Chapter 146 Chaos Divine Body
  Chaos City, the inner palace of the city lord, ‘Chaos Ruins’.


A voice full of majesty and majesty sounded in this infinite space. This was the voice of the Lord of Chaos City, the supreme ruler of Chaos City.

"Teacher, the disciple is here!"

A bald man wearing a fiery red shirt suddenly appeared in the Chaos Ruins. He bowed respectfully to the Chaos City Lord on the high seat. Then the Chaos City Lord said a few words to the bald man. The bald man looked surprised, but still He nodded and left respectfully. He walked out of the city lord's palace and looked in the direction of Luo Yuan, showing an unexplainable smile.


Chaos City, above the rooftop of Luo Yuan's private practice residence.

Ten sky-reaching light beams of different colors shot down from the sky and reflected on Luo Yuan. Countless laws and secret patterns entangled him and intertwined him, making him look like a colorful planet. Luo Yuan's body was at the center of the planet. The power of law is constantly poured into his body, transforming his body and soul.

Gradually, Luo Yuan's body and soul began to have secret patterns of the law, which were densely packed. Each of his life factors was integrated into the power of the law. His whole person looked as if it was constructed from the origin of the law, and he began to break away from the naked eye. The mortal body transformed into the legendary chaotic divine body, echoing the origin of the universe.

A sense of boundless relief came, and Luo Yuan felt as if he had returned to his mother's womb stage, swimming in the ocean of the ten original laws. He was warm and free, and the shackles of heaven and earth were relaxed a lot. The original structure of the universe was presented in his mind one by one, incomparably mysterious.

"It turns out that this is how the universe and all things are, and this is how the rules of heaven and earth are formulated..."

The secrets of the universe are clearly visible to Luo Yuan's consciousness. If he has strong strength, it is even possible to construct a small universe. Of course, it is just an embryo imitating the existing universe, but this is already very scary.

The transformation of Luo Yuan's body by the ten original laws lasted for a full year before it ended. His Chaos Divine Body was finally completed. Of course, it was only in the initial stage. The beam formed by the final laws dissipated.

A golden wheel mark slowly appeared on the center of Luo Yuan's eyebrows. There were ten secret patterns of the original laws flowing on the golden wheel. This mark on the center of the eyebrows had faint fluctuations of the laws that made people feel heart-beating. This was after being recognized by the original laws. A sign!

Suddenly there was a spatial fluctuation on the rooftop where Luo Yuan was, and a bald man in a fiery red shirt suddenly appeared. His eyes widened when he looked at the golden wheel mark between Luo Yuan's eyebrows, but then he calmed down, as if something had happened. Thinking about it, he had never seen this kind of law mark between Luo Yuan's eyebrows, and Luo Yuan's whole body seemed to be covered by a layer of extremely rich chaos energy, which was impossible to see through.

Luo Yuan was shocked when he saw the sudden appearance of the bald man. This man appeared silently beside him, completely unprepared, but judging from the aura exuding from his body, he was probably a venerable man.

"Meet the venerable!" Luo Yuan quickly bowed and saluted. Regardless of whether he recognized him or not, he still had to maintain a minimum of respect when facing the powerful.

"Haha, no need to be polite, you can call me Lord Guiyi, I am the direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos City!" The bald man wearing a fiery red shirt introduced himself with a smile.

Luo Yuan was stunned. The direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos actually came to him in person. Could it be that he wanted to accept him as his disciple.

"You must have guessed that the teacher intends to accept you as his disciple, but there is a condition!" Master Guiyi smiled, but there was a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Oh, what are the conditions?" Luo Yuan also became interested.

"You are the first person in history to be recognized by the ten original laws at the cosmic level at the same time. The teacher is full of expectations for your future, but recognition of the laws is not enough. You also need to go to the original Tongtian Mountain. Of course, you only need Just get through the cosmic level." Venerable Guiyi said,
  "Original Tongtian Mountain? I also want to try it. There seems to be a huge points reward." Luo Yuan said with a smile. "That's right, but you have to wait until you reach the realm lord level to get it. The teacher has a disciple named Kedi, who is also our junior brother. He is known as the number one genius in hundreds of millions of eras. He is the universe level, domain lord, and realm lord in all three periods. Passing directly through the primitive Tongtian Mountain, encountering magical encounters that defy the heavens, and even make other ethnic groups tremble on the battlefield outside the territory. During the realm lord period, you can kill the lord-level immortals!
  But in the end, he died directly in the secret realm of the universe. When he died, he was at the peak of the realm master, and he was assassinated by a foreign race. "Sir Gui Yi said with regret.

Luo Yuan did not speak, because he knew that for this person, a genius was just a genius after all, and the one who survived to the end was the winner.

Venerable Guiyi said again: "I have conveyed the teacher's words. After you break through the original Tongtian Mountain and formally become your teacher, I will introduce you to other senior brothers and sisters. Come on, little one!"

After Lord Guiyi finished speaking, his figure also disappeared.

Luo Yuan smiled. He stretched. After sitting for a year, he went directly to take a bath, then went to the virtual space to discuss the origin of life with Jiang Fang, and then made an appointment with Luo Feng, Rong Jun, and Wuka. Waiting for dinner.


Virtual Universe, Yuxiangshan Public Area, a luxury restaurant.

Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, Rong Jun, Wuka, Qian Shui and others were drinking and talking in a private room.

"Luo Yuan, your reputation has soared this year. You are like a thunderbolt in the four secret realms. You have been recognized by the ten original laws at the cosmic level. The terrifying scene of the ten original laws has made all the geniuses gasp. I'm out of breath!" Uka had a look of admiration on his face.

"Hahaha, it's not bad. Luo Feng is not bad either. After sitting there for ten years, he broke through the third level as soon as he came out." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"Third brother, don't underestimate me. I can't compete with you." Luo Feng waved his hand.

"Luo Feng, I am very optimistic about you. Your will and character are very good. If you have time, you can go to your elder brother and ask him to teach you how to improve your state of mind. Although I have learned it, I can't understand it. After all, I am a Ordinary people cannot achieve his saint-like state of mind," Luo Yuan said.

Luo Feng nodded when he heard this. Hong's three-level mind cultivation method is indeed very powerful.

Luo Yuan will next prepare to break into the original Tongtian Mountain, a place that is said to be insurmountable.


The virtual universe specially opens up a dimensional space.

There is a vast land in space, and there are three towering mountains on the vast land, one higher than the other!

"Is this the plane of Tongtian Mountain?" Luo Yuan, carrying a long dark golden stick on his back, looked up at the three towering mountains. Halfway up the mountains, there were two golden words - Tiandi, Taichu - ,original! Among them, the original Tongtian Mountain is even more majestic and taller!
  Luo Yuan turned into a stream of light and flew directly to the original Tongtian Mountain. This mountain is thousands of miles high, majestic and mysterious. It is divided into three levels: the foot of the mountain, the mountainside, and the top of the mountain. There are three gatekeepers on each level. You only need to kill them all to break through. Pass.

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(End of this chapter)

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