Chapter 193 Famous in the Universe
  Glory World, Open Square.

Luo Yuan walked out of the battle world in a happy mood. His battle with the Sirius King allowed him to pick up a lot of gold, space fusion rules, light, and time fusion rules. In the past ten years, he has put all the attributes of the eight fusion rules he picked up in the past ten years. Entering the attribute space, because the land of inheritance can only obtain one inheritance at a time, and Luo Yuan came in this time with the inheritance order of the beast god of the gold and space fusion laws.

After Luo Yuan's body directly fused the gold and space fusion rules he picked up today, he was close to the sixth level in this beast god inheritance. In order to break through to the sixth level, he entered directly after leaving the glory world. A place of inheritance.

There are caves here that are inherited by each beast god. After walking in, the corresponding power of law will come. Any living being will lose control of the body, and then the body will be controlled by the power of law to decompose and fuse the laws. Parts that are usually not understood You can get answers to them all, just like the teacher takes you step by step to solve the problem.

The attributes of the fusion law that Luo Yuan picked up in the battle world are actually the perception of the law by each strong person. Because different creatures have different perceptions of the law, Luo Yuan must use the most standard law control method in this inheritance place to control the law. Many powerful people have understood and understood the laws and made their own way.

This is different from the ten basic origin laws he picked up in Chaos City before. It's like everyone knows the basic algorithms of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but when encountering problems, different algorithm combinations may be able to get results, but You can combine these algorithms with the most standard answers to find the most suitable computing logic, so that you can solve other problems on your own in the future.

Luo Yuan now has enough glory points in his hand, and these glory points are actually bound to his personal ID, which means that even if he leaves this ancestral mysterious realm and comes in with other beast god inheritance orders next time, he can still use these. Glory Points, so he plans to use these huge Glory Points to collect all eight beast god inheritances, so that he can build the foundation of the strongest Lord of the Universe.

Luo Yuan decided to break through to the realm of the Venerable after acquiring all the eight beast god inheritances of the Ancestral God Religion. He believed that once he stepped into the Venerable realm, his combat power would directly rise to the level of the Lord of Chaos City. In other words, the strongest master of the universe, this is the terrible thing about the accumulation of foundation.

Why Luo Feng was able to kill the most powerful king at the realm lord level and obtain the title of "King of Sword River". The breakthrough master has the power of the top universe lord. It is because of the accumulation of foundation. However, Luo Yuan and Luo Feng There is a difference. Luo Feng mainly relies on several clones and treasures, but Luo Yuan relies on the strength of his body. He dares to say that even without any external objects, his power is still so strong.

After Luo Yuan was taught by the Advent of the Law in the Land of Inheritance, he finally broke through to the sixth level in terms of the integration of the laws of gold and space, and his name "Dark Lord" appeared directly on the "Sixth Level Ranking List" of the World of Glory. , this shocked countless people.

Because it only took him ten years to reach the sixth level from the fourth level. Everyone knows that the higher the level of law understanding, the harder it is to improve. There are hundreds of millions of strong people on Bauhinia Island. Whether they are kings or venerables, they all want to understand this law of fusion. They have persisted for countless years, ranging from at least a thousand years to tens of thousands of epochs, and their highest level is only the sixth level. The seventh level is usually the peak venerable, or even the Lord of the Universe.

Luo Yuan didn't care what other people thought of him. He just wanted to obtain the complete inheritance of the beast god of gold and space fusion laws as soon as possible, and then change to the next inheritance of the beast god. His plan was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

But Luo Yuan's achievements in the Glory World of the Ancestral God Religion were quickly learned by the six peak tribes, the Starry Sky Monster Alliance, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance and other cosmic superpowers. The human race was rejoicing for a while, and the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical races closest to the human race were once again Planning an assassination plan, other forces just stood back and watched, waiting to see the show.



The roar that made the entire starry sky tremble echoed in a gray chaotic space. Here is the Supreme Temple of the Sirius Clan. On the throne of the temple sits the Lord of the Sirius Clan, the leader of the Sirius Clan. After listening to his subordinates' report about Luo Yuan, Finally, he said in a cold voice: "This human Dark Lord actually bullies our Sirius clan, we must kill him!"

Under the throne, there were several large old Sirius standing respectfully. One of them, a peak-level old Sirius, said: "My lord, this human dark devil is very unparalleled in terms of understanding of laws. He has won consecutive victories in the world of glory." More than one million games, and it only took ten years to upgrade the law of gold and space fusion from the fourth level to the sixth level. Moreover, this person is very cautious, staying on Bauhinia Island and not going to other places, nor accepting those who respected him. It’s not easy to kill someone who challenges me!” The Lord of Heavenly Wolf heard the words and roared: “A bunch of trash. If you reach the third level of the Beast God inheritance, you can be comparable to a venerable person. This person has actually reached the sixth level and can be said to be a venerable person. It's just a matter of his thoughts. If this person does not perish, he will definitely become the master of the universe, and then he will become a serious problem for us!

How come I have never heard of this person before? Could it be that he is a genius secretly cultivated by the human race? How come there are so many geniuses in this human race? First there was a Chaos King, then a Sword River King, and now there is a Dark Lord. No, you hurry up and make an assassination plan for me. Our demon clan does not allow such a genius human to exist! "

"I obey my orders." Several old wolves responded tremblingly.

"Go back!" The Lord of Sirius waved his hand, and these old Sirius were moved and disappeared.

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf's cold blue eyes were full of bloodthirsty killing intent. He was behind the previous assassinations of the human race geniuses Ke Di and Luo Yuan. I thought it would be quiet for a while, but as a result, three king-level humans jumped out. Determined to be a genius, and the talents are extremely terrifying, especially since the Dark Lord actually made the Sirius clan look embarrassed in front of billions of people, he decided not to let this person go.


The Ancestral God Religion has three ancestral gods and eight beast gods, and the person in charge now is the Thunder Beast God located in the Thunder Beast Temple. It has been sleeping for 3000 million epochs, but today it was suddenly awakened by the Blood and Fire God General, and it suddenly felt very unhappy.

"God General of Blood and Fire, why did you interrupt my sleep? Didn't I tell you not to disturb me if there is no important matter?" A thunderous voice resounded throughout the Thunder Beast Temple, a giant beast with three hooves, wings, and green hair all over its body. The god stood up and roared.

Seeing the angry look of the Thunder Beast God, the Blood Fire God General said respectfully: "Beast God, this subordinate has something important to report."

"What's the matter?" The Thunder Beast God looked down at the Blood Fire Beast God with eyes as big as a planet and asked.

"I have discovered a very extraordinary genius who is worthy of being cultivated by our Ancestral God Religion, so I want to ask for your opinion." The Blood Fire God will return.

"That's it? Because a great genius comes to disturb my rest?" The Thunder Beast God roared angrily.

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(End of this chapter)

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