I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 143 The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom Recruits Disciples

Chapter 143 The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom Recruits Disciples
  Luo Yuan read the 52 emails and then looked at the twenty or so call applications. He was a little hesitant to answer them, but after thinking for a while, since the applicants had extremely high authority and were probably important people, he couldn't refute them. In order to save face, he would still keep a low profile in this universe in the future, so he clicked on one of them casually and waited for the connection.

Luo Yuan stood up, and a large screen formed in front of him. After the call was connected, the large screen in front of him actually showed a starry sky. Although the screen was separated, it felt like he was really facing the endless galaxy. Suddenly A black shadow appeared in the starry sky, and then kept getting closer. Suddenly, a heart-shaking pressure was transmitted directly through the screen, which shocked Luo Yuan.

The five-story void tower in Luo Yuan's consciousness sea rotated rapidly, and the invisible power spread out to resist the pressure for him, so on the surface he just frowned and did not show an ugly posture.

"Little guy, you have a good will." Suddenly a gentle man's voice sounded in Luo Yuan's mind.

Luo Yuan looked carefully and saw the man's face. He was an elegant middle-aged man with a majestic appearance. The man was looking at Luo Yuan with a smile. There were stars in his eyes. It seemed that every inch of his skin was made of law runes. People will be deeply attracted by it at a glance.

"Who are you?" Luo Feng held his breath and asked respectfully.

"Me?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I am the leader of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom. Are you surprised? I don't know if the appearance I transformed is in line with the image in your mind."

"Well, meet the king!" Luo Yuan saluted respectfully. He felt that this big boss was a little different from what he imagined. However, when they reached the realm of the universe master, it no longer mattered what they looked like. Their images could be transformed into thousands of things. .

"Well, Luo Yuan, I've actually been following you for a long time. From the time you rose to prominence in the Killing Fields to the time you broke through the fifth floor of the overpass, you are really excellent and are always breaking through my ratings of you. It's just that I I’m very curious as to why you dabble in the ten original laws at the same time. If you multitask like this, you won’t be able to last long.” The leader of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom said with some confusion.

Luo Yuan smiled when he heard this. He didn't expect that there would be a big boss paying attention to him. He thought for a while and said: "I just think that the ten original laws are part of the operating laws of the universe. If you can understand them all, there will be If the opportunity merges into the legendary ultimate law - the Law of Chaos, then the road ahead will be smoother."

When the leader of Ganwu Universe Kingdom heard this, his eyes widened and he looked at Luo Yuan in shock, who had kept a calm expression. After a while, he calmed down and said solemnly: "Luo Yuan, although I don't know you are How did you know the existence of this law of chaos, but your ambition is even beyond my expectations.

Even the Lord of Chaos City will be shocked by what you said, but I still want to advise you not to bite off more than you can chew. For the sake of the future, you should choose one or two original laws to understand. Of course, this is just me. Personal suggestions, you can consider it. "

"Well, I will consider it." Luo Yuan smiled, but he had already planned to pick up the ten original laws. The laws of chaos can only be mastered by the saint-level chaos master, but if he starts from the beginning If he goes down this road, his future achievements will be limitless. With system plug-ins, he is afraid of biting off more than he can chew.

"Well, Luo Yuan, I intend to accept you as my disciple, are you willing?" The leader of Ganwu Universe Kingdom paused for a while, and then said seriously.

When Luo Yuan heard this, he secretly thought that the real drama was coming. Then he pretended to think seriously for a while and said, "I want to ask, what will I get if I become my disciple?"

Hearing this, the leader of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom smiled. He felt that it would be a good idea to recruit Luo Yuan as his disciple, so he replied: "With your talent, after you reach the immortal level, you may be accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Chaos City, so in During this period, I can provide you with anything and shelter you need, as long as it is what I can give. I can also leave a consciousness clone in the virtual universe to guide you in your practice.

You should have received more than twenty call requests now. These are actually the veteran Universe Masters who also want to accept you as their disciples. However, as a senior executive of the Virtual Universe Company, I secretly used my authority to influence your choice of the first call request. The target, that is to say, no matter who you choose in the first call application, it will be me after the connection. I am still a six-star member of Hongmeng. It is best for you to choose me. ”    Luo Yuan couldn’t help but smile awkwardly after hearing the words of the leader of the Ganwu Universe Country. This leader was a poor man who owed a huge sum of money. He was known as the “money-possessed leader”, but he actually said that he could provide him with everything he wanted. Whatever he needed, Luo Yuan still planned to accept his invitation to become a disciple.

After all, no matter what, the leader of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom is an extremely ancient venerable, with unimaginable power and background. Moreover, after talking to the leader, I feel that this person is not bad, and he is better than those who can only worship the title. The geniuses that Wang Wuwu has as his teacher are much better.

Moreover, Luo Yuan himself also came from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom. With the status of master and apprentice of the Lord of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, it will be much easier for him to do many things in the future. When he becomes stronger in the future, he can also let the Lord of Chaos City accept him. As a direct disciple, I won’t go sideways when the time comes.

So Luo Yuan smiled and said: "I agreed, but you can help block those twenty or so venerables. I can't afford to offend them!"

"Well, don't worry, you will be my fifth direct disciple from now on. I will find a time for you to formally become a disciple, and by the way, I will introduce you to my other four disciples. They are all venerables!" Ganwu Universe After speaking, Guo Guozhu blinked, then went offline with a smile.


Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

Thunder Island is the immortal center of Virtual Universe Corporation, the true highest-level center.

"What will be the result of this group of 1000 geniuses breaking through the overpass?" The man in blue shirt and purple scales sitting on the throne was condescending, his voice booming echoed in this huge temple. He had been distracted by other things. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to reports from subordinates.

"Your Majesty."

Below stood a strong man with a lion's head who looked like an iron tower giant and was covered with golden fur. At this moment, he was respectfully reporting, "Of this group of 1000 geniuses, 997 people failed to pass the overpass. Luo Yuan successfully passed the fifth floor. Bo Lan successfully passed two floors, and Rong Jun successfully passed one. Looking at the video of breaking through the overpass, other members of the Taichu District also performed very well, such as Luo Feng, Qian Shui, and Wuka. They were very good compared with the geniuses. The progress has been great.”

"Oh, this little guy named Luo Yuan must be the top one in this genius battle. He broke through the first five floors of Tongtian Bridge in a row. He deserves the title of the strongest newcomer. No wonder that guy Gan Wu just wanted to do it at a huge cost. It's really interesting to secretly use your authority to accept him as your disciple. Give me the video of Luo Yuan's battle to break through the overpass!" the man in blue shirt and purple scales ordered.

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(End of this chapter)

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