Chapter 216 Lord Tianyan
  In the vast starry sky, a G-class silver-white triangular spacecraft was accelerating. It soon reached the speed of light, and then disappeared into the dark universe. Inside the spacecraft was Luo Yuan's third clone, "Venerable Yuanhua." He is using the Heart of Space to replenish his divine power. With the influx of a large amount of divine power, his divine body is slowly recovering.

Luo Yuan slowly opened his eyes, he clenched his fist, and the clone returned to its full strength. With a thought, he put on another set of high-level treasure armor, but this armor was black and gold, and could be used at will. With the ability to change appearance and hide aura, Luo Yuan felt that this armor was more suitable for assassination.

A year after the spacecraft shuttled through the dark universe, Luo Yuan finally reached the outskirts of the original star. He teleported out of the spacecraft, then put the spacecraft away and rushed into a space vortex. The sky and the earth were spinning again. , he came to the ground on one of the 10081 original stars.

Luo Yuan looked at the surrounding environment. This was an endless mountain range. He was standing on the top of a mountain. The place was shrouded in clouds and mist, and the scenery was spectacular. He raised his left arm, and a light screen appeared on it, showing the original stars from From the major events that started to the present, if in the first hundred years or so, the strong men of various races fought against each other for the treasure, it can be said to be a very cruel war.

This primitive star cannot teleport or teleport to the Kingdom of God, not even the Lord of the Universe, so Luo Yuan had no choice but to fly in the air honestly, maintaining sub-light speed. When he passed a mountain peak, a sudden energy aura attracted his attention. , that was the smell of treasure, and he was the only one here, which made Luo Yuan feel that he was very lucky this time. He could pick up a treasure as soon as he came, and he didn't know what level it was.

Luo Yuan followed the energy aura and quickly came to a towering mountain peak, and then he saw a black stick-like weapon stuck on the top of the mountain. Luo Yuan's mental power swept away and he knew that this turned out to be a war spear. And it was also a high-level treasure, which made him a little happy. After all, his horizons were now higher, and only top-level treasures could excite him.

Luo Yuan directly stretched out his hand to hold the exposed spear of the black war spear, and then pulled out the black war spear with a little force, which was comparable to the power of the Lord of the Medium Universe. Suddenly, the towering mountain peak collapsed, and Luo Yuan stood in a flash. In the void, he mobilized his divine power to directly invade the black war spear, and the spiritual imprint merged with its core. This high-level treasure was now recognized as its owner.

As the black war spear recognized its owner, a piece of information was transmitted into Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness. After interpretation, it turned out to be a war spear using the secret method called "Spear of the Void". It turned out to be the secret method of the fusion law of gold and space. This is the same as "Spear of the Void". Secret techniques of the same level as "Seven Transformations of the Beast God" would require a lot of points if sold in the Hongmeng Mall.

Luo Yuan had already successfully practiced the "Seven Transformations of the Beast God". With one method able to overcome all methods, he quickly mastered the secret method "Spear of the Void". One spear can penetrate the void and destroy a star field. Even if you encounter a strong man wearing a high-level treasure armor, there is still a chance that he will be killed with a spear.

The powerful cosmic overlord is no longer looked down upon by Luo Yuan's clone. If the top cosmic overlord possesses the top treasure, he will also have the opportunity to kill him and seize his treasure. As for the master of the universe, under the special environment of this primitive star, as for the He is not the master of the higher universe, so he does not need to worry.

Luo Yuan flew leisurely on this primitive star to see if he could pick up any more treasures. When he passed by a plateau, he felt something strange. Just when he was about to investigate carefully, the plateau below actually started to move. It turns out that this place is not a plateau, but a huge alien lord.

The alien sage also discovered Luo Yuan. He immediately removed his disguise and stood up, turning into a super giant with a size of tens of thousands of kilometers. It looked like it should belong to a rock-type race, but the power exuded by this divine body turned out to be He is a top cosmic overlord.

The rock giant's two ruby-like eyes stared at the ant-like Luo Yuan below. It said, "Human, I think you look familiar. Oh, I remembered. You are the one who captured the black divine sword." Lucky man, I am Lord Tianyan of the Thorn Alliance, and the master of our universe needs that sword. I advise you to hand it over now, and I can spare your life!"

Luo Yuan heard the words and sneered: "You are not big, but your tone is not small. It is unlucky for you to meet me today. I don't know what treasures you have on you. If you hand it over, I may give it to you." Leave a whole body!" After hearing Luo Yuan's words, Venerable Tianyan said angrily: "You are so arrogant, you human boy, come and die!"

Lord Tianyan stretched out his big, rock-like, sky-covering hand to grab Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan ducked away. He immediately expanded his divine body to a size of tens of thousands of kilometers, and then stretched out his palm to get close to Lord Tianyan. They fought with each other, and every collision caused the space on the ground to crack and the mountains to collapse.

During the fight, Lord Tianyan became more and more surprised as the fight continued. Because Luo Yuan had a divine body and was even stronger than him, and his divine power reserves seemed to be endless. If this continued, Lord Tianyan could not afford to use it up, so he decided to quickly The battle was over quickly, so Lord Tianyan took out a stone stick-shaped top-level treasure and blasted it at Luo Yuan. This stone stick-shaped treasure was the ancestral weapon of their Tianyan clan and was an extremely rare top-level treasure.

Luo Yuan couldn't help showing joy in his eyes when he saw Venerable Tianyan taking out the top treasure. If these alien lords were the real treasures, it would be much more convenient than looking for treasures everywhere, so he took out the Spear of the Void, Huge and pure divine power poured in, causing the black spear to shine with black divine light.


An earth-shattering sound spread, the stone sticks and war spears collided, and the space directly collapsed. The aftermath of the battle shattered the endless mountains, but soon these mountains and spaces were completely restored. This Lord Tianyan has The strength of a top universe overlord, coupled with the top treasure "Tongtian Stick", can also exert the strength of a mid-level universe lord.

This was the first time that Luo Yuan met a strong alien who could compete with his own clone. However, he had never heard of this Lord Tianyan. He seemed to be a low-key guy who liked to hide his power and his insignificant development. This guy's status in the Thorn Ring Alliance is not simple either.

Lord Tianyan looked at Luo Yuan, who was about the same size as his divine body, with solemn eyes. As the lord of the Tianyan tribe and a disciple of the Lord of the High Universe of the Thorn Ring Alliance, he had been hiding his abilities and biding his time over the years, working hard to accumulate strength. He originally thought that he was a billionaire. A peerless genius who is rare to see in an eternity, but today he just met a strong human being and was able to fight him like this, and he was still at a disadvantage.

When Luo Yuan saw the look of Lord Tianyan, he knew that this big man was about to be unable to support him. Although the two were equally powerful, in terms of the purity and reserve of divine power, Lord Tianyan could not compare with him at all, so Lord Tianyan could not compare with him. Sooner or later he would be defeated, and it was impossible for the big guy to run away. Luo Yuan had had enough fun and was ready to give him a fatal blow.

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(End of this chapter)

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