Chapter 156 Incarnation
  Time flies like water, and years fly by. In the blink of an eye, the geniuses of Luo Yuan’s generation have been in the Chaos City of the original universe for thirty years. When converted to the original universe, it is one hundred years. Everything on the earth has also changed. After entering the interstellar world, The age of exploration.

Virtual Universe, Yuxiangshan Public Area, inside a private room of a restaurant.

"Hey, time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, we will leave Chaos City and go our own ways!" Uka, the prince of Manka Star, sighed.

"Yes, thirty years passed by in a blink of an eye!" Luo Feng also sighed.

"Okay, why are you two old men sad about spring and autumn? Come and have a drink with us!" Qian Shui, who had blue hair and looked charming, said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Miss Qianshui has become bold and bold after hanging out with us for a long time!" Rong Jun also raised his glass and laughed.

"By the way, why didn't you see Bolan?" Luo Yuan suddenly asked.

"Hey, since he found out that you broke through the World Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, he was stimulated to practice all day long, and he followed you like a demon." Rong Jun said.

Luo Yuan opened his mouth when he heard this, not knowing what to say.

"Hahaha, Luo Yuan, many geniuses said that it was their tragedy to be born in the same era as you. They tried their best to chase you, but in the end they couldn't even smell your farts. Anyway, I gave up chasing you very early. You, I still have self-awareness." Uka smiled, his eyes were full of relief. He used to be unwilling to accept it, but as the gap between him and Luo Yuan became wider and wider, it became so big that he felt desperate, so he gave up. .

Several people present glanced at Luo Yuan, all thinking.

"Next, everyone will go to the four secret realms where they are. I heard that there are many opportunities there. We must seize them." Luo Yuan said calmly.

Several others nodded.


Initial universe, Chaos City, Luo Yuan's ancient manor.

"Is this the clone you created? Although the body looks exactly like your original body, why does it have no independent consciousness and act like a walking zombie?" Venerable Perrin asked strangely.

Luo Yuan took a sip of tea and slowly explained: "I did this on purpose so that I could stay in Chaos City and use a trace of my consciousness to remotely control this clone. The connection is using the power of law, that is to say As long as there are laws, I can control them perfectly.

Of course, when my consciousness is not there, he can also complete some basic behaviors on his own, such as walking, flying, eating, meditating, etc., so that he can have a sense of immersion!"

In fact, there is one thing Luo Yuan did not say. When he created the clone, he found that his system could not act on the clone with independent consciousness. Only the consciousness connected to the main body can use the system to pick up attributes. This also ensures the uniqueness of the host. .

It's a pity that he is pressed for time. The secret method of "External Incarnation" at the level of the Lord of the Universe is really difficult to practice. With the super high comprehension of his Chaos God Body, he can only create a simple clone so far. This clone is also a world. He is at the peak of the main level, but only has a quarter of his strength. After equipping King Armor, he can have the invincible strength of a king by using laws and other equipment.

In the future, when he can divide into billions of people, and then separate billions of consciousnesses to control, and then go to various universes to pick up attributes, then his strength will not be so high that he can fly.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuan couldn't help but laugh to himself, which made Peilan next to him roll his eyes.

"Didi didi~" "Master, your teacher Ganwu Kingdom has sent you a call request!"

Suddenly the smart minibus reminded Luo Yuan, which made Luo Yuan stunned. After he recognized this ancient venerable as his master before, he basically had no communication. Why was he looking for him now.

"Minibus, open the call interface!"

"Swipe!" A screen appeared in front of Luo Yuan, which contained the leader of Ganwu Kingdom.

"Good disciple, do you remember that my master knows that you are about to leave Chaos City and go to the primitive secret realm. My master has prepared a farewell gift for you and asked someone to bring it to you. It should be here soon. You have to make good use of it. It’s all about being a teacher.”

Luo Yuan smiled at the Lord of Ganwu who had no power as the Lord of the Universe, and then nodded seriously. After all, the Lord of Ganwu prepared gifts for himself despite being heavily in debt, and he received this kindness.

After the two of them finished chatting, it didn't take long for a certain king, Immortal, to bring a storage ring to Luo Yuan, saying that it was a farewell gift that the Lord of Qianwu asked him to deliver. Luo Yuan's cultivation of external incarnations could only be dealt with by Chaos. The city lord and more than twenty senior brothers and sisters at the senior level knew about it, including of course Venerable Perlan next to him.

Luo Yuan scanned the ring with his mental power and found that it turned out to be a G-class spaceship, which was extremely valuable. You must know that Hu Yanbo, the original owner of the Mo Meteor Star, spent most of his wealth to only buy an F-class spaceship. When Yuan thought of this, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't withdrawn yet from Hu Yanbo's universe-level and domain-lord-level properties. Although the money was now less than a fraction of his assets, no matter how small a mosquito was, it was still meat.


In the vast starry sky, a meteorite-shaped spacecraft is traveling through the universe.

Inside this meteorite, a banquet for members of the Taichu Secret Realm is being held. The strange thing is that Luo Yuan is here. Of course, this is his refined clone, controlled by a trace of consciousness from the original body. He was originally going to the Original Secret Realm. , but he had planned early on to go to the Magic Mountain in the Taichu Secret Realm to obtain the inheritance of the Demonic Sound God General. In order not to waste time, he directly took a ride with the members of the Taichu Secret Realm.

Among Luo Yuan's ten junior immortal servants, one was arranged by him to go to the primitive secret realm, one to go to the Bane asteroid group in the Cuilang star field to kill a world lord-level interstellar trafficker named Panxi and rob Locke's divine water, and two Go to the earth to guard, there are three hidden in the inner world by Luo Yuan's clones, and there are three more in the inner world of the main body waiting to be used.

The immortal-level Kingdom of God is a good thing, and can be directly teleported very conveniently, even across universes.

Luo Yuan did not go to the banquet of Taichu members, he just showed his face. After all, he was just here to hitchhike, so he stayed alone in the independent bedroom.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and the spaceship finally arrived at the Secret Realm of Taichu. Luo Yuan also parted ways with Luo Feng and others. He took out the repaired and modified F-class Black Meteor Star spacecraft and headed towards the Magic Mountain. Luo Yuan knew that the Secret Realm of Taichu seemed like There is also a good thing called Blood Luo Crystal, but it is a pity that this thing has no effect on Luo Yuan's Chaos Divine Body.

Luo Yuan took the spacecraft into the inner world. He looked at a black mountain suspended in the void, filled with light green and white mist. The mountain was 1.8 million kilometers high and about 3.2 million kilometers wide at its base. There were nine guards around the mountain. An ancient planet with countless indigenous creatures living on these planets.

"This magic mountain is too big, any valley can be equivalent to the total land area of ​​the earth!" Luo Yuan murmured to himself.

Luo Yuan looked at the foot of the Demon Mountain, and there turned out to be a group of palaces. His mental strength swept away, and it turned out that there were immortal strong men living inside, and these people were living a luxurious life.

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(End of this chapter)

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