I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 155: Servant of the King, 1000 million times the peak power of the Realm Lord

Chapter 155: Servant of the King, 1000 million times the peak power of the Realm Lord

Luo Yuan read the email from the Lord of Chaos City and smiled, "Hongmeng?" I can finally get in touch with this organization with the highest combat power of mankind. It is also the organization with the highest authority of mankind. Those secret realms in the universe with extremely high value are basically controlled by the Hongmeng.

After Luo Yuan passed the 20th floor of the World Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain and Tongtian Bridge, his reputation as a billion-era genius could no longer be shaken. He also became the target and idol that countless geniuses desperately chased. Luo Yuan also got his wish. Obtained permanent residence in Chaos City.

He directly chose a piece of land near the City Lord's Mansion, which was specially approved by the Lord of Chaos City, and then had someone build an ancient Chinese style manor, with pavilions and pavilions, flying beams and painted buildings, rockeries, strange rocks, small bridges and flowing water. He said it beautifully, which made the Venerable Guiyi who came to congratulate him very fond of it.

"Junior brother, your architectural style has a sense of mystery. It makes me feel relaxed and ecstatic after looking at it!" Venerable Gui Yi said with a smile.

"Second Senior Brother, please sit down and have a taste of my tea!"

Luo Yuan and Lord Gui Yi sat across from each other in an elegant tea room, and Luo Yuan poured a cup of green tea for Gui Yi.

"Second Senior Brother is here, is there any good news?" Luo Yuan asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, you kid is so unprofitable that I have brought you the ten elementary immortal kings you want, but I want you to transfer them into your world. After all, these people cannot appear blatantly in Chaos City." Gui Yi took a sip of green tea and said.

"Well, thank you!"

Luo Yuan and Venerable Guiyi touched their right hands to complete the immortal transfer of these ten elementary kings. Luo Yuan directly imprisoned them in his own inner world, five men and five women. This Guiyi Is this a promotion? You are also playing matching games.

"By the way, you have passed through the World Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain and have 100 billion points. You must use it well. Your "Incarnation" is about to start practicing. If you don't understand, you can ask the teacher for advice. The teacher's clone The practice of the method is so perfect that it should be of some use to you." Venerable Gui Yi said.

"Yes, I will." Luo Yuan nodded.

After Lord Guiyi finished speaking, he suddenly clapped his hands, and then a figure appeared instantly. The person who came was a heroic but delicate and charming woman with exquisite facial features and long hair shawl. Especially the tear mole at the corner of her eye was particularly charming. She was dressed in a He was wearing light blue battle armor and had a curvy figure. He was looking at Luo Yuan with a smile on his face.

"Luo Yuan, this is my proud disciple Peilan, who is also a junior space lord. He will be responsible for protecting you from now on. You two should get to know each other well." Lord Gui Yi raised his eyebrows at Luo Yuan and said with a smile.

Luo Yuan smiled awkwardly and said: "Second Senior Brother, when I become an external incarnation, my main body will basically stay in Chaos City. It seems that I don't need any protectors."

Upon hearing this, Venerable Guiyi just said calmly: "Your body cannot stay here forever. It always needs someone to protect it. This is what the teacher means."

Luo Yuan nodded after hearing this. The Lord of Chaos City was afraid that he would die inexplicably like Kedi. After all, it was not uncommon for aliens to assassinate human geniuses.

After Venerable Gui Yi left, Luo Yuan took Peilan around his ancient manor. The manor in Yuxiang Mountain was virtual, but this manor was real. It was better to have his own permanent property in Chaos City. Luo Yuan felt a little excited. You must know that the top forces in the human universe are just trying to get a chance to come to Chaos City to gain enlightenment. "From now on, Chaos City will be my home, and this villa will be called Chaos Villa!" Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"Uncle Master's name is good." Peilan smiled at the side.

Luo Yuan heard this and said, "Call me Luo Yuan. Even calling me uncle makes me old."

"Yeah." Peilan nodded and didn't say much. After all, she was older than Luo Yuan by who knows how many generations.

"Now I want to sink my consciousness into the world inside my body to conquer the ten immortal kings. You can walk around this manor." After Luo Yuan said that, he closed his eyes and his consciousness sank into the world inside his body.

The world inside Luo Yuan's body was composed of ten panicked junior immortal kings. They were being restrained by chains formed by law runes, unable to move. Suddenly, a world will invaded their minds, and they instinctively wanted to resist. .

"Hmph, let go of your mental defenses, or you'll die!"

Luo Yuan's voice entered their minds with irresistible power, making these king-immortals dizzy and did not dare to resist, because they did feel the terrifying breath of death.

"Well, this is right. Don't worry, I will be very gentle and there will be no pain at all."

Luo Yuan's power of the world turned into nothingness and penetrated into the immortal bodies of these ten kings. At the same time, the power of the world within the body began to quickly cast the third layer of the "Secret Technique of Ten Thousand Heart Control Souls", and the invisible power of the world suddenly quickly The combination turned into strange threads, countless threads connected, and quickly turned into a blood-colored thread glowing with golden light.

The condensed soul silk network invades, and countless threads on the silk screen penetrate into every life mark in their divine bodies. In this way, even if they die and resurrect, it is useless. It can be said that they are completely controlled, but they are not harmed. They have the ability to think independently and only have absolute loyalty. Even if Luo Yuan asks them to self-destruct their divine bodies and die together with the enemy, they will not hesitate at all.

After these ten junior immortal kings were completely controlled by Luo Yuan, they quickly knelt down and saluted, with only loyalty and fanaticism in their eyes. Luo Yuan no longer cared about them, but kept them in his inner world and summoned them when needed.

Next, Luo Yuan started his daily life of picking up attributes and having fun, but he would take some time to study the secret method of "External Incarnation". The genetic level of his Chaos Divine Body also improved as his strength increased, until a few years later, His genetic level has actually been increased to 303 times. Excluding the 3 times blessing from the first level of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Book", this means that his body's genetic level can reach 101 times. This makes him understand that his Chaos Divine Body can actually be immune to Up to a hundred times the genetic limit of humans.

The Chaos Divine Body is really powerful! Luo Yuan is now considered a special life form. It is said to be a divine body but it is still a body of flesh and blood. His energy is slowly integrated into the body, and every part of the body contains amazing power.

His genetic level has increased to 303 times, which means that his physical strength has also reached 303 million times the power of the peak realm master. He can finally wear the imperial armor of the Yan God Clan, which can increase the realm master's power by 1000 million times. Peak power, so that his physical power alone is comparable to that of an invincible king like King Zhenyan. Coupled with the laws and equipment, his total combat power is comparable to that of a mid-level Universe Venerable. He feels excited just thinking about it. .

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(End of this chapter)

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