I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 148 Apprenticeship to the Lord of Chaos City

Chapter 148 Apprenticeship to the Lord of Chaos City
  "Stop standing there stupidly, come with me, I will take you to see the teacher." Venerable Guiyi said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Luo Yuan said respectfully.

"Um, you are still called Venerable? You will be the teacher's direct disciple immediately. I am the teacher's second disciple. You can just call me Second Senior Brother." Venerable Guiyi smiled and said, "Your other senior brothers and sisters are all When I travel through various secret realms, because I am favored by my teacher, I can always be by your side and do what I can."

When Luo Yuan heard this, he quickly shouted: "I've met the second senior brother."

"Yes." Venerable Guiyi smiled and nodded, "Come on, let's talk as we walk. Our teacher has three clones. The one who is in charge of Chaos City now is one of them. He mainly controls the killing. You have to be respectful and don't Make the teacher angry."

"Yes." Luo Yuan responded quickly.

Luo Yuan followed Master Gui Yi into a quiet courtyard. Outside the courtyard stood a large stone tablet with the words "Chaos Ruins" on it.

"The teacher is inside, let's go in." Lord Gui Yi said and walked in one step ahead.

Luo Yuan also hurriedly followed and crossed a layer of chaotic light curtain.


There was a distortion of time and space. Just a moment ago, I was in the city lord's palace, and the next moment I entered a vast world. It was really a mysterious and mysterious time.

This is a ruined battlefield. The vast expanse of land is filled with the corpses of other races. Some are as big as stars, and some are only as big as puppies. These corpses exude astonishing power and evil aura. They were obviously powerful during their lifetimes. Luo Yuan was just thinking about the incomparable existence. The clone of the Chaos City Lord looked at this group of corpses every day without feeling panicked.

Luo Yuan and Lord Gui Yi walked on this ruined land with no end in sight.

"Teacher." Venerable Guiyi suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" Luo Yuan was stunned, and then he was shocked to find that a tall man about three meters tall was standing not far away. He was wearing an extremely complex and simple dark red armor, wearing combat boots, and a pair of A scaly tail protrudes from the battle skirt.

When Luo Yuan's eyes fell on this person, he felt as if he was looking at the world, as if this person did not exist at all. His mental power swept over and he saw endless runes of the laws of the universe in his consciousness. , majestic and majestic, this person is like the incarnation of the law, and exudes an astonishing killing aura, which makes Luo Yuan feel the trembling from his soul. This Chaos City Lord is indeed very strong.

"Luo Yuan!" A sound of metal and stone sounded in Luo Yuan's ears. Luo Yuan came back to his senses and looked at the Chaos City Lord in front of him. He looked like an ordinary person and did not exude any power.

I saw the Lord of Chaos City turning around and looking at Luo Yuan. He had two fiery red horns on his forehead and strange secret lines on his face. He looked very vicious, but his eyes were as plain as the vast ocean, containing the endless starry sky. , people's hearts also calm down.

"Luo Yuan pays homage to the Lord of the City." Luo Yuan bent down and saluted.

"Your performance is very good, far exceeding my expectations." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan and said with a smile.

Luo Yuan didn't speak, just smiled.

"From today on, you are my 32nd direct disciple." The Lord of Chaos City solemnly said.

"Disciple pays homage to the teacher." Luo Yuan quickly knelt down and said.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at the kneeling Luo Yuan in front of him with far-reaching eyes. He remembered the scene when his young disciple "Kedi" became a disciple a long time ago. He couldn't help but sadness and anger flashed through his eyes. His eyes when he looked at Luo Yuan became Softer.

"Get up." The Lord of Chaos City sighed.

Luo Yuan got up obediently. "I have a total of 32 disciples including you, and 5 of them have died." The Lord of Chaos City said, "Of your 26 living senior brothers, 25 of them are Universe Venerables. Only one left is the King. The peak immortal god. With your talent, I believe it will be very easy for you to reach the peak of becoming king."

"From now on, if you have anything to do, you can directly teleport to my palace on Thunder Island." The Lord of Chaos City said.

"Yes, teacher." Luo Yuan said respectfully.

"You can retreat now." The Lord of Chaos City smiled lightly, "By the way, I have upgraded your permissions. It will be much easier for you to do many things in the future."

"Uh, that." Luo Yuan stood there hesitantly.

"Do you have anything else?" The Lord of Chaos City asked doubtfully.

"Well, teacher, can you let me study the other 51 Chaos Monuments? I am cultivating the Ten Origin Laws. These Chaos Monuments will be of great benefit to me!"

"Oh, you are greedy. I heard from Guiyi that you want to control the ultimate law of the universe - the Law of Chaos. This is something that even I dare not think about. Aren't you afraid of falling short in the end and wasting a long time?" asked the Lord of Chaos City.

"This, I have thought about this, but if I decide to do something, I must do my best. I must also learn the strongest rules! Even if I fail, I will have no regrets!" Luo Yuan said firmly.

"Hey, it doesn't matter. I don't own these Chaos Monuments alone. I need to discuss it with the other creators and give you an answer later. You can go back first." The Lord of Chaos City said.

"Yes, disciple, I obey!" Luo Yuan showed joy and replied respectfully.

The Lord of Chaos City waved his hand.

  Luo Yuan was moved directly out of Chaos Ruins.

Time and space changed before his eyes, and Luo Yuan was standing at the entrance of the Chaos Ruins courtyard in an instant, as if everything just now was just a dream.

Luo Yuan returned to his training residence and entered the virtual universe directly. As expected, he found that his authority had increased and he could check out a lot more things, so he happily read them, especially the interesting gossip about some powerful people in the universe.

"It turns out that the Realm Lord-level 'Original Tongtian Mountain' requires about the ability of the 20th floor of the Tongtian Bridge, which is the ultimate strength of the king. When the realm and strength are improved, go through it, obtain the permanent residence of Chaos City, and then live in this Chaos Chenganjia feels particularly safe." Luo Yuan thought while reading the information.

What Luo Yuan didn't know was that when he was reading the information, the news that he had been accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Chaos City had already spread to the hands of various top forces. The top executives of the 1008 human universe countries all exploded, especially at the beginning The more than twenty veteran sages who sent Luo Yuan the call application to become a disciple all hated the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom and secretly cursed him as despicable.


In a bright galaxy, the Lord of Ganwu Universe was not surprised when he learned that Luo Yuan was accepted as a direct disciple by the Lord of Chaos City. As an ancient venerable, although his strength was almost at the peak of the venerable, his His vision is still very accurate, but he has not provided any help to Luo Yuan so far, and he feels a little ashamed.

"Forget it, let's borrow some more money and buy this kid some good things. Anyway, I owe so much debt, so it's not bad. And the people who are most afraid of my demise are the creditors. The more I borrow, the more I die. No, but who else can lend me some money?" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom used a ray of consciousness to look up his account books and creditors in the virtual universe.

The creditors of Ganwu Kingdom all felt a deep malice and had ill-informed thoughts, so they all vented their anger on the alien invaders.

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(End of this chapter)

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