Chapter 181 Recognizing the Lord
  In a temple in the Star Tower, the eldest disciple of "Sitting Mountain Guest" "Puti" looked at Luo Yuan and said solemnly: "Luo Yuan, once the Star Tower's Lord Recognition Test begins, it cannot be stopped, no matter who comes. It cannot be changed, you will either succeed or perish, but don't worry, if you perish, I will ask the teacher to resurrect you, because with your own strength, I cannot completely resurrect you."

Luo Yuan's mouth twitched when he heard this. This "Puti" who was similar in strength to the Lord of Chaos City actually said that he could not resurrect himself. Doesn't that mean that if he fell, even the Lord of Chaos City would not be able to resurrect him? The basic master of the Star Tower was so terrifying that he suddenly felt a little uneasy, but it was no problem to resurrect him with the strength of the "mountain guest" as the strongest person in the universe.


The temple where Luo Yuan was located began to shake, and countless "suppressing stars" were also rapidly rotating around the temple.

"Luo Yuan, the test is about to begin, be prepared!" Puti said seriously.

Luo Yuan nodded.


Streams of divine light flew out from the temple, and then these divine lights gathered together, and finally formed a crystal clear crystal bead. The crystal bead emitted terrifying power, and the space on the ground was distorted.

"Luo Yuan." Puti said while controlling the temple, "Teacher and I have been waiting for a long, long time. I hope you will not disappoint us and survive well, otherwise it will be a shame!"

Luo Yuan looked at the spinning crystal beads in the air and nodded. This test was an opportunity for Luo Yuan, an opportunity to truly get in touch with the top realm. Although he had a system and could cultivate to that realm step by step, but It takes too long, and there are too many variables during this period. Without this god-king level treasure and without the help of a top power like Mountain Rider, his path would have been very difficult. After all, the universe is so big. , he is definitely not the only one with system cheats like him.


"Luo Yuan, the recognition of the Star Tower is a test of the soul's will and consciousness. You must persevere. I don't know how long it will take, but it will take at least three thousand years!" Puti's voice reached Luo Yuan's mind.

"I know, come on!" Luo Yuan said.

"Then I'm going to start!"

After Puti finished speaking, she pointed at the ordinary-looking crystal bead, and then the crystal bead flew into Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness with a hiss, and then the crystal bead flew everywhere in Luo Yuan's boundless sea of ​​consciousness space. , looking for his origin bead, but after searching for this crystal bead for a long time, he could not find Luo Yuan's origin bead. This crystal bead just stayed in the center of Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Luo Yuan's consciousness can clearly feel the movement of this crystal bead, but his origin bead is the legendary Chaos Bead, which is the heaven-level treasure that even the kings of gods desire, and this Chaos Bead has already entered Luo Yuan's Dantian to form After creating an initial small universe, of course this foreign crystal bead cannot be found.

As one of the core components of the Star Tower, the crystal bead waited for a long time in Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness but failed to find the original bead it wanted to fuse with, so the crystal bead planned to go out directly. If it went out, it would mean that Luo Yuan Failed to recognize the master.

Just when Luo Yuan was anxious, the initial small universe in Luo Yuan's Dantian stretched out a golden law chain. This chain went straight to the crystal bead in his consciousness sea, and then tightly wrapped the crystal bead that wanted to fly out. Hold on, round and round, no matter how hard the crystal bead tries, it can't break free.                                

Suddenly a powerful spiritual power emanated from this crystal bead, and was immediately absorbed by Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness. This made Luo Yuan's body feel an unprecedented sense of pleasure, and his whole body was relaxed and relaxed. Puti, who was smiling and looking at this look, was stunned for a while. The two previous testers didn't look like this. They had expressions of extreme pain.

As more and more spiritual power emitted from the crystal bead, boundless spiritual air currents appeared in Luo Yuan's spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness. These air currents gathered more and more, and finally formed a sea of ​​​​qi. This sea of ​​​​qi actually began to liquefy, and the spiritual power They all formed water droplets and fell into the sea of ​​consciousness, and then countless water droplets formed and gathered into rivers, and then the rivers formed lakes and turned into vast oceans.

This vast ocean grew more and more until it filled up Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness. Finally, the crystal bead suddenly formed a strong suction force, which continuously absorbed and compressed the liquefied ocean of spiritual power, and finally formed an extremely huge A solid planet, and the core of this planet is the crystal bead.

Luo Yuan's consciousness was watching the performance of this crystal bead in his initial small universe. He did not feel any pain. On the contrary, his mental power underwent an unparalleled transformation and became very tyrannical. In this completely controlled world, The moment the super planet formed by mental power took shape, Luo Yuan's consciousness felt like it came out of the initial small universe and flew towards the crystal bead.

When Luo Yuan's consciousness penetrated into the crystal bead, the crystal bead sensed it and immediately formed a powerful tearing force. He wanted to tear Luo Yuan's consciousness into pieces, but the magic chain of law kept entangled with the crystal bead. Suddenly golden light emitted, and dense runes of law covered the crystal bead, which also made the crystal bead calm down. Finally, Luo Yuan's consciousness successfully settled into the core of the crystal bead and completed the recognition of its owner.

Just when Luo Yuan's consciousness merged with the crystal beads and completed the recognition of his master, the super planet formed by spiritual power in the sea of ​​​​consciousness began to change, and finally formed a giant that looked exactly like Luo Yuan. This giant was actually ten light years tall. Standing so quietly in Luo Yuan's boundless sea of ​​consciousness space.

Luo Yuan's consciousness controlled the crystal beads and immediately gained control of the spiritual giant. The giant opened his eyes and moved. It felt very novel. Moreover, through the divine chain of laws, he could also contact the initial small universe in the Dantian. It can even interfere with the operating rules of the initial small universe.

This initial small universe is completely owned by Luo Yuan, and all the rules and regulations in it can be formulated as he wishes. For example, if Luo Yuan makes the stars revolve around the planets, then the universe will form a completely opposite operating method from the original universe. , Luo Yuan could only simply influence the initial small universe before, but now he can enhance his influence through crystal beads. It is truly a god-king level treasure.

Only Luo Yuan knows all this. Puti, who has been paying attention to Luo Yuan from the outside, is doubting life, because the process of recognizing Luo Yuan's master is so easy. There is no pain, no heartbreaking shouting, and even a divine body. Despite every bit of damage, there was only joyful laughter, as if he was playing.

"Rumble~" Suddenly the entire Star Tower was shaking, Puti's eyes widened, and the kings who were wandering inside were confused.


Somewhere in the chaotic space, there is a huge palace.

"Huh? Only three thousand years have passed, and the Star Tower has completed the basic recognition of its master, right? I remember that the second tester took 3300 years, and finally died. What happened to the Earth boy who came this time?" Sitting on the throne of this mysterious palace was a towering old man, frowning and meditating. This old man was more than kilometers tall, with twin crystal horns on his forehead. His eyes penetrated the endless starry sky and looked directly into the Star Tower.

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(End of this chapter)

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