!


"Luo Yuan, damn guy, why are you so strong? I hope you don't remember me and come to trouble me." Ninth Prince Brolin was staying in his palace on the Black Dragon Mountain Island. His hair was disheveled and his bare feet were on the ground. His eyes were red and crazy, and he was staring at the floating screen. On the screen was a forum. Brolin was looking at the large number of people on the forum cheering for Luo Yuan and felt terrified.

"Hey, I wish I had kept a lower profile..."

The Ninth Prince Brolin actually regretted his action of sniping Luo Yuan.


The latest promotional video produced on the official website of Virtual Universe Company——

"As of this genius battle, there are still five people who are still alive in the trial space!"

"They are--"

"The 'Demon King' Luo Yuan from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom!"

"The 'God of Death' Bolan from Noah's Universe!"

"'Blood Edge' Candita from Jiuyan Universe Country!"

"The 'Sword of Life' Yifeng from Gulun Universe Country!"

"The 'madman' Luo Feng from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom!"

"This genius battle is definitely the best among the genius battles in history!"

"During the trial, one super genius emerged and surprised us."


"Only these five top geniuses are left. The day they are eliminated from the trial space will be the day the trial ends."

"Please let us bless these five geniuses to bring us even greater surprises!"

There are six latest promotional videos, one of which explains these five people at the same time, and the other five are separate promotional videos that explain each person separately! In the entire human territory of the universe, 1008 universe countries, hundreds of millions of galaxies, tens of millions of human races, and countless cosmic humans are waiting anxiously and expectantly.


"Luo Yuan!"

"Luo Yuan!"

"Luo Feng!"

The Ganwu Universe Kingdom is boiling! The Black Dragon Mountain Empire... is even more crazy!

"Demon King Luo Yuan, Madman Luo Feng!!!" On the Black Dragon Mountain Island, many people can often be seen in front of the street screens, holding wine bottles and howling excitedly, cheering for Luo Yuan and Luo Feng.

"They belong to our Black Dragon Mountain Empire!"

"They belong to our Black Dragon Mountain Empire!"

"Luo Yuan!"

"He is the top genius in our Black Dragon Mountain Empire for hundreds of millions of years! He will definitely...will definitely become a super strong man in the universe! I believe it, and I will always believe it!" In the end, the passion of hundreds of millions of people in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was completely wiped out. Ignite, my God, in the vast human territory of the universe, the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory is indeed small and inconspicuous. Unexpectedly, this time in their Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, two figures who could compete on the battlefield of peak geniuses would emerge at the same time!

The whole empire is crazy!

Especially when Luo Yuan and Luo Feng were confirmed to be qualified to enter the core level of Virtual Universe Company, even the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire held a grand celebration banquet! That is the core layer of the 'Virtual Universe Company', one of the five giants of mankind in the universe. In terms of status, it is thousands of times higher than the royal family of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

"Demon King Luo Yuan!"

"Crazy Luo Feng!"

"Go ahead! Stay first!"

The citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire are completely crazy, especially countless young people who have completely fallen into the blind worship of Luo Yuan and Luo Feng. At this moment, Luo Yuan and Luo Feng are the national idols of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire!

Trial space.

There are seven trial towers on a meteorite in the starry sky of the universe, and the seventh trial tower is on the fourth floor.

"Whirring whirring!"

Stepping on the Dark Cloud Shuttle, as fast as lightning, he traced a strange trajectory that twisted twenty times, and directly dodged far away from the ferocious Feijian siege, leaving hundreds of phantoms in mid-air.

Luo Yuan noticed that the screen on his wrist had changed and couldn't help but look down, because the ranking list showed that there were only five people still trying to pass the level. Once the screen changed, it meant there were some new changes, and his ranking had always been at the top.

The gatekeepers in this seventh trial tower all attack with original laws, which are terrifyingly powerful. If Luo Yuan hadn't mastered some of the ten original laws, he wouldn't have been able to persist.

On the fourth level, there are 1000 strange creatures in the universe called 'Flying Frogs', which are an extremely strange species among ferocious beasts. The fifth floor is the mechanical puppets, 100 of them! The sixth floor is the giant starry beast ‘Cang’, with 10 heads!
  Luo Yuan used the fifth level of "Space Cutting" of the Yanshen Weapon that he had just mastered. In cooperation with the Chaos Realm, he pushed all the way and passed through these three levels. Finally, he reached the seventh floor of the seventh trial tower, which was also On the last level, he looked at the screen on his wrist and found that he was the only one left.

"The seventh level is much more troublesome than the sixth level." Luo Yuan frowned. As a spiritual master controller facing a 'siege', martial artists have a great advantage because they can escape quickly and put themselves in a difficult position through mobile warfare. Favorable situation. But when the number of enemies is frightening, everyone has a headache!

This is an infinite desert.

On the green land in the distance of the desert, there is a round ball with a diameter of 1200 meters and a pitted surface. There is some venom flowing on the surface, and there is a faint poisonous gas.

1200 meters is equivalent to a height of stories. In other words, the surface of the huge brood nest about stories high suddenly had pits and pits, and suddenly all the green triangular-headed Zerg with a little mucus and covered with blue carapace poured out. It has two tentacles, large compound eyes, and a muscular body. Two hind limbs support the body, and four forelimbs. The limbs are like swords, and there are two translucent wings on the back.

The huge mother nest was four hundred stories high. Each pit was about ten meters in diameter. Almost instantly, thousands of Zerg emerged from the surface of the mother nest!

  For three consecutive rounds, about a million Zerg emerged, all of them green mantises.

Luo Yuan stood in the void and looked at the green mantises flying from the ground or flying over the sky, frowning slightly.

"The Brood has sent out all the inventory at once. The next batch should be in 20 minutes. By then, it is estimated that tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Zerg warriors will pour out."

"There is no other way, just use the ultimate move!"

"Chaos world!"

As soon as Luo Yuan thought, the cosmic crystal that had been prepared in his space ring burned crazily. Suddenly, with him as the center, a layer of invisible ripples spread out in all directions. The power of his chaotic world quickly infected this space, almost Complete control of space ownership in just one breath.

"Zerg, all die!!!"

"Rumble, rumble, rumble~~~~"

Luo Yuan directly launched the destruction of the world.

This seventh layer of space was immediately stripped of everything and turned into black and white. The space shook violently. Then all the Zerg army was directly crushed by the power of space and turned into ashes. Even the Zerg Queen could not escape the end of destruction.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!" This space finally exploded directly, revealing the terrifying space turbulence at the edge, and various chaotic broken spaces and layered space turbulence surged.

The space is shattered!

It's like the end of the world!
  ps: Dear readers, please subscribe, please reward, please vote monthly, and please collect. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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