Chapter 192 Flogging
  The world of glory, the world of battle.


The Sirius King let out a roar, and it stretched out its limbs and attacked Luo Yuan quickly. Every move used the original laws of gold and space like fire. But what shocked it was that this human boy was also using the laws of gold and space. Combining the law with it in hand-to-hand combat, one of its demon royals, Sirius, is born with a strong physical body. This human boy was not at a disadvantage when fighting it. He was simply a humanoid ferocious beast.

"Sirius Claw!"

"Tear apart the heaven and the earth!"

Luo Yuan's palms collided with the claws of the Sirius King, and the powerful force shattered the space of the virtual world over and over again. The space repair speed of this world could not keep up with their destruction speed. It seemed that one person and one beast were indistinguishable. The powerful people of the billion tribes in the open square were amazed. It was the first time for them to see humans and monsters fighting for physical strength.

"Boy, I, the Sirius King, have rarely had an opponent in the past tens of thousands of years. You are the only human being who can fight with me for such a long time. I have a lot of fun this time, but that's it for now. day!"

The Sirius King roared, and then he looked up to the sky, and a gray vortex appeared in his mouth. All the light began to gather in his mouth, and the fighting world became dark. In the blink of an eye, all the light disappeared, and the world was silent, with only purity. of darkness.

Luo Yuan opened his world-destroying divine eyes, and blood-red divine light emitted. Suddenly, there seemed to be two blood suns in the sky. It looked full of weirdness and bloodthirsty, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

"Kid, die!"

The Sirius King's voice resounded throughout the sky, and then a white light compressed to the extreme erupted from his mouth.

"World-destroying divine light!"

Luo Yuan's two sky-covering giant eyes also shot out two blood-red rays of light and attacked the white light. The space along the trajectory of the two different colors of light rays collapsed again. The moment the red light and white light collided, there was a shaking sound. The loud sound of the ground was heard, and the world was shaking continuously. Then, centered on the collision point, the aftermath of the force completely collapsed the world, making it impossible to even recover.

What was originally a normal battle world has now become a world of chaos, with countless spatial turbulences flying. Although it is only a virtual world, it is 100% simulated reality, so there is no difference from reality, making the battle world of the King's War natural. It is the highest level. Ordinary kings can't cause any damage to the world when they use their full strength. As a result, they are as fragile as paper in the hands of Luo Yuan and the Sirius King.

The sky-reaching red light is still colliding with the white light. This time the comparison is about the quality and reserves of the two's divine power, as well as the fusion skills of the laws, because the truly powerful ones can integrate the power of the laws into all attacks, and Instead of just using the rules to fight, at first one person and one beast were evenly matched, but soon the hundreds of millions of strong men watching the battle in the open-air square discovered that Luo Yuan's red light gradually gained the upper hand. The red divine light contained sufficient divine power, while the white divine light Some successors are insufficient.

As the collision point of the two divine lights continued to approach the Sirius King, shock and disbelief appeared in the clear and cold eyes of the Sirius King. The human boy in front of him was actually stronger than him in terms of reserve and quality of divine power. You know The Sirius King owns a kingdom that is nearly one light-year in diameter, and he is also an extremely powerful person who has been famous for a long time.

"What kind of monster are you?" the Sirius King screamed.

Luo Yuan lazily talked nonsense with this big dog. If it wasn't for the purpose of collecting attribute values, he would have killed this Sirius King long ago. As soon as Luo Yuan raised his hand, countless blood-red beasts appeared directly in the chaos of this world. The Divine Chain of Laws, which is a divine chain that incorporates the laws of gold and space, cannot help but have the solidity of the original laws of gold, and the sealing and freezing of the field by the original laws of space.

These divine chains of laws locked the Sirius King tightly, making him unable to move. When the white divine light from the Sirius King's mouth dissipated, Luo Yuan also withdrew the world-destroying divine light, and then he held it with his right hand, and a red-blooded billion A kilometer-long divine whip appeared in his hand, and there were endless thunder flashes on the red-blooded whip, which would make any creature tremble with fear at a glance.

Luo Yuan swung the red blood divine whip and whipped it hard at the Sirius King who was firmly bound by the divine chain of laws.     "Aowoo~Aowow~"

Heart-rending howls of wolves were heard constantly, making the powerful men of the hundreds of millions of tribes watching the battle in the open-air square stunned. The Sirius King, one of the usually aloof demon royals, was actually hung in the air by a newcomer from the human race. Being whipped harshly without any resistance was too extreme for their three views.

"What a disgusting human boy, you actually treat the noble Sirius King like this. I, the Sirius clan, will fight this man until death!"

The other kings of the Sirius clan shouted angrily that the strongest genius of their clan was humiliated in this way in front of hundreds of millions of strong people from the clan. Where should they put their faces? This was to punish them. The Sirius clan stepped on them hard and became the object of ridicule by hundreds of millions of clansmen.

Because Luo Yuan made an agreement before the duel with the Sirius King, he could not take the initiative to admit defeat or commit suicide. It would not be over until he was killed by the other party. Therefore, no matter how loud the strong men of the Sirius clan were, they could only watch helplessly. As the Sirius King was publicly humiliated, the powerful men of the other tribes also looked at the Sirius clan's joke with gloating expressions.

Although the more than one million strong men who fought against Luo Yuan were humiliated by him before, but there were very few people paying attention, so it was not so embarrassing, but this time the Sirius King was directly at the scene of social death. For these days The wolf king also knew that, so he was so angry, but it still didn't help when he kept roaring. He simply covered his wolf face with his two front paws to maintain his poor dignity.

"Gold and space fusion law +5"

"Gold and space fusion law +5"

"Gold and space fusion law +5"

"Light and time fusion law +5"

"Light and time fusion law +5"

"Light and time fusion law +5"


Luo Yuan was a little surprised when he heard the system prompts. This big and stupid-looking Sirius King actually mastered two fusion laws. He is indeed the supreme genius of the Sirius clan. It's a pity that he met him. Even in this battle world There are various restrictions, but Luo Yuan's clone does not rely on any weapons or equipment, and he also has invincible strength below the level of the Venerable.

Moreover, Luo Yuan deliberately avoided those sages when he responded to the invitation to fight. With his king-level realm, those foreign sages had the nerve to bite him. Even if they defeated Luo Yuan, they would not be able to convince the crowd. Based on the strength shown by Luo Yuan, they also understood how high Luo Yuan's combat power was.

Those foreigners gnashed their teeth in anger, but there was nothing they could do. None of their kings could beat Luo Yuan, so Luo Yuan gradually gained the title of "The Strongest King". The invincibility of the king could be regarded as a realm, but Luo Yuan is the strongest among the invincible kings.

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(End of this chapter)

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