Chapter 215 Got it
  Luo Yuan, who originally transformed into a flying insect, turned into an ordinary stone and stayed deep in the mountain. He was not in a hurry but quietly watched the three alien universe overlords in front of him forging the treasure. They could not stay there forever. Waiting for them to leave here is your chance. As for fighting them, it is even more unnecessary.

While Luo Yuan was watching these three guys forging iron, he separated a little bit of consciousness to play virtual games. He didn't know how long it took, but the three alien universe overlords finally left talking and laughing. Luo Yuan faced their The figure from behind raised his middle finger, and after they completely left, Luo Yuan's figure appeared.

Luo Yuan looked at the casting platform as big as a mountain and raised his eyebrows, because there were a lot of precious forging materials on it. Those three guys kept him waiting for so long, so he directly used the materials on the casting platform unceremoniously. Taking them all away, although it is of no use to Luo Yuan, but just selling them will make hundreds of millions of chaos units.

After doing all this, Luo Yuan directly used his secret method to drill deep into the mountain. The deeper he went, the more terrifying the temperature he felt became more and more terrifying. This temperature burned the space and distorted it. Even the king-level immortal powerhouse came. It would burn the divine body into nothingness, but for Luo Yuan, it was like bath water.

Soon, Luo Yuan came to the core of the God of Craftsman Mountain, and then he was surprised to see a fiery red gourd several meters high, and this gourd was bound by dozens of chains that seemed to be nothing, and each chain was constantly red. Flames poured into the gourd, and these chains were obviously delivering energy to the gourd.

Luo Yuan sensed carefully and found that the fourth metal plate he wanted was in the red gourd, and this fire gourd should be the core key of the God of Craftsman. In other words, this fire gourd is controlled by the Lord of God of Craftsman. If Luo Yuan can take away the key to this gourd, he will be able to control the Craftsman Star, the top flying palace treasure, but it will also attract the Master of the Craftsman God to come immediately.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and shook his head. He already owned a flying palace-type top treasure. There was no need to take risks for the craftsman star. He quickly took the fourth black metal plate and ran away, but Luo Yuan did not He will take action immediately, because the flames in this fire gourd are not fun at first glance.

Luo Yuan is now wearing a set of high-level treasure battle armor. He exerts all his divine power to maximize the strength of the Lord of the Medium Universe, so he decides to go in and give it a try. After making up his mind, Luo Yuan directly turns into a stream of light and flies towards the gourd mouth. Go, but as soon as he entered the gourd, he felt a terrible temperature, which was probably hundreds of millions of degrees, but fortunately he could resist it.

The fire gourd looks only a few meters high from the outside, but it is indeed a world of its own inside. Luo Yuan's figure is as small as a leaf after jumping in, but he is still falling rapidly. There are also restrictions in the forbidden air law. , unable to perform teleportation and divine teleportation.

But when Luo Yuan was falling, he could see a huge magic circle at the bottom of the gourd. This magic circle should be the core that maintains the flame energy of the fire gourd. The metal plate he needs is also in this magic circle. Under the coverage, the closer Luo Yuan got to the magic circle, the stronger the flames he felt, and it also carried powerful fire and space fusion laws.


Suddenly a strong burning sensation came, and Luo Yuan found that the high-level treasure armor he was wearing was being fused little by little. This made him startled, but he was already here, so he couldn't give up all his efforts. So Luo Yuan still insisted on going downwards. When he was about to approach the magic circle, the high-grade treasure armor on Luo Yuan's body also melted away.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan quickly burned his divine power. The perfect level of pure divine power formed a set of divine armor covering his whole body. However, the divine armor was still being melted by the terrifying flame temperature. Luo Yuan had no choice but to continue burning his divine power. To replenish the armor with divine power, he swept away his mental power and found the metal plate he wanted in the middle of the array.

So Luo Yuan directly took out a high-level treasure-level golden stick weapon of his. Under the urging of his divine power, the golden stick immediately turned into a golden pillar that reaches the sky. His divine body also instantly became huge, and then he picked up the golden stick. He struck hard at the magic circle below, a blow comparable to that of the Lord of the Medium Universe, which directly shattered the magic circle.

Luo Yuan's mental power swept away and ingested a black metal plate piled among the precious materials out of thin air. Luo Yuan put away the black metal plate and immediately flew towards the gourd's mouth. Just when he flew out of the gourd's mouth, there was a terrifying sound. The coercion came, causing the space to be frozen directly, and the power of the vast law restrained Luo Yuan's clone. “Junior, how dare you touch my things!”

Suddenly an old voice came, and then a giant hand covering the sky like glass appeared and grabbed Luo Yuan's clone. Seeing this, Luo Yuan burned his divine body directly, and his powerful divine power boiled. He grasped the golden pillar that reached the sky and suddenly appeared in the sky. The giant hand that covers the sky blasts away fiercely.


There was an earth-shaking sound. Luo Yuan's high-level treasure actually broke, but spider web-like cracks also appeared on the giant hand that covered the sky. Then the giant hand that covered the sky suddenly dissipated, and a muscle A burly old man appeared in the sky. His eyes that seemed to contain endless stars looked at Luo Yuan carefully.

This old man is the Lord of the God of Craftsman. He existed when the universe first opened. He is an extremely ancient Lord of the universe. He has always been obsessed with refining treasures. He has been taught by a mountain guest and has always wanted to become a disciple. However, But he was rejected by the Mountain Guest. He was originally asked by the Mountain Guest to help test Luo Yuan, but what shocked him was that Luo Yuan was able to defeat his attack with just a clone.

"Little guy, you are amazing. With just one clone, you can exert a strength comparable to that of the Lord of the Medium Universe. He really saw the right person. Well, you have passed the test and you can leave!" the majestic old man said slowly.

Luo Yuan was a little confused. This is it. Isn't it too perfunctory? Finally, the Lord of the Universe came. Luo Yuan originally planned to have a fight with the Lord of the Universe even if he gave up this clone, so that he could see the Lord of the Universe. How strong is it?

When the Master of the Craftsman God saw Luo Yuan still standing there, he glared and said, "If you still don't leave, do you want me to send you out personally?"

Luo Yuan saw that the Master of the Craftsman God was serious. He nodded and quickly walked away from the outside. When he came out of the Craftsman God Star, he took out his G-class spaceship and headed towards the Primordial Star. Luo Yuan was so black last time Excalibur temporarily left the original star, and the original star will open a thousand eras. He gained a lot last time, and he plans to gain a lot this time.

The fourth metal plate of the Nine Tribulations Secret Book was transferred to the main body after being transmitted by the Kingdom of God. Luo Yuan directly digested and interpreted it, and gained a new understanding of the improvement of the genetic level. He may be able to make a breakthrough on this basis.

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(End of this chapter)

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