I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 223 Blood Cloud Palace, Mountain Guest

Chapter 223 Blood Cloud Palace, Mountain Guest

There was an earth-shaking sound, and a black giant about a million kilometers tall was grabbing Luo Yuan. This giant had black spar-like skin, six arms, and each of the six hands held a blood-red fist. The stone hammer looks like a demon from myths and legends, and is extremely powerful.

When Luo Yuan saw this figure, he quickly thought of the relevant information he had read. This black giant is the "Lord of Black Sky", a special being with a life gene level that has reached at least 8,000 times. Even the... The six stone hammers are all high-level treasures, and the power of this explosion is comparable to that of a medium-sized universe master, and is equivalent to the strength of Luo Yuan's clone.

Lord Black Sky looked at Luo Yuan with his dark eyes, and then shouted: "Human strong man, this is not the place you should come to. If you don't want to die, leave quickly!"

Luo Yuan heard this and said coldly: "Lord Black Sky, I am here for important matters. We have no enmity or enmity. If you stop me, I will kill you!"

As Luo Yuan's third clone spoke, his divine body immediately changed into a size of tens of millions of kilometers. Lord Black Sky was like a little baby in front of him. This scene also made Lord Black Sky become serious, Luo Yuan His divine body is more than ten times larger than his, which means that Luo Yuan's divine power reserve is at least ten times that of his, but a large divine power reserve does not necessarily mean that he is powerful.

"We must fight quickly, otherwise we will be dragged to death by the humans in front of us!" Lord Black Sky thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Lord Black Sky shouted, and his golden secret patterns flashed on the black crystal-like skin on his body. These secret patterns soon spread to his whole body, looking more like a demon god. He raised six stones Hammer activated his innate secret technique, and six black vortexes suddenly appeared around him. The terrifying power of space spread out, and a powerful suction force appeared, and everything around him began to be sucked in.

Luo Yuan looked at this scene and thought of the secret method "Black Hole Evolution" he had learned. This innate secret method performed by Lord Black Sky is somewhat similar to his black hole swallowing, but there are still some differences, that is, the swallowing power is not strong enough.

Luo Yuan calmly waved his hand, and powerful divine power surged out, and soon ten super black holes with a size of one million kilometers appeared in front of him. As soon as these ten black holes appeared, they were sucked into each other by the six black vortices of Lord Black Sky. When he got up, even the surrounding light was swallowed up, turning into an absolutely dark environment.

It's just that Lord Black Sky's black vortex is not as powerful as Luo Yuan's black hole. Soon Lord Black Sky is defeated. His black vortex is directly swallowed by Luo Yuan's black hole, and these ten black holes are still swallowing Lord Black Sky. He came and directly tore off the six arms of Lord Black Sky, and the six high-level treasure-level stone hammers were also put away by Luo Yuan.

Lord Black Sky let out a shrill wail, and roared: "Human, you are indeed very strong, but if you kill me, my master will not let you go!"

Luo Yuan just smiled when he heard this. He stretched out hundreds of divine chains of law in his hand and tied Lord Heitian tightly, sealed his cultivation, and then pulled him into his own divine kingdom. The next moment, the powerful will of his original body The arrival made the black sky lord kneel on the ground and tremble in fear. Luo Yuan was not polite and directly turned this top universe overlord into a soul slave and asked him to guard the temple gate.

After Luo Yuan finished doing this, he left the depths of darkness. On the way, he encountered many special beings that blocked his progress. Each of these special beings was powerful, at least at the level of the overlord of the universe. Luo Yuan accepted them all. Drag these special beings into the Kingdom of God, enslave them as soul slaves, and then guard the temple gate.

After fighting monsters and recruiting younger brothers along the way, Luo Yuan actually had the fun of playing level-breaking games, which made him interested in the ultimate BOSS in the deepest part. Soon Luo Yuan saw a huge blood-red palace, with a door above the palace gate. The three words "Blood Cloud Palace" are engraved on the plaque, and powerful pressure radiates from the palace.

This "Blood Cloud Palace" is also a top flying palace type treasure. Luo Yuan couldn't help but twitching when he saw the name of this palace. As far as he knew, the owner of this palace, the Lord of Blood Cloud Palace, is the incarnation of Sitting Mountain Guest. , the fifth black metal plate is in the Blood Cloud Palace, and the identity of Sitting Mountain Guest was prepared in advance for his third disciple, in order to allow his disciples to kill as they please and improve their strength and character. . Luo Yuan thought about this and had nothing to worry about. He teleported directly into the Blood Cloud Palace, and then saw tens of thousands of heavy treasures, hundreds of treasures, and a large number of rare materials in a treasure room, including "Nine Tribulations" Luo Yuan took all the fifth black metal plate in the "Secret Book".

When Luo Yuan arrived at the core hall of Blood Cloud Palace, sitting on the blood-red throne was a humanoid figure exuding terrifying murderous intent.

This figure wore a blood-red mask, wore a blood-red battle armor, had golden horns on his head, and had a blood-red tail wagging behind him. When this person saw Luo Yuan, he smiled and said, "You are finally here! "

The Lord of the Bloody Cloud Palace stood up on the throne. His body shape kept changing. The blood-red battle armor turned into an ordinary cyan battle armor. The golden curved horn on his head turned into a small crystal-like jade horn, which followed his face. The mask on him disappeared, revealing the appearance of a mountain guest.

The mountain guest looked at Luo Yuan and said with a smile: "You don't seem surprised?"

Luo Yuan already knew the identity of the master of the Bloody Cloud Palace, and he also thought about simply acting along, but his acting skills would definitely be seen through in front of the mountain guest, and it was simply superfluous, so he thought for a while and said: " I'm actually surprised that the master of Xueyun Palace belongs to the teacher, but seeing your face, I don't feel surprised anymore, after all, only you have this ability."

The mountain guest raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Although Luo Yuan's explanation was lame and seemed to be flattering, he didn't care too much.

Sitting Mountain Guest said: "I, the master of Bloody Cloud Palace, was originally prepared for the third disciple, so that the disciple can do what he wants to do as he pleases. After all, you are all bound by your own ethnic group. From now on, this is It’s yours, including the Blood Cloud Palace and the following forces, but I didn’t expect you to turn them all into soul slaves.”

Luo Yuan smiled awkwardly. He didn't think about it that much before he saw the Blood Cloud Palace. After all, he still remembered the plot of this world so clearly. He only knew that there were five metal plates, and the three at the back He couldn't remember the exact location at all. If Mountain Guest hadn't informed him of it when he was at the Star Tower, he would have searched all over the universe for it.

Luo Yuan is currently creating his fourth avatar "Lord of Hunyuan". This is the avatar of the peak Lord of the Universe. It can just inherit the identity of "Lord of Blood Cloud Palace" and it will be much more convenient for handling many things. .

Afterwards, Mountain Guest had a lot of chats with Luo Yuan. He also gave Luo Yuan the "Blood Cloud Bead" that could change the appearance and soul breath. He also knew that Luo Yuan had broken through to the Lord of the Universe, so he promised to serve Luo Yuan. Yuan specializes in refining a pinnacle treasure.

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(End of this chapter)

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