I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 225 Earth Sovereignty, Cosmic Sea

Chapter 225 Earth Sovereignty, Cosmic Sea
  The Lord of Chaos City listened to the Lord of Darkness's praise of Luo Yuan. He smiled and nodded: "My disciple is indeed good. He is usually very low-key. He has a temperament similar to that of Darkness. In just tens of thousands of years, he has reached the place where we are waiting." The strength that took countless epochs to reach is inseparable from his hard work and talent!"

The Lord of Darkness also smiled and said: "No wonder I fell in love with this little guy as soon as I saw him. He is very similar to the temperament I exude. He is mature and steady. It turns out that we are from the same sect. Youhou, you can be more close to each other in the future!"

Lord Youhou, the disciple of the Lord of Darkness below, smiled and nodded when he heard this, and then cast a friendly look at Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan also smiled in response. After that, the Lord of Chaos City introduced Luo Yuan to several other four major Giant, the Giant Ax Arena is headed by the founder of Giant Ax, who is usually presided over by the Lord of Virtual Gold, who is also Hong's teacher.

The Universe Mercenary Alliance is headed by Lord Huangjian, the First Bank of the Universe is headed by Lord Qingdong, and the Universe Galaxy Bank is headed by Lord Peng Gong. These Lords of the Universe have different looks, but they all have extraordinary momentum, but now the In the situation of the strong, there is no doubt that the virtual universe lineage with six universe masters is the strongest.

The other four giants, the Masters of the Universe, also kept looking at Luo Yuan. Their eyes were not only shocked but also relieved. Although they belonged to different forces, they were all members of the human race. They could also help each other in the future, but it was about the ownership of the earth. As for the matter, Luo Yuan had previously told them through the founder of Giant Ax that he wanted to take back ownership of the earth.

If Luo Yuan was just an ordinary lord of the universe, they wouldn't care very much, but after seeing Luo Yuan himself, they all began to care about gains and losses. Undoubtedly, the aura exuded by Luo Yuan was even stronger than them. This shows that Luo Yuan When he was in the Venerable Realm, he had a strength comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe, and it only took him a few tens of thousands of years to reach this point. His future achievements would only be higher than theirs, and they couldn't offend him.


There was a space distortion, and the rough figure of the founder of the giant ax appeared on the highest black throne. As soon as he arrived, the other masters of the universe fell silent. The masters of the other four giants who wanted to find out Luo Yuan's strength had no choice but to Shut up.

The founder of the giant ax had a pair of vicissitudes of eyes that calmly swept across all the universe masters present. When he looked at Luo Yuan, he actually smiled, and Luo Yuan smiled in response.

The rich voice of the founder of the giant ax sounded: "We have called everyone here today for three things. The first is to congratulate our human race on having another lord of the universe, Luo Yuan, the titled Lord of Hunyuan, but this This information must be kept confidential, because during this period I found that the other three major ethnic groups are a little dishonest. If they know about Luo Yuan's existence, I don't know what terrible things they will do.

You must know that in the past, these three major ethnic groups paid a huge price to invite the strongest person in the universe to kill the outstanding geniuses of other ethnic groups. "

As soon as the founder of the giant ax finished speaking, all the masters of the universe present were shocked, but they immediately nodded solemnly. Although the strongest person in the universe who kills the master of the universe will be severely punished by the original universe, if the other party comes out The price is too tempting, and there will still be some lone strongest men in the universe who take desperate risks. The worst they can do is hide in the cosmic sea, and the origin of the original universe cannot interfere that far.

After all the masters of the universe present said that they were keeping Luo Yuan's secret, the founder of Giant Ax continued: "Everyone is mentally prepared for this second thing, that is, the Lord of Hunyuan will take back the ownership of the earth. Let's express it." Come on, I support Hunyuan, and for this reason I am willing to use a pinnacle treasure to make up for your losses!"

The Lords of the Universe present were shocked when they heard the words of the founder of the giant ax. The founder of the giant ax was actually willing to give out a pinnacle treasure to support Luo Yuan. This shows how much the founder of the giant ax values ​​Luo Yuan. Although the earth can give birth to Descendants with powerful souls only have the possibility to become strong. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone on earth become extremely strong? These masters of the universe did not want to offend the founder of the giant ax and Luo Yuan, who was destined to have a bright future because of the ownership of the earth, so they finally agreed after thinking again and again, and the pinnacle treasure mentioned by the founder of the giant ax was also given to them. At a good level, they must be aware of current affairs.

Luo Yuan listened to the words of the founder of the giant axe, and felt grateful in his heart. The pinnacle treasure is also a priceless treasure for the strongest person in the universe, especially when the human race does not have a supreme treasure to guard it. He decided to have a chance to get it in the future. After acquiring more pinnacle treasures, return one to the founder of the giant axe. This is just out of respect and has no other ideas.

After the founder of the giant ax waited for the second thing to be decided, he continued: "The third thing is that I decided to go to the universe sea to explore in the near future, also in order to get more opportunities. During my absence, by Chaos will preside over all major affairs of the human race. At the same time, I will place the copy of the residual map of Qingfeng Realm that I obtained in the human treasure house. You can exchange it, but if anyone wants to go there, be careful. The human race cannot lose anything from you. One!"

The Lords of the Universe present listened to the words of the founder of the giant axe. Some were happy and some were worried. However, the Lord of Chaos City still had the same calm expression. As the creator of the giant ax announced three things, this meeting of giants also came to an end. It's over.

The consciousness of Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City returned. They were still in the Chaos Ruins of Chaos City. Luo Yuan looked at the Lord of Chaos City and asked: "Teacher, where is the Qingfeng Realm?" Luo Yuan did not understand this place. , although he knows about the cosmic sea, he doesn’t understand everything in the cosmic sea. Who can read so carefully in a book.

When the Lord of Chaos City heard this, he thought about it and decided to tell Luo Yuan some secrets about the universe, so he said: "As for the universe sea, I once heard Teacher Yuanzu say that there are almost three thousand different things in the universe sea. Dimensions, there are countless universes in each universe sea.

But each cosmic sea will give birth to a unique original universe, so the original universe is the largest celestial body in the cosmic sea. The original original will manages everything that happens in the cosmic sea under the supreme rules.

There are three major Jedi in the cosmic sea where the original universe we live in, and the 'Qingfeng Realm' is one of them. It is extremely dangerous inside, and even the strongest people in the universe have to be careful. However, there are many treasures in it, even if There are many pinnacle treasures and most powerful treasures. This is also where the strong men above the Lord of the Universe come to make their fortunes. "

After Luo Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but become interested in the 'Qingfeng Realm'. Although the Cosmic Sea is dangerous, the rewards are also great. This is where the real powerhouses of the universe stay. Luo Yuan plans to wait for his third After the four clones are created, go and break into them.

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(End of this chapter)

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