I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 144 Appearances of All Living Beings

Chapter 144 Appearances of All Living Beings

"Send me the battle video of Luo Yuan crossing the Tongtian Bridge." The Lord of Nine Swords, wearing a blue robe and purple scales, ordered.

"As you command, Your Majesty." The lion-headed man respectfully forwarded the video.

Immediately, a large screen appeared in the mighty temple, and Luo Yuan's battle video began to play on the screen. On the three floors in front of the Tongtian Bridge, Luo Yuan directly used the fourth level of the Divine Weapon to crush him. And they all kill the enemy with one move, ruthlessly and decisively, without any delay, and it takes less than a minute to get through three levels in a row.

Then there are the self-created peerless sword techniques on the fourth level. Each sword contains thousands of shocking sword techniques of the Xinhen school, and also integrates the original laws of space, time, metal, wind, etc. This makes the usually calm Jiu Master Jian couldn't help but look brilliant.

There was also the illusion secret realm on the fifth level, which actually had no effect on Luo Yuan. The last gatekeeper was killed by a mental shock from Luo Yuan.

"Wonderful, this Luo Yuan is indeed very outstanding. He has extremely high attainments in the fields of warrior, mental control master, and mental illusionist. He also has a deep understanding of the ten original laws and can be called an all-rounder. No wonder Qian Wu is the main master of the country. Paying such a high price to accept him as a disciple, that guy hasn't accepted a disciple for a long time.

However, although this Luo Yuan is now called an all-rounder, this road to the sky is difficult to walk. After all, countless geniuses from eons have tried, and either encountered bottlenecks and stopped moving forward, or even ended up inferior to those who only practiced one law. Ordinary geniuses either let go of their attachments and specialize in one or two laws. So I have some expectations about how far this Luo Yuan can go. "

Lord Nine Swords touched his chin and smiled.

The lion-headed man below could not help but be shocked when he heard this. He had followed the Lord of Nine Swords for hundreds of millions of years, and had seen tens of thousands of countless peerless geniuses. There had never been a genius who had received such high praise and attention from the Lord of Nine Swords. , which also made him interested in this little guy named Luo Yuan, and he should pay more attention to him in the future.


In Chaos City, the seventh floor of the nine-story tower.

The strong ape-man ‘King Zhenyan’ wearing golden battle armor was talking to the snake-tailed woman King Wuni.

"Among the newly promoted geniuses this time, two of them were accepted as disciples by the Lord of the Universe. Among them, Luo Yuan, the strongest newcomer, was accepted as a disciple by the Lord of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom. And I heard that the Lord spent a lot of money on it. The price was high, and it was achieved by secretly using high-level authority to gain the upper hand.

I don't think this is strange. After all, this little guy named Luo Yuan is the target of more than twenty veteran sages vying to be his disciple. Even I, King Zhenyan, am not qualified to be his teacher. "King Zhenyan, who was wearing golden armor, said with a somewhat self-deprecating smile.

"King Zhenyan, why is this so? This little guy named Luo Yuan is indeed very good, but his outstanding performance now does not mean that he will be the same in the future. Besides, this little guy is learning so many things at the same time. It is difficult to say whether he can go far in the future. If nothing else, let’s just say that it is very strange for the Lord of the Yuanchen Universe to come to Chaos City and accept Rong Jun as his disciple. Anyway, I don’t see anything in this Rong Jun that is worthy of the attention of the ancient sages." Snake Tail The female King Wuni said coldly.

"Well, what King Wu Ni said makes sense. Let's see. I can't understand Rong Jun either. But I found that there is a good guy named Luo Feng among the geniuses this time. He suits my taste very well. I plan to give him some advice. Give him a break." After King Zhenyan said that, he went to send an email to Luo Feng.

At the same time, the other founders of the Chaos City, the Immortal King Immortals, are also talking about Luo Yuan and Rong Jun, but they are more optimistic about Luo Yuan. Although Luo Yuan has a wide range of interests, he can reach the highest level in every aspect. level, which also shows that he is extraordinary.


Virtual Universe, Yuxiangshan Public Area. At this time, Luo Yuan was having dinner with Luo Feng, Rong Jun, Wuka, Qian Shui, Bolan and others in a luxurious restaurant. Prince Wuka was still treating them, and they were eating delicious food and chatting happily.

"Come, let's celebrate Luo Yuan and Rong Jun being accepted as disciples by the Lord of the Universe. This is a rare occurrence in billions of years. Cheers!" Prince Uka stood up and raised his glass with a smile.

Several people present also raised their glasses to drink together.

"By the way, third brother, how did you manage to get through the fifth floor of the overpass in one breath? I didn't even get through the first floor." Luo Feng sat next to Luo Yuan and asked curiously.

"Haha, of course it's crushing strength. My divine weapon has been trained to the sixth level and has become a world of its own. Those gatekeepers are only at the second and third levels, and they haven't been smashed into scum by me." Luo Yuan laughed and said, In fact, he picked up the attributes and picked up the sixth level of the Divine Weapon. After all, he often diverted his consciousness to the decisive battle space of the Killing Fields to challenge the peerless geniuses from all walks of life in a targeted manner.

"What, third brother, you have cultivated to the sixth level of the Yanshen Weapon to create a world of its own? I have only cultivated to the third level. Third brother is indeed amazing, I give you a toast!"

Luo Feng was very shocked. He felt that the gap between himself and Luo Yuan was getting farther and farther, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and decided to practice hard next, with his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Third brother, do you have time to guide me?" Luo Feng asked expectantly.

"No problem, I'm actually quite free." Luo Yuan said with a smile. When he said these words, several other geniuses couldn't help but roll their eyes. They felt that Luo Yuan was showing off, but they still raised their glasses one by one. congratulate.

"Actually, I have long noticed that Luo Yuan is different. If nothing else, he has always been calm and composed along the way. I have never seen him forced into a desperate situation." Uka said with a smile. .

"It's true, when I had the final match with him, I tried my best not to break open his Chaos Domain, but was whipped to death by the power of various laws. I almost shut myself down at that time." Savage Rong Jun was a little agitated. Xin Xinran said, and the burly man who was several meters tall was so frightened that his body began to tremble, which caused several people present to laugh.


The next day, Luo Yuan came out of his private training residence. He was going to the dojos of the 52 sect masters corresponding to the 52 Chaos Monuments to pick up attributes. Of course, in name only, he was going to attend classes. Because Luo Yuan originally chose the "Hearthen Chaos Monument", the first place he went to should be the dojo of the leaders of the Hearthen sect.

The first dojo that Luo Yuan went to was the dojo of the strongest sect leader of the Xinhen sect, titled "King of Sword Desolation". This sect leader was at the peak of the Immortal King's strength. He had existed for nine billion years and had peerless sword skills. He is also famous in the circle of kings, but this person is very low-key. Although he looks carefree, he is thoughtful.

When King Daohuang saw Luo Yuan coming to his dojo to attend classes, he was very happy, but it was a pity that he was not qualified to accept Luo Yuan as his disciple, because the fact that Luo Yuan was accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Ganwu had long been widely accepted by the Lord of Ganwu. I have told you that even if King Daohuang is unwilling, he will not dare to compete with the ancient venerable Lord of the Wu Kingdom to steal his apprentice. However, as long as Luo Yuan comes to attend the lecture, King Daohuang will explain it with extra care, hoping to leave a mark in Luo Yuan's heart. good impression.

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(End of this chapter)

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