I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 213 The Magical Craftsman Star

Chapter 213 The Magical Craftsman Star
  After Luo Yuan has digested the harvest of the original star, he will prepare the third clone to go to the Craftsman Star in the Yin Fa Secret Realm. Where is the fourth black metal plate of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code"? With Luo Yuan The current perfect genetic level no longer needs to practice the Nine Tribulations Secret Code, but collecting the metal plates recording this secret method is a test given to him by the mountain guest.

Only when Luo Yuan collects the five metal plates of the Nine Tribulations Secret Book and completes the Mountain Rider's test can he truly own the ownership of the God-King-level treasure Star Tower and activate the true power of the Star Tower.

After being prepared, Luo Yuan controlled his third avatar "Venerable Yuanhua" to immediately enter the human territory and start heading towards the Craftsman Star in the Yin Fa Secret Realm.

The Yin Fa Secret Realm is a cosmic secret realm that is almost as dangerous as the Ancestral Mysterious Realm. It is located in a relatively remote area from the human territory, and its area is only equivalent to the size of a star field in the human universe. Luo Yuan's third avatar was riding a silver-white The triangular G-class spacecraft finally arrived after more than a month of traveling through the universe.


There are countless space vortexes in the Yin Fa Secret Realm, and these vortices can all lead to the core of the secret realm, where the Craftsman Star is. Luo Yuan came out of the spaceship and then put away the spacecraft. He came out this time to complete the test of the Mountain Guest. , so for the sake of safety, he did not use the top-level treasures of the flying palace type. It would be too troublesome if he was targeted by the Lord of the Universe.

Luo Yuan stood in the void and looked at the ocean-like space vortex, which was a little shocked. These are naturally formed wormholes. They seem to be very close, but they are actually very far away. This scene is very rare to see in the universe. However, after admiring it for a while, he directly used teleportation to rush towards the vortex.

Artisan is a very large planet with a diameter of 3.2 trillion kilometers. Such a superstar is actually very rare to see in the universe. But the owner of this planet is a powerful master of the universe, known as As the God of Craftsman, he is good at refining divine weapons and can even refine top-level treasures. This God of Craftsman is a flying palace-type top-level treasure refined by the Lord of the Universe.

Luo Yuan's "Chaos Temple" is also a top flying palace treasure. Compared with the Craftsman Star refined by the Craftsman God, it is still inferior. Having a superstar as a flying treasure is a luxury. How much precious materials does this consume?

Luo Yuan teleported directly in front of these space vortexes. Most of these vortexes had a stone tablet suspended at the entrance. The words "Danger, Forbidden Land, and Jedi" were written on the stone tablet. Those without stone tablets were safe areas. Luo Yuan counted the total number of them. There are about 100,000 space vortices, which are also 100,000 wormholes.

Of the approximately 100,000 wormholes, one-third are safe passages, and most of the rest lead to dangerous areas. There are also two wormholes that lead to the Jedi. This is clear and can avoid disaster for those who come. .

Luo Yuan quickly passed through the safe wormhole, and then teleported to the God of Craftsman. He recalled the information he had read about God of Craftsman, and learned that the Lord of the Universe was a very enthusiastic person. After all, he was free and easy, and he was very fond of it. Special lives, so there are many special lives living on this planet.

This craftsman star is a peace-loving force, which is rare in a universe where the jungle is strong. After all, the strong man who can reach the master of the universe is not killed among hundreds of millions of people. After all, there are only so many resources in the universe. If you want to change If you are strong, you will fight, and fighting will lead to killings and even wars between ethnic groups.

Luo Yuan took a step forward and instantly arrived on the top of a mountain on the Planet Craftsman. There are many strong people on this planet, but most of them are peace-loving, so it is also very lively here, but Luo Yuan is here to find the third one this time. It was made of four black metal plates, so he did not appreciate the unique civilization of this planet.

After some induction, Luo Yuan quickly felt the call of the black metal plate. After he found the direction, he directly teleported to the destination.

…    During the journey, Luo Yuan saw many strange and special lives, many of which he had never seen before. This made him couldn't help but sigh at the magic of the primitive universe, which can give birth to so many interesting lives.

As Luo Yuan was walking, a figure stopped him. It was a special being that looked like a woman from Earth. The reason why she was said to be a special being was because her body was actually translucent. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought she was a human being. A person made of water, this special being is also a cosmic sage. From Luo Yuan's perspective, this person looks absolutely beautiful.

"Hello, outsider, are you also here to learn how to refine treasures from Master Craftsman God?" This water man who looks like an earth woman looked at Luo Yuan curiously and asked. She was also interested in Luo Yuan's similar appearance to her. Come to strike up a conversation. After all, there are very few earthlings traveling in the universe.

Luo Yuan looked at the visitor and thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Yes, hello, my name is Yuan Hua. Can you take me with you?"

The black metal plate he wanted happened to be in the God of Craftsman Mountain. It would be more convenient to have someone familiar with this place to introduce him. The water man became obviously more enthusiastic after hearing Luo Yuan's words. After all, strong foreigners often come to the God of Craftsmen. Xing Xueyi, the two chatted happily while flying.

This woman who looks like she is made of water is called "Bertha". She is a special kind of life. She is immortal when she is born. This makes Luo Yuan unable to help but envious. She is standing at the end that countless strong people in the ethnic group dream of. However, Their tribe is very small, less than a thousand people, but they are all powerful.

During the conversation between the two, Luo Yuan discovered that Bertha was a very talkative person, and also very enthusiastic. She looked like those little girls on Earth. From this, it can be seen that she lives on this planet. I am carefree and have not experienced the cruel beatings of the universe.

Luo Yuan also likes to communicate with simple-minded people like Bertha. Soon the two of them came to Jiangshen Mountain. This is a huge mountain that towers into the clouds. There are many strange-style buildings on it, and there are also many figures walking around. , this is where the Craftsman God and his 182 disciples live, and it is also where many powerful people from the universe who come to learn their skills temporarily stay.

As he got closer and closer to Jiangshan Mountain, Luo Yuan's induction of the black metal plate became stronger and stronger, and the cells in his body began to become active. This made Luo Yuan feel very interesting. Could it be that "The Secret Book of Nine Tribulations" 》It still has an effect on him who has already reached genetic perfection.

It's just that it's difficult for Luo Yuan to use this clone to get the black metal plate from someone who is at least a high-level master of the universe, so this time he can only outsmart him and not force his way through.

Luo Yuan saw many figures kneeling devoutly on the mountain path on Mount Jiangshen. Some wanted to ask for the treasure, and some wanted to get the opportunity to learn the art of refining the treasure. Most of these people were immortal-level experts, and there were many The powerful men at the Universe Venerable level, looking at them, had been kneeling for who knows how long, they looked at Di Luo Yuan and frowned.

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(End of this chapter)

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