Chapter 214 Infiltration
  The secret realm of the Yin Dynasty is the Craftsman Star and the Craftsman Mountain.

On the towering mountain peaks, there is a large group of top powerhouses from all races in the universe kneeling down, looking like devout believers. Among these powerhouses, there are hundreds of Universe Venerables alone, and the rest are immortals. Strong people, but most of these strong people come here to learn the art of refining treasures.

It is self-evident to know that the importance of the treasure in the universe is self-evident. Luo Yuan has just experienced the battle of the original star. The sages of billions of people from the universe and the masters of the universe are fighting each other crazily to snatch the treasure. If he can refine it by himself, If you create the ultimate treasure, you will be a guest no matter where you go in the universe. Even the Lord of the universe will be polite to you.

Bertha looked at Luo Yuan curiously and asked, "Don't you also want to learn the art of refining treasures from Master Craftsman God? You can kneel down like these people and impress Master Craftsman God with your sincerity!"

Luo Yuan's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he asked: "How long have these people been kneeling here, and how many of them have been accepted as disciples by the Craftsman God?"

Bertha tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said: "The people here have been kneeling for a long time, at least tens of millions of years, but the longest one is not even the 100th era. It is only in such a short time that they want to worship the God of Craftsmen." It’s impossible to become a teacher, it would be a blessing if two or three of these people can be accepted as disciples!”

Luo Yuan just smiled after listening to Bertha's words. It was too stupid to spend such a long time just to ask the Lord of the Universe for the opportunity to learn how to refine the treasure. If you have this skill, you might as well improve your own strength. , when the strength becomes strong, directly turn this god of craftsman into a soul slave, and let him refine the treasure for himself every day.

Luo Yuan looked at Bertha and said, "Well, thank you for telling me so much. I just came here to see if there is any chance. I don't necessarily have to become a disciple of the Craftsman God."

Bertha nodded when she heard Luo Yuan's words. She suddenly seemed to see someone familiar, and then smiled and said: "Come on, my friend is back. I went to go find her to play. You can take your time and wander around by yourself." After saying that, he dodged and flew towards a building in Jiangshen Mountain.


Luo Yuan watched Bertha leave calmly. He looked at the Carpenter Mountain in front of him, landed on the ground, and walked leisurely towards the mountain. Along the way, he saw countless kneeling foreign warriors. Each of these warriors were like sculptures. , I don’t know how long he knelt. As he got closer and closer to the God of Craftsman Mountain, Luo Yuan’s induction of the fourth black metal plate became stronger and stronger.

Luo Yuan knew that he could not force himself this time. Masters of the universe like the God of Craftsman controlled time and space. Even if he was lucky enough to grab the metal plate, he would be caught by the Master of the God of Craftsman by reversing time and space. This is the power of the Master of the Universe. Therefore, even if Luo Yuan's body had the strength to kill the Lord of the Universe, he would not dare to wander around casually.

As Luo Yuan walked, he was thinking about how to get the fourth black metal plate. The test of the mountaineer was indeed not that easy to complete. Unknowingly, Luo Yuan had reached the foot of Mount Jiangshen, but was suddenly stopped.

"Little brother, you can't go any further. In front of you is the main peak of the God of Craftsman Mountain, where the Lord of the God of Craftsman and his disciples live. Other strong men are not allowed to come in and out by the way!" A man also knelt down, A strong foreigner with four hooves who looked a bit like a horse said to Luo Yuan, and some other strong men who were kneeling at the scene also looked over.

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this, and did not argue with these foreign strongmen. Instead, he quietly looked at the nearby Carpenter God Mountain. Suddenly, several figures flew out from the Carpenter God Mountain. The strong men kneeling at the scene all exclaimed excitedly. Looking at the figures that came out, they soon stopped at the foot of the mountain. They were several strangely-shaped alien strongmen. These should be the disciples of the Master of the Craftsman God. As several figures appeared, figures rushed out of many buildings at the foot of the mountain. Luo Yuan saw that there were thousands of venerables, including the overlords of the universe. These powerful men should all come to the God of Craftsman. The Lord asks for the treasure, and only those strong men who want to become their disciples will always kneel at the foot of the mountain.

The Venerable Four Hoofs who had just advised Luo Yuan looked at these disciples of the Lord of Craftsman God, with an envious look in his eyes. He asked those disciples: "Brothers, we would like to ask the Lord of Craftsman God Whenever you can see us, we sincerely come to become our disciples!”

Among the several figures that appeared, a burly man stepped out. He looked like a human, but he had two long curved horns on his head. From Luo Yuan's perspective, he looked a bit like a sheep-headed man. This man looked like a sheep-headed man. He said coldly: "Why are you in a hurry? The teacher is not on the Artisan Planet now, and has gone out to visit friends. It will take at least thousands of years. You can just wait!"

The strong men of all races who were kneeling at the scene had a look of disappointment in their eyes when they heard this, but they have been waiting for several epochs, not less than ten thousand years. If they give up now, all their efforts will be wasted, so they are still kneeling. Staying motionless in place.

Luo Yuan glanced at these powerful men and shook his head. It was impossible for him to be like them, but he had no experience in refining treasures at all, and it was impossible for him to go to the subway to refine them. There is no point in spending time and energy on the treasure, it is better to just grab it.

When Luo Yuan learned that the Lord of the Craftsman God had not returned yet, his eyes flashed red. As far as he knew, there was only one Lord of the Universe in this Planet of the Craftsmen God, and there were powerful people here. Everyone is obsessed with refining treasures, and their fighting strength may not be much better.

After Luo Yuan figured this out, he simply built a simple courtyard at the foot of the mountain and waited for the opportunity. Two months later, Luo Yuan was ready. The craftsman star was still as calm as usual. Luo Yuan directly He used a secret method to transform into an ordinary flying insect on the God of Craftsman, and then teleported towards the mountainside of God of Craftsman. With his knowledge of the laws of space, his teleportation did not produce any spatial fluctuations.

Since the people present could not find him at all, Luo Yuan soon arrived at the mountainside. Then he found a forbidden air domain here, which was very powerful. It seemed that it should be arranged by the Lord of the Craftsman God, and in the cave in the mountainside There was a terrifying high temperature, and waves of torrential weather surged out, forming a layer of clouds and mist around them.

Luo Yuan felt that the temperature was at least tens of millions of degrees, which was much higher than the temperature of the core of a star. However, for a strong person like Luo Yuan, it was like cold water, so he didn't care at all and directly Rushing deep into the mountain at a speed close to the speed of light.

Soon Luo Yuan arrived at the core of the mountain, and then he felt the strong fluctuations of the fourth metal plate. It seemed that it should be under the casting platform in the distance, but at this time there were three majestic figures with a height of three kilometers at the scene. Using divine power to forge treasures, Luo Yuan could tell from the aura emanating from these three people that they were all powerful men at the level of universe overlords.

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(End of this chapter)

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