Chapter 224 Giant Meeting
  After the Mountain Guest left, Luo Yuan took over the identity of "Blood Cloud Palace Master". He used the Blood Cloud Beads to change his appearance and soul aura to have the same aura as the Blood Cloud Palace Master shown by the previous Mountain Guest. , and then summoned all the men from Blood Cloud Palace.

Luo Yuan looked at the dense crowd of men kneeling under the throne and felt a little incredible. In addition to the 18 top universe overlord-level generals who had been conquered by him in the Blood Cloud Palace, there were also many venerables and seals among these powerful men. King level, and these powerful people all belong to special beings.

As special beings, not only are their life genes powerful, but their actual combat power is also stronger. They also have very mysterious innate secrets. In order to control this powerful force, Luo Yuan directly turned these special beings into soul secrets through soul secrets. Your own soul slave.

After doing this, Luo Yuan's third avatar, Venerable Yuanhua, temporarily stayed in the Blood Cloud Palace to organize the resources here, and his body caused a series of changes due to his breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe.


Chaos City, Chaos Ruins.

The Lord of Chaos City, who was sitting on the throne of the high platform, looked at Luo Yuan below with a smile on his face. The Lord of Chaos City said: "Luo Yuan, I will call you the Lord of Hunyuan from now on. Your matter has been notified to other human masters of the universe. In the future, you will also join the highest-level decision-making meeting of mankind - the Great Ax Meeting!"

Luo Yuan was overjoyed when he heard this. This giant ax meeting is a pinnacle meeting that only the Lord of the Universe and the strongest in the universe can participate in. In fact, it is the Lord of the Universe and the strongest in the universe who really control the destiny of mankind. Humans like the humans he participated in before The Supreme Council only gathers powerful human beings above the Venerable level, and then the Lords of the Universe notify them.

In other words, from today on, Luo Yuan will truly enter the circle of the top human beings.

The Lord of Chaos City continued: "How come there are now 18 Masters of the Universe in the human race, and if you include you, there are 19. These Masters of the Universe are divided into five parties. Among them, our Virtual Universe Company has 6 Masters of the Universe, including you. There are 5 people in the Giant Ax Arena, 3 people in the Universe Mercenary Alliance, 3 people in the First Bank of the Universe, and 2 Lords of the Universe in the Universe Galaxy Bank.

In addition to these 19 masters of the universe, there are two most powerful people in the universe, namely the original ancestor and the founder of the giant axe. "

Luo Yuan heard this and said confused: "Teacher, I have seen the creator of the giant axe, but why have I never heard of the original ancestor?"

The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but sigh after hearing this: "The original universe we are in now is actually the small universe created by the original ancestor. He could be said to be the most powerful person in the universe in this original universe and even the cosmic sea. Even the human race The virtual universe used was also created by him, who is also my teacher and your master."

Luo Yuan was shocked when he heard this. He actually knew about the original ancestor, but he didn't know much about the details. After all, he had voraciously read books back then. He didn't expect that there was such a super strong person in the human race. He also remembered that he was at the round table of the Supreme Meeting of Humanity. There was always an empty black chair on the throne on the highest platform, which turned out to be the original ancestor's.

"Then what happened next, where did the original ancestor go?" Luo Yuan continued to ask.

The Lord of Chaos City thought for a while and decided to tell Luo Yuan. After all, Luo Yuan would know sooner or later, so he said: "In fact, in the original universe, all living beings were protected by the origin of the universe before they broke through to the strongest person in the universe. , so various rewards are given when breaking through the realm, but once a living being breaks through to the strongest in the universe, it will be bound and suppressed by the origin of the universe.     Teacher Yuanzu is already the strongest person in the universe at the peak. In order to break through, he will be stronger The realm of the original universe, so he confronted the origin of the original universe, and a war broke out. After that, the teacher was permanently suppressed by the origin of the original universe, but the teacher is still alive, so the virtual universe and the original universe he created are still functioning normally! "

Luo Yuan also felt pity for the original ancestor when he heard this. This original ancestor is obviously about to escape the control of the original universe, but it is impossible to succeed in fighting against its origin in the original universe, just like the NPCs in the game are powerful. Unable to jump out of the game administrator's settings and highest permissions.

Of course, if the original ancestor could cross the vast sea of ​​space and reach the other shore, which is the Origin Continent, then he could break through to a stronger realm, but this is extremely difficult. Even the former God King Sitting on the Mountain had to plan countless Era only has so much vitality, let alone the primitive creatures born from the primitive universe.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan quietly, waiting for Luo Yuan to digest these extremely confidential information. After a while, the Lord of Chaos City said: "Okay, the other masters of the universe are almost gathered in the virtual universe. You As the new Lord of the Universe, I will take you to meet them. You don’t need to worry about your identity being revealed. The founder of the Great Ax has ordered all the Lords of the Universe to keep your secrets.

And even if the strongest person in the universe is interested in you, they would not dare to attack the Lord of the universe, otherwise they will be severely punished by the original universe! "

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this, and then communicated with the consciousness of the Lord of Chaos City in the virtual universe.


In the virtual universe, in a special plane space, there is a huge round table, but there are only 21 thrones surrounding it. The highest ones are two huge black thrones. Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City appear here. .

At this time, there were already 17 figures sitting on the throne. Luo Yuan saw at a glance that these people's bodies were of different sizes, but they all exuded a very strong aura. When they saw the figures of Chaos City Lord and Luo Yuan, these people also looked over. , each of them had different expressions, including shock, confusion, and fear. As a newcomer, Luo Yuan took the initiative to greet these people, and the masters of the universe responded with smiles.

The Lord of Chaos City also introduced to Luo Yuan the various Lords of the Universe present. These Lords of the Universe are divided into five giants. The Virtual Universe Company is dominated by the Lord of Chaos City. The remaining four Lords of the Universe are the Lord of Dragon Walk and the Lord of Ice Peak. , Lord of Darkness, Lord of Youhou, among which Lord of Youhou is a disciple of the Lord of Darkness, while Lord of Ice Peak, Lord of Darkness and Lord of Chaos City are all disciples of the original ancestor.

As the direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos City and the first disciple to reach the Lord of the Universe, Luo Yuan naturally attracted the attention of these Lords of the Universe. The bald man in black robe is the Lord of Darkness who has been traveling in the Sea of ​​Universe. He looked at Luo Yuan, then smiled at Chaos and said, "Yes, Chaos, your apprentice is very good. I actually felt danger in him. It's like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!"

The Lord of Chaos City also smiled when he heard this. In the past, the Lord of Darkness often showed off in front of him because he taught outstanding disciples like Lord Youhou. Now Luo Yuan has also become the Lord of the Universe, and the aura he exudes is comparable to that of veterans like them. The Lord of the Universe was no less generous, which made the Lord of Chaos City feel embarrassed.

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(End of this chapter)

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