Chapter 138 I want it all
  Initial universe, Chaos City.

Luo Yuan's mental power swept over and picked up the golden law attribute bubbles. These were the inscribed words left by countless powerful people in the past. Their understanding of the laws was quite complex, but he sensed that there were very few people with law attribute bubbles, which also reflected the difficulty of understanding the laws.

"Okay, time is precious, don't waste it."

The black-robed messenger immediately jumped down from the rooftop and landed on the ground below. He was immediately followed by the other 1000 geniuses who all jumped down. Like dumplings, they landed directly in front of the villa building. on the broad street.

"Follow me to the City Lord's Mansion." The black-robed messenger said, "That is where the City Lord lives, and it is also the core of the entire Chaos City."

"Lord of Chaos City?" Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows, this is a peerless power.

The black-robed envoy in front said as he walked: "You are just temporary residents of Chaos City. The universe level has a 30-year residence limit. Of course, if you have the ability, you can become permanent residents and have many special permissions. It is just difficult to log in." sky."

The young people were shocked, and some couldn't help but asked: "Then how do you become a permanent resident?"

The black-robed messenger smiled and said, "As long as you make great contributions or have super strength, you can become a permanent resident as long as you are recognized by the alliance."

Luo Yuan in the crowd thought, the alliance should be the alliance of the five giants that manage Chaos City, but it is difficult to get their recognition. After all, there are internal conflicts among the five giants.

"May I ask, what are the specific conditions for being recognized by the alliance?" shouted Uka, Prince of Manka Star, from the crowd.

"The conditions are very harsh." The black-robed messenger smiled, "You will know what the conditions are when you become immortal. There is no point in asking now."

The geniuses were speechless for a while after hearing this. The black-robed messenger only spoke half of what he said, which made them feel itchy in their hearts.


The black-robed messenger leading the bustling crowd of young people of all races walking down the street was indeed a sight to behold.

But Luo Yuan discovered that among the powerful men meditating on the rooftops of the villas on both sides of the street, only a handful of them opened their eyes to look at them. Most of them were immersed in cultivation and enlightenment.

Many people's beards and hair have grown very long, as if they haven't been trimmed for hundreds and thousands of years.

Most of them are a group of ascetics who have not reached immortality. They just sit here and understand the laws on their own. Maybe they turn into dust before they understand the laws. You must know that without immortality, your lifespan is limited.

To go against the will, you must endure loneliness and control your desires.


"Ahead is the City Lord's Mansion." The black-robed messenger suddenly pointed forward and said.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was a majestic and stern building about three hundred meters high. From a distance, they could see the three most dazzling characters of the City Lord's Mansion in Universal Language - 'City Lord's Mansion'.

Looking at the handwriting, I couldn't help but be drawn in, as if the inside of the handwriting formed a space of its own, a universe of its own. My whole spirit felt like it was constantly being sucked into the cosmic space inside the handwriting. I was so scared. The geniuses quickly lowered their heads and did not dare to look again.

"The three characters "City Lord's Mansion" need to be read once, don't read them too often." The black-robed messenger smiled, "This will make you feel trance-like. Even immortal beings generally don't dare to stare at them all the time."

The geniuses nodded, feeling more in awe of which Chaos City Lord.


Look close, walk far. Even if the geniuses walked very fast, it took several minutes to reach the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. At a glance, they could see that there were often envoys in black robes coming and going throughout the City Lord's Mansion, and occasionally some immortal beings and world lords could be seen. Entering and exiting the city lord's mansion.

"Chaos City is the only city in the original universe." The black-robed messenger smiled, "In Chaos City, there are three treasures."  "Everyone knows that the first treasure among these three treasures is naturally the universe that can be seen by the naked eye. operating rules.

As for this second treasure, it is in the city, and it is in the city lord's palace.

The third treasure is outside Chaos City. "

"What kind of treasure is it?" A group of young people couldn't help but ask.

The black-robed messenger solemnly said, "In our Chaos City, there are 52 most precious Chaos Steles. Each Chaos Stele records a large number of mysterious patterns and so on. These 52 Chaos Steles are 52 avenues of cultivation, leading directly to The pinnacle of avenues!
  If you understand the Chaos Monument, you will directly become a true super being in the universe. Even if you want to open up a universe country, it will be easy. "

Thousands of young men and women were all excited when they heard this. 52 The Chaos Monument contains the road to the top. If you understand it thoroughly, you can open up the universe. Why does it sound so mysterious?

"These 52 Chaos Steles are the second treasure of our Chaos City." The black-robed messenger smiled, "As for the third is just outside Chaos City. There is a detailed description on the stone monument at the gate of the city. You can go and see it yourself. Just know it.”

A group of people were looking forward to it. The first treasure and the second treasure are of great benefit to everyone, and this third treasure is probably not much different.

"52 Chaos Monuments." The black-robed messenger said, "Every cultivator who enters the initial universe has a chance to enlighten, and each person has seven days to enlighten!"

"Seven days?" A group of people stared. So short?

"The Chaos Monument is the greatest treasure of us humans. It conveys the road to the highest peak more clearly than any secret method. Seven days of enlightenment is enough for you."

The black-robed messenger immediately walked towards the main entrance of the City Lord's Mansion, "Come in, prepare to choose to view the Chaos Monument."


The City Lord's Mansion occupies a large area. Even the rooftop of an ordinary cultivation residence is a hundred meters long and wide. You can imagine how big the City Lord's Mansion is.

"Each person can only choose one Chaos Monument for observation and enlightenment." The black-robed messenger led Luo Yuan and the others to a dreamy corridor.

There are huge pictures hanging on the walls on both sides of the corridor. Luo Yuan knew with one glance that there were 52 pictures in total.

"There are 52 rubbing pictures hanging on the wall of the corridor. Each picture corresponds to a Chaos Monument. You should take a look first.

Looking at these pictures, although the pictures cannot convey the atmosphere contained in the Chaos Monument, they can still give you a sense of it. Just look at these 52 pictures... and then decide which Chaos Monument to choose. "The black-robed messenger said.

A group of young people looked dumbfounded at the pictures on the walls on both sides of the corridor. It turned out that they chose which Chaos Monument to look at based on the pictures. Each picture is a standard ten meters long and ten meters wide, and there is a name next to the picture.

"I'll give you half an hour." The black-robed messenger stood at the outside of the corridor.

Luo Yuan's eyes swept from picture to picture. He could see that these 52 pictures were actually the great masters who embodied various laws through pictures, and then let the latecomers look at the pictures and understand the true meaning of the rules. It was a pity that these pictures did not fall out of the attribute bubbles. It's probably just the rubbing plate.

However, Luo Yuan practices the law of all attributes, so he actually wants to pick up all 52 Chaos Tablets. Unfortunately, Chaos City stipulates that everyone can only comprehend one Chaos Tablet. Chaos City stipulates this because it is afraid that geniuses will be too ambitious and mistakenly Going astray is not a problem for Luo Yuan.

He thought about it again, if he could pass the third floor of Tongtian Bridge, he could go to various dojos where the kings were granted immortality to attend classes. In this way, picking up the law attributes would also be very impressive.

Each of the 1000 geniuses looked like extremely hungry wolves, their eyes shining as they stared at the pictures. Before, everyone was unhappy about choosing the Chaos Monument for viewing pictures, but after viewing it, everyone became addicted to it.

(End of this chapter)

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