Chapter 147 Immortal Combat Power
  Virtual universe, original Tongtian Mountain.

A stream of light stopped at the foot of the mountain, it was Luo Yuan who was fully armed.

Luo Yuan looked ahead. At the foot of the mountain in the distance lay a burly tauren with horns. Next to this tauren was a terrifying giant axe. At the same time, he was snoring like thunder and drooling from the corner of his mouth. The cow hair on his face slowly dripped down, forming threads, dripping onto the dark rocks next to him.

"Hey, Tauren, I'm here to break into the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain!" Luo Yuan shouted unceremoniously.

The tauren was startled. He opened his drowsy bull eyes and looked at Luo Yuan, then he jumped up suddenly.

"Haha, I finally have someone to play with me." The tauren laughed, and at the same time raised his head and shouted, "White-skinned ape, slutty woman, come here quickly!"

The sound rolled and echoed.

  From the other two directions at the foot of the original Tongtian Mountain, a figure flew in. The one flying from the left was a lean ape-man wearing silver armor and golden hair. It was carrying a black bamboo pole on its back. And flying from a distance on the right is a strange woman wrapped in translucent gauze and with the body of a snake tail.

"Haha, a cow, a monkey, and a snake are not enough for me to chop down. I don't know what the people who created Tongtian Mountain thought." Luo Yuan laughed.

When the three people guarding the gate heard this, they suddenly became angry. They felt that the kid in front of them was here to cause trouble and didn't take them to heart at all.

"So arrogant, let me see where you come from." When the seductive snake girl spoke, her long and scary tongue would stick out from time to time. Then she glanced at Luo Yuan with a pair of watery and foxy eyes, "So it's you. His Highness Luo Yuan from the original secret realm, a newcomer, dares to come to Tongtian Mountain, and his attitude is so arrogant, the three of us will not show mercy."

"Okay, I'm in a hurry, you three can come together!" Luo Yuan raised his fingers provocatively at the three of them.

Upon hearing this, the three of them stopped holding back and decided to use all their strength to let the boy in front of them know how powerful they were. The tauren directly raised his giant ax and struck at Luo Yuan, carrying the rich law of the origin of gold, and cracks appeared in the space. Unfortunately, Luo Yuan easily dodged it.

The ape-man quickly lengthened a black bamboo pole and swept it towards Luo Yuan. As a result, it was cut in half by the air-cutting knife in Luo Yuan's hand. Finally, the snake girl's eyes flashed purple, and she activated her mental illusion and looked towards Luo Yuan. , Luo Yuan directly activated the "World-Destroying Divine Eye" and glared, the snake girl's head exploded on the spot, and her body fell to the ground.

"Hey, it's boring, you are too weak!"

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, his figure flashed twice, and the bodies of the tauren and the ape-man were immediately separated, and blood spurted out. Luo Yuan did not stop and rushed directly towards the mountainside of the second pass.

After a while, the minotaur, ape-man, and snake girl on the ground came to life again. They looked at Luo Yuan's leaving figure in shock.

"This is just a newcomer, but he killed three of us so quickly. What a terrifying strength!" Snake Girl said with narrowed eyes.

"It's not surprising. He killed both of us in the end. He just used teleportation. The cosmic level has mastered teleportation. I dare not guess his future." The ape and the tauren looked at each other, with fear and expectation in their eyes. .

The gatekeepers on the mountainside were still the tauren, the ape and the snake girl, but they were a little stronger than the three at the foot of the mountain. However, Luo Yuan was too lazy to waste time with them and just used teleportation to kill them.

When Luo Yuan arrived at the top of the third floor, he found that the three people guarding the gate had directly opened the field, and the fields of these three people could be merged into a combined field. This made Luo Yuan a little interested, and the tauren directly transformed. The thousand-foot-long giant carried two giant axes and was so powerful under the blessing of the domain. The ape-man also turned the bamboo pole in his hand into a huge pillar reaching the sky and smashed it towards Luo Yuan. The snake girl's eyes were filled with purple light, and her telepathy magic was activated to the maximum.

"This is interesting!" Luo Yuan laughed. He directly used "Original Heaven and Earth" and instantly turned into a giant. He lowered his head and looked down at the three people who looked confused below. Then Luo Yuan's eyes flashed red, and two red rays flashed. A sky-reaching light shot out from his eyes. This was the third layer of the "World-Destroying Divine Eye". The red light swept towards the three people below. The three people guarding the gate were directly annihilated in fear, leaving no trace behind. Without leaving any trace, the virtual cosmic-level original Tongtian Mountain was directly destroyed. The two nearby cosmic-level Tongtian Mountains were also cut into two parts by the aftermath of the "World-Destroying Divine Light". Wherever the red light swept, the rocks were directly fused. It turned into magma, and the terrifying force swept through this vast space, awakening the guardian of Tongtian Mountain.

The figure of a lean old man suddenly appeared above the cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain. He was stunned in shock as he looked at this scene that looked like a world-destroying natural disaster. The old man squinted his eyes and looked down at Luo Yuan, who had just returned to normal size, and twitched the corner of his mouth. He felt that the boy in front of him was here to cause trouble. Even if Tongtian Mountain was virtual, it would cost a lot to repair it.

"Little guy, you have already passed through Tongtian Mountain, go back!" The old man flicked his hand, and Luo Yuan disappeared from Tongtian Mountain.


Virtual Universe, Yuxiang Mountain Primitive Area, No. 112 Ancient Style Manor.

Luo Yuan was sitting in the study, thinking about who the old man was just now. Could he be the same big shot who guarded the Chaos Monument? But he soon forgot about it because he received an email from Lord Gui Yi. , and asked him to go to the City Lord's Mansion, where the Chaos City Lord was waiting for him.

Luo Yuan did not dare to neglect, so he quickly logged off and headed towards the Lord's Mansion of Chaos City.

The door of the ‘City Lord’s Mansion’ in Chaos City is always open, and people often come in and out of the City Lord’s Mansion.

Luo Yuan also entered the City Lord's Mansion with ease, but in the past he went to comprehend the Chaos Monument of Heart Marks, but this time, he went to see the 'Chaos City Lord'.

The outer gate is kept open for a long time.

However, the inner palace has strict guards, and at a glance, all the guards are immortal gods.

"I am Luo Yuan, and I am here to pay my respects to the Lord of the City." Luo Yuan said respectfully.

"Go in, Lord Guiyi is waiting for you inside." An immortal guard surrounded by thunder and lightning said.

Inner government.

Along the wide corridor, he quickly walked to a square paved with chaotic rocks. Luo Yuan saw at a glance the Venerable Guiyi standing in the distance. He was still wearing the fiery red shirt. It seemed that the Venerable liked it very much. Dressed in red.

"Luo Yuan, you're here, tsk tsk tsk. The city lord asked you to go to the cosmic level primitive Tongtian Mountain, but you almost demolished it. Although your boy is only at the ninth level of the cosmic level, his actual combat power should be comparable to Immortal!" Venerable Gui Yi looked at Luo Yuan up and down, his eyes full of shock. He felt that Luo Yuan was much stronger than the "Kedi" whom the Lord of Chaos City had accepted back then.

Luo Yuan didn't say anything. Since his body transformed into a chaotic divine body, his soul, mind power, original energy, laws and body gene levels have also improved, but he doesn't know the specific amount. He just feels very strong. Listen to this Venerable Guiyi He said that he actually had immortal combat power, which made him very happy. When he breaks through to immortality, wouldn't he be comparable to the Venerable?

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(End of this chapter)

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