I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 139 One sword melts all kinds of magic

Chapter 139 One sword merges all methods

"Have you decided which Chaos Monument to choose?"

The black-robed messenger walked from the outermost edge of the corridor and asked each genius about their choice.

Luo Yuan, who was in the crowd behind, had a dull expression, because no matter which Chaos Monument he chose, it was the same to him. Anyway, he had decided to catch all the ten original laws, and he would definitely be the strongest person by then.

When the black-robed messenger walked up to Luo Yuan, he said calmly: "I choose the "Heart Scar Chaos Monument"!"

The messenger nodded when he heard the words, and the screen on his arm instantly recorded it, and then walked towards the others.

After a while, Luo Feng came over and asked: "Third brother, we are all spiritual control masters, why did you choose the Chaos Monument, the warrior's sword technique?"

Luo Yuan smiled and said: "This "Heart Mark Chaos Monument" has 10081 knife marks on it. Each knife mark is a set of peerless sword techniques. It can be said to interpret the ultimate in sword techniques. As a warrior, I have always been the best. flaw, so I chose this."

"It's a pity that I chose the "Nine Yus Chaos Monument" which is most suitable for the Divine Weapon. I also want to choose a school with Third Brother." Luo Feng frowned.

"It's okay. Let's have some time to discuss and exchange ideas. In this way, I can also learn the ultimate control method of the Yanshen Weapon, and you can also learn the ultimate sword technique." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"Well, that's not bad!" Luo Feng nodded when he heard this. In fact, he was also debating whether to choose "Nine Yus Chaos Monument" or "Heart Mark Chaos Monument" just now.

Luo Yuan laughed in his heart. He planned to learn all 52 Chaos Tablets. People here need to sit still and understand the laws, and he only needs to pick up the attributes of the laws everywhere. 30 years in Chaos City is enough for him. .

Wait until everyone has chosen the Chaos Monument.

After the black-robed messenger walked to the end of the corridor and finished recording, he turned around and said with a smile: "I have sent your choices, come with me."

Luo Yuan and other 1000 people followed the black-robed messenger to leave the corridor and continue deeper. In a moment, they arrived at an empty training ground in the city lord's palace. The training ground was very empty, with a length and width of dozens of kilometers. If it were an ordinary person on earth, You can't see the end at a glance, but of course Luo Yuan and the others can see it clearly.

An empty training ground. 1000 people gathered together, and the black-robed messenger stood in front of them.

"There are currently 52 Chaos Monuments in the secret chambers, 12 of which are occupied, and the other 40 chambers are empty." The black-robed messenger looked at the group of people in front of him,

"Now, I will tell you the names of these 40 Chaos Monuments..."

""Yanshan Chaos Monument", "Heartscar Chaos Monument"..." The black-robed messenger quickly reported the names of forty Chaos Monuments in one breath.

"If you choose these 40 Chaos Monuments, go directly to the entrance on the far left in front. You will be arranged to enter each secret room."

The black-robed messenger pointed to the distance. On the left side of the end of the training ground, there was an entrance nearly thirty meters high. "Go over now."

As soon as the black-robed messenger finished speaking, more than 40 geniuses turned into streams of light and headed towards the entrance of the Chaos Monuments.

"Fourth, you guys are also quite unlucky. I'll go first. You guys wait here!" After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he disappeared from everyone's eyes and appeared in front of the more than 800 people in the blink of an eye.

When Luo Feng heard Luo Feng's teasing words, he wanted to roll his eyes at first, but when he saw Luo Yuan's teleportation technique, he was shocked on the spot, and his eyes widened.

"Oh my God, to what extent has Third Brother understood the original laws of space? Wasn't it teleportation just now?"

The black-robed envoy on the side smiled when he heard this and said: "It's not teleportation, it's just that the speed has reached a limit, but it's not far from teleportation. His Highness Luo Yuan is truly worthy of being the top one in this genius competition. Talent is truly terrifying!"     …

In an endless chaotic space, Luo Yuan crossed a layer of light curtain and came here. At a glance, he saw an ancient stone tablet standing in the center of this space. The stone tablet looked ordinary, but there were 10081 on it. There are knife marks, each knife mark is like an independent space, and there is a peerless strong man showing off his sword skills.

Some sword techniques are fierce and domineering, and can cut through the void and shatter the galaxy with a single blow; some sword techniques are gentle and gentle, but hidden with murderous intent. When the blade passes, the space is shattered, and everything is cut; there are also strong people whose light and shadow directly come from The sword energy shoots out from the hand, and when the sword energy passes through, all things are wiped out, and the universe becomes silent...

"Wonderful! They actually integrate space or other original laws into the sword technique, and the power is terrifying." Luo Yuan couldn't help but praise.

Although Luo Yuan could comprehend it on his own, he only had seven days, so he decided to rely on the system to pick up attributes quickly.

"This Chaos Monument didn't drop out of the attribute bubble on its own. Do you still need me to attack it?" Luo Yuan looked at the Chaos Monument carefully for a while and muttered in his heart.

Luo Yuan had no choice but to take out a fifth-level force weapon "Zhankong Dao" from his storage ring.

He held the handle of the long sword with his right hand, and then swung it casually, slashing down into the sky with one move. Suddenly, a sharp sword light of 10,000 meters long tore through the void and disappeared. The next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of the Chaos Monument, and then slashed fiercely. On the stone tablet, the Chaos Tablet remained motionless, leaving no trace at all.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but frowned when he saw this, but after a while, he relaxed his brows because he saw several golden attribute bubbles falling from the Chaos Monument, and he quickly picked them up with mental strength.

"Pick up a strand of the original law of gold."

"Pick up a ray of the original law of space."

"Pick up the secret technique of "Galaxy Knife"."

"Pick up the secret technique of "The Flying Knife of Nirvana"."


"Hahaha, not bad, not bad."

Luo Yuan smiled, and then began to wave the Sky-Zhancing Knife in his hand vigorously. Suddenly, the space was full of knife energy, and countless knife lights struck the "Heart Scar Chaos Monument".

As Luo Yuan picked up the rules, sword skills and their true meanings and integrated them into his body, his sword skills became stronger and stronger. Now even if he only uses "Open Sky", he will automatically transform into hundreds of thousands of swords once he strikes. Sword techniques attack, and each sword technique is a peerless sword technique on this "Heart Scar Chaos Monument".


In a desolate star field, there is a simple palace on an uninhabited planet. Deep in the palace, an old man suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying aura spread out. There seemed to be endless galaxies flowing in the old man's eyes. He He is the guardian of these 52 Chaos Monuments, a peerless power.

But the old man frowned at this time, showing a strange expression, and was still muttering to himself: "What is this little guy named Luo Yuan doing? Others are seriously studying the Chaos Monument, but he is hacking at the Chaos Monument.

But this sword technique is very interesting. Can one sword combine all the techniques? He is really a boy with terrifying potential. Maybe given enough time, he can really integrate the 10081 sword techniques on this "Heart Scar Chaos Monument" into his own sword. In the law.

Forget it, this little guy can't break the Chaos Monument anyway. Maybe this is his special training method, so I don't care. "

After the old man finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, and his aura disappeared, like an eternal rock.

(End of this chapter)

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