Chapter 137 Picking Rules
  Luo Yuan stood firmly and looked around calmly, finding many people lying on the ground. Many of them were pale and had tears streaming down their faces. Then everyone got up and quickly wiped away their tears and returned to normal.

"Now we have entered the initial universe." The purple-scaled man said. He looked in the direction of Luo Yuan again, smiled and nodded.

"Initial universe?"

"Have we reached the initial universe?"

Geniuses from many cosmic countries are full of curiosity. Even the more than ten immortal beings who came with the purple-scaled man 'Nine Swords Venerable' have eyes full of expectation and look up from time to time.

"Open the top." The purple-scaled man said.

Chichi~~ The metal top above the hall automatically separated, revealing the transparent glass-like outermost layer. Suddenly, the top of the hall became transparent, and everyone could look up and see the outside world through the transparent layer. Luo Yuan also looked up, and at a glance he saw that it was dark outside with some chaotic airflow occasionally floating around.

In the distance, you can faintly see the heaven and earth cracking from time to time, and you can even see a large number of strange secret patterns flowing on the edge of the cracked space. Silk threads are connected, and the secret patterns are floating on the silk threads, just like a loom, weaving the heaven and earth. 's getting bigger and bigger.

"Is this the manifestation of the law of the universe?" Luo Yuan looked at the strange secret lines flowing on the crystalline silk threads in the rift in the distant space.

But more than a dozen immortal beings looked up and stared, sometimes closing their eyes to think, sometimes watching carefully.

The spaceship keeps flying.

I often see some cracks in the universe and those strange secret lines of silk threads...

"Stars and planets have a lifespan, and this universe also has a lifespan, but the lifespan is extremely long." The purple-scaled man smiled, "This initial universe is a new universe in the period of 'the beginning of the universe'. In the initial period, the universe is constantly improving. Formed, the original operating rules of the universe will be revealed."

"Those space cracks in the universe are constantly repaired because of the original operating rules of the universe, which contain various original laws."

Luo Yuan and the other 1000 people were dumbfounded.

The crystalline silk threads that repair the universe, and the large number of secret patterns floating on the silk threads are all the laws of the universe?
  "The original universe we live in is an extremely vast, huge, and perfect universe." The purple-scaled man said, "Because it is perfect, it is impossible to reveal the laws of operation, and it is very difficult to understand. In the original universe In it, the naked eye can directly see it, and you can also see how the various laws are perfectly combined with each other, how the universe is formed, and how the rules operate. Everything can be seen directly, so it is much easier to understand."

"The initial quota for cosmic enlightenment is extremely precious." The purple-scaled man said and glanced at the dozen immortals.

The dozen or so immortal beings all looked up, obviously cherishing every moment.

"Close." The purple-scaled man said.

The top closes directly.

In fact, when he saw the secret lines of silk threads floating in the space cracks, Luo Yuan understood that 'exterior virtualization' could not be virtualized, because the secret lines not only needed to be seen with the eyes, but also needed to be felt. If the virtualization could not be displayed successfully by relying on technology alone, If they can be virtualized, there is no need to enter the original universe one by one.

"We will arrive at Chaos City in a moment." The purple-scaled man said, "Chaos City is where those who have entered the initial universe live and practice. I am the one who guided you. I hope to see you all alive in 30 years. .”

"will die?"

"Is there any danger?"

The geniuses present were a little confused, only Luo Yuan smiled.

"Remember, when entering Chaos City, you must first listen to Chaos City's instructions for receiving envoys, and listen carefully to the rules. Well, we're here." After the purple-scaled man finished speaking, the speed of the spacecraft began to decrease.


This giant fish shuttles through the vast space of the universe.

Just a moment after the top was closed, the giant fish flew over an ancient city. The hatch in the belly of the fish opened, and 1000 geniuses flew out. Then the hatch closed, and the 'big fish' flicked its tail fin and wandered into the distance again.

"This initial universe feels so special."       "It feels so comfortable."

"Yes, very comfortable." A group of young people stood in mid-air. Luo Yuan looked down at the ancient and majestic city below. As a city built in the original universe, it gave people a sense of weight.

A black stream of light flew from the distance.

"Everyone, I am the receptionist of Chaos City." A deep voice sounded. The man in black robe with blue scales on his head had flown over. He stopped immediately and said with a smile, "This city is called Chaos City. It exists. It is older than most of the universe countries you are in! It is now jointly managed by the Virtual Universe Company, the Giant Ax Arena, the First Bank of the Universe, the Universe Galaxy Bank, and the Universe Mercenary Alliance."

1000 young people looked at the messenger from Chaos City.

"Everyone follow me." The receptionist smiled and flew down.

1000 people flew down from high altitude and landed on the streets of Chaos City. The streets of Chaos City were large enough for dozens of people to walk side by side.

"Chaos City has existed for a long time." The receptionist walked in front and explained as he walked, "Come to Chaos City for enlightenment, and one super being after another has been born."

Luo Yuan looked around. There were small buildings in Chaos City. On the rooftops of many small buildings, humans with different looks could be seen sitting cross-legged and meditating. Some humans were carving something on the rooftop. That one There were powerful auras, much stronger than the realm masters, and some strong men were muttering something in their mouths.

Luo Yuan looked up at the sky.

Above the sky, close to the farthest crack in the universe, one can vaguely see beings standing in the sky. Occasionally, these beings would look down at Luo Yuan and the others.

"Another group of little guys are here."

"We are being received by messenger No. 11, the little guys from Virtual Universe Company."

"I heard that Virtual Universe Company has recruited a young man named 'Luo Yuan' this time, which is very good." On the edge of the crack in the universe, some great beings stood chatting with each other.


Luo Yuan and his group of little guys are all very low-key. They can feel that there are many immortals here. Immortal is still very restrained and does not dare to release his aura wantonly... However, there are more than ten tyrannical auras shooting into the sky throughout Chaos City, and even Luo Yuan and the others can clearly feel it.

It was like a dozen peerless ferocious beasts, entrenched in different directions in Chaos City.

"In Chaos City, there are many super beings." The receptionist turned back and said, "Don't disturb them in comprehending the original laws. Once you disturb them, we can only send you out of the initial universe and end this opportunity to comprehend. "

A group of people nodded.

Receive the envoy and go directly to an uninhabited small building next to it.

"There are many small buildings in Chaos City. The door is light white, which means there is no owner here." The receptionist pointed to the door, "As long as you put your hands on the door for a moment, the sensor system in the door will automatically activate, turning the door into a In dark gray, you automatically become the owner of this house and the information is automatically recorded. Each person can only choose one residence."

As he said this, he received the messenger and arrived on the rooftop.

The rooftop is quite large, nearly 100 meters long and wide, enough for a thousand people to stand.

"These are attribute bubbles?!" Luo Yuan saw many engraved pictures and texts on the rooftop, and there were actually golden attribute bubbles on these pictures and texts.

Luo Yuan picked one up without leaving a trace, and the system prompted that it turned out to be a ray of space origin law. "

"This engraved picture actually contains the original law of space." Luo Yuan's eyes showed surprise.

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(End of this chapter)

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