I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 182 Riding on the mountain, shocking harvest

Chapter 182 Riding on the mountain, shocking harvest
  The majestic old man's eyes penetrated the endless starry sky. When he saw Luo Yuan in the Star Tower, he found that there was a layer of fog blocking his sight, preventing him from seeing Luo Yuan's inner self clearly. This made the old man interested. He disappeared in a flash.


In the Star Tower Temple where Luo Yuan and Puti were, a space vortex suddenly appeared, and then an old man with crystal horns on his forehead came out. His height was about the same as Luo Yuan. As soon as this man appeared, the surroundings All the rotating stars stopped immediately, and even the light shrank, as if the space was frozen.

Luo Yuan felt a power from this old man that was ten thousand times more powerful than the Lord of Chaos City. What surprised Luo Yuan even more was that his connection with the original laws of the original universe was forcibly interrupted. In other words, this old man made the original The original laws of the universe have failed. This is too scary. Luo Yuan has already guessed the identity of this person. This old man should be the legendary "Mountain Guest".

The old man came to Luo Yuan in a flash, and Puti on the side quickly saluted respectfully and called him "Teacher". However, the old man ignored Puti and walked around Luo Yuan several times, and then said: " It’s really strange that I still can’t see through your inner self. Do you have some treasure to hide your secrets?”

Luo Yuan was a little dazed when he heard this, but then he felt relieved. It seemed that this "mountain guest" could not see through the secrets of his system and the initial small universe. This was Luo Yuan's biggest secret. No one could tell it, and he knew the sea of ​​​​knowledge. The spiritual giant in the world should also be covered by the small universe, so the old man can't see through it either. After thinking about all this, Luo Yuan quickly said respectfully: "Disciple has met the master!"

The old man watched Luo Yuan perform the apprenticeship ceremony, and he did not refuse, but smiled and said: "You are very smart, you should have guessed my identity. From now on, you will be my third disciple, but I am very curious, you It actually only took three thousand years for the Star Tower to complete the basic recognition of its master, and the process was very easy. Although this Star Tower was refined by me before, it has undergone special changes for some reasons and has become more powerful..."

Luo Yuan just listened quietly to what the mountain guest was saying, and did not interrupt or explain anything, because he was not particularly clear about the reason, but it was best to remain silent in front of such powerful people. Lying would be a mistake. court death.

The mountaineers surrounded Luo Yuan and used various methods to fully explore Luo Yuan's secrets. He finally gave up. After living for endless years, he didn't have that much curiosity. Besides, everyone has secrets, so why bother to explore? In the end, he only needed to confirm that Luo Yuan was a descendant of his earth lineage.

"Congratulations, lucky boy, from now on you are the leader of the earth lineage I created, and you are qualified to become one of the most powerful people in the universe." The towering old man smiled, and his voice sounded like a loud bell, Shocked in Luo Yuan's ears.

As the master of the peak universe, Puti also walked up and said to Luo Yuan: "Luo Yuan, congratulations, you will be my third junior brother from now on!"

Luo Yuan heard this and shouted respectfully: "Luo Yuan has met the teacher and the senior brother!"

With these two big guys as his backers, his future journey will be smoother.

Sitting Mountain Guest smiled and nodded, and then continued: "When I accept disciples, I usually prepare the top cultivation resources in the universe, but I will not teach you secret methods, nor will I care about your life or death. If you fall, I will We will continue to look for the next candidate. The strong ones who can survive are the strong ones. If you just want to live under the protection of the teacher, you will not become the strongest." Luo Yuan listened to the words of the mountain guest and still nodded. He is a big boss, and everything he says is right. How can he dare to refute it now? Besides, the reason why this mountain guest spent so much money to select disciples is not to counterattack the three god kings on the Origin Continent who made him fall. .

Next, Sishanke told Luo Yuan about the past of his creation of the Yan Divine Clan and the Earth Line. He also told him about the mysterious and powerful "Yan Emperor" and the two treasures he prepared for the Earth Line. They are "Star Tower" and "Tribulation Armor". The Star Tower is the most precious treasure of the God King. The Tribulation Armor can mass-produce the Yan God Clan's soldier armor, general armor, king armor and emperor armor. It's a pity that these armors can only be used by the Yan God Clan. use.

Of course, because Luo Yuan has practiced the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code", his body is even more advanced than the people of the Yan God Clan, so he can also use the Tribulation Armor.

Luo Yuan's second senior brother "Emperor Yan", as the leader of the Yan Divine Clan, has two treasures, the Yan Divine Halberd and the Original Soul. However, there are millions of soul beads in the Star Tower, including soldier souls, general souls, king souls and emperor souls. Soul, but these soul beads can only be used by the Earth lineage except Emperor Yan. Luo Yuan directly fused an emperor soul, but it feels that the soul has not increased much. After all, his soul power is now amazing, comparable to the power of the universe. host.

Under the leadership of the Mountain Guest, Luo Yuan came to the place where countless "Suppressing Stars" were placed. After the explanation of the Mountain Guest, Luo Yuan realized that he had thought of these "Suppressing Stars" too simply. It turned out that these stars were not only It can be used to seal enemies, and it can also imprint the secret pattern of the secret attack method that you have understood into it, and then control these stars to kill the enemy while using the secret method.

These stars can also be used to hit people. If they are powerful enough, they can crush a group of cosmic sages to death. No wonder these "Suppressing Stars" are the top treasures that countless people rush to grab. The mountain guest also gave Luo Yuan a map of the stars. , with this picture, Luo Yuan can put these "Suppressing Stars" into it, and can perfectly control many stars at the same time to kill the enemy. Luo Yuan directly collected 10,000 "Suppressing Stars" into this picture In the star chart.

With these "Sealing Stars", Luo Yuan would use them to kill anyone he saw was displeased. Those who couldn't be killed would be directly sealed, making them imprisoned for eternity. Even the Lord of the Universe could not escape. Of course, the premise It is you who can catch the Master of the Universe.

After Luo Yuan visited the Star Tower, it was time to leave. At the suggestion of Mountain Guest, he did not directly put away the Star Tower. After all, this god-king level treasure is now being stared at by many top powers. If If he suddenly disappears, he will become the target of public criticism. With Luo Yuan's current level and strength, he is still unable to fight against these people. Before he left, Sitting Mountain Guest also informed Luo Yuan of the location of the remaining three metal pieces of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code".

After Luo Yuan's body had been with Sishanke and Puti for several years, he was ready to leave, not only to leave the Star Tower, but also to leave this extraterrestrial battlefield. However, Luo Yuan still left his clone in these seven battlefields. , let the avatar earn huge military merits. After all, he still maintains a large legion in his kingdom of God.

When Luo Yuan left, he also took away a set of Chaos Stone tables and chairs belonging to his senior brother Puti. Finally, he started teleportation from the Kingdom of God and returned to Chaos City.

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(End of this chapter)

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