Chapter 180 The Secret of the Stars
  On the first floor of the Star Tower, in a certain forbidden space.

Luo Yuan was killing the kings who besieged him. Both the elementary kings and the invincible kings collapsed under his attack, and were then swallowed into nothingness by the super black hole. Their world rings were also collected by Luo Yuan. Up, this battle lasted for a full year, with one person fighting against hundreds of thousands of kings. This battle made him completely famous, but it was just a reputation for killing.

At the end of the fight, there were more than 2 kings left. They all knelt on the ground and shivered. Then Luo Yuan was not polite and directly used the top soul slavery method to turn all these kings into soul slaves.

After the more than 2 new immortal kings were enslaved by Luo Yuan's soul, their entire consciousness truly surrendered to Luo Yuan, and everything was dominated by Luo Yuan. Even if Luo Yuan asked them to die immediately, they would not Any hesitation, but this will not affect the strength and thinking ability of these kings. This is the terrible thing about soul slavery.

"Greetings to the Lord!"

More than 2 immortal kings knelt down and saluted Luo Yuan, who was standing in the void. They looked uniform and had extraordinary momentum.

Luo Yuan nodded, and then with a wave of his hand, he took the more than 2 soul slaves of the newly added kings into the Kingdom of God. When these kings entered the Kingdom of God, it caused people in the Kingdom of God to pay attention to Luo Yuan. With fanaticism and admiration, Luo Yuan also suddenly gained the entire net worth of hundreds of thousands of powerful immortals who were crowned kings. His wealth was already unimaginable.

Luo Yuan put away the super black hole, and he also brought the body of the metal giant scorpion that was thousands of kilometers long into the Kingdom of God, and then asked the master craftsmen in the Kingdom of God to dismantle it, and then made a batch of Kasuo weapons to These weapons are equipped for his king's slave army. With this kind of batch of weapons that can directly collapse the immortal body, his army will be invincible on the battlefield outside the territory in the future.

Just when Luo Yuan was very proud and was about to go to the next forbidden space, suddenly dozens of nebula vortices appeared in this forbidden space. These vortices produced extremely strong suction. Even Luo Yuan, who was wearing a secret pattern armor, was struck by one of them. The vortex was sucked in, and the powerful force of rotation made Luo Yuan dizzy. He felt that his body was completely out of control.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Yuan's consciousness returned, and he found that he appeared in an extremely magnificent temple, with countless "seal stars" suspended around it, as if he was in an endless galaxy, and suddenly the temple There was a space distortion ahead, and an old man with a snake tail on his lower body and a humanoid upper body appeared. This old man had a purple beard and looked amiable, but he exuded a pressure similar to that of the Lord of Chaos City.

Luo Yuan guessed the identity of the old man. He seemed to be "Puti", the eldest disciple of "Sitting Mountain Guest", but he couldn't show it, so he pretended to be shocked and curious and looked at the old man with a respectful attitude.

The old man looked at Luo Yuan, waved and said with a smile: "Child, come here!"

Luo Yuan did not resist when he heard this, but flew over obediently, and then said respectfully: "Senior, who are you?"

The old man did not explain immediately but waved his hand, and a stone table and two stone chairs immediately appeared. Luo Yuan saw that the table and chairs were made of the legendary chaos stone. There seemed to be endless galaxies spinning in the stone. It looks mysterious and beautiful.


The old man pointed to the stone chair with a smile and sat down directly. Luo Yuan also felt like sitting down when he saw this. Then he felt a surge of divine power pouring into his body, which immediately replenished the divine power he had consumed after the battle. , which made Luo Yuan very interested in stone tables and chairs. Seeing this, the old man smiled and said: "Do you like this set of tables and chairs very much? If you can pass the teacher's test, I will give this set of tables and chairs to you!"

Luo Yuan was happy when he heard this, but he pretended to say: "Test? What test?"

The old man said calmly: "Before I tell you about this test, let me tell you something about the past. You have also seen this Star Tower. This is a treasure that even the Lord of the Universe cannot shake, and its refining You are my teacher and the creator of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" that you practice!"

The old man paused for a moment when he said this, then looked at Luo Yuan and found that Luo Yuan's face was expressionless. Doubt flashed in his eyes, because everyone who came here before was shocked when they heard the news, only Luo Yuan He looked like it was a matter of course, but he didn't think too much and continued: "My teacher is an extremely powerful being, and he has many powerful servants.

But so far, I have only accepted two disciples. One is me, Puti, and the other is Emperor Yan, the leader of the Yan God Clan. I am the eldest disciple and Emperor Yan is the second disciple. The teacher created two ethnic groups a long time ago. One is the Yan Shen clan lineage with strong physical strength but weak soul power, and the other is the Earth lineage with pure soul but weak physical strength.

But billions of epochs have passed, and the leader of the Earth lineage still has not appeared. If people on Earth want to become the leader of this lineage, they must let the Star Tower recognize its master. In ancient times, the Earth was called the Mountain and Sea Realm, and later it was called the Source Realm. In both eras, an outstanding genius appeared. They came to the Star Tower to perform the recognition ceremony, but in the end they all failed and died.

Your name is Luo Yuan. The teacher and I have actually been paying attention to you for a long time. You are really outstanding, much better than the two geniuses who were born on earth. I also watched the king-conferring battle just now. You This clone is also extraordinary. I really want to see your true body! "

Luo Yuan didn't speak when he heard this. How could he let his body take risks before he understood the specific situation?

The old man named "Puti" smiled and said: "You are very cautious, but I want to remind you first that if you want to pass the Star Tower's basic master recognition test, you can only come here in your true body, otherwise your clone will collapse. Yes, if you can pass the test and become the leader of the Earth lineage, then you can become the teacher’s third disciple.”

Luo Yuan listened to what the old man named "Puti" said, and he nodded. He had already made plans to come here to identify the owner of the Star Tower. For this reason, his true form came to find him personally. Once the Lord of Chaos City goes there, if he falls, let the Lord of Chaos City resurrect him. This is also to be sure.

After thinking about this, Luo Yuan's immortal avatar directly started teleportation from the Kingdom of God. The body far away in Chaos City immediately stood up and stepped into the passage of the Kingdom of God. In an instant, he came to the starry sky temple. At the same time, the Lord of Chaos City, Lord Gui Yi, was in retreat. Venerable Peilan, Jiang Fang of Earth, Luo Feng, Rong Jun, Hong, Lei Shen, Blood Orchid King and others who were fighting on the battlefield outside the territory all received an email that said, "I will retreat and close all contact methods. Maybe It will take seven thousand years to wait for my return!"

At this moment, many people were confused and sent emails to inquire, but received no reply. Out of their trust in Luo Yuan, they chose to wait.

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(End of this chapter)

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