I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 242 Purple Moon Holy Land, Siege and Killing

Chapter 242 Purple Moon Holy Land, Siege and Killing
  As Luo Yuan's title of Lord of Hunyuan continued to spread in the universe sea, many powerful people also knew that he had several high-level treasures. These people began to pay attention and wanted to kill people and seize the treasures, especially They are the powerful people in the Purple Moon Holy Land universe. Although they do not participate in the war between the powerful people of various races, they still spare no effort to fight for the treasures.

The Lord of the Five Hun and other three peak universe lords have been in this cosmic sea for countless epochs, and they have several peak treasures on their bodies, but Luo Yuan is not suppressing and playing with them. Other strong people think that Luo Yuan may have the most powerful treasures in his body. But even the strongest person in the universe would be extremely excited about the treasure. At the same time, many strong people rushed to the area where Luo Yuan was.


Suddenly, at the edge of Yanshui Lake, the void was distorted. The Lord of the Five Huns was wearing a somewhat damaged divine armor of extinction. He actually survived the seventh level of death. However, at this time, he was in a very embarrassed state. His body was burnt, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes were blurry. Full of crazy killing intent.

"Lord of Hunyuan, I survived, just wait for me!" the Lord of Wuhun shouted to the sky.

At the same time, the three top universe masters from the Holy Land universe also arrived. They are the master of Youya, the master of Panke, and the master of Fenglong. The most powerful among them is naturally the master of Fenglong. This is He The Lord of Wuhun and the Lord of Chaos City are of the same level.

The Lord Youya is a witch from the Ziyue Clan. Although she has a graceful body, she has three different faces. She looks like a demon and is full of weirdness. If Luo Yuan saw her, he would sigh that this is really a devil's figure. , but these three faces do not conform to the aesthetics of people on earth.

When these strong men besieged Luo Yuan, Luo Yuan also received corresponding news. After all, their human race has special contact information. Luo Yuan was just a little worried about the siege of these strong men. If he resisted at that time, No matter what, he can completely control the Star Tower to lead these people to dangerous places and destroy them.

Luo Yuan is now in the cold wind zone. There are nearly a hundred dangerous places near the vast space of Yanshui Lake, and this cold wind zone is one of them. It is relatively safe here, with an area of ​​nearly three light years, and there is no way to Teleporting, shrouded in his Chaos Cage, this place can be said to be his territory.

Soon the three masters of the universe from the Purple Moon Holy Land came here. After all, they were the closest and had the best information, so they quickly locked the location of Luo Yuan. However, after they came here, Luo Yuan had been talking to him. They circled around, but the three universe masters of Ziyue's clan couldn't catch up with Luo Yuan for a while, and they were all trembling with anger.

"Human boy, when are you going to run away? Hurry up and hand over all the treasures on your body. We can spare your life!" The Lord of Fenglong shouted angrily.

Luo Yuan laughed when he heard this and said: "Feng Rong, you three also want to catch me and want the treasure on me. Would I be so stupid? You can't do anything to me. Wait for people from other forces to come. Yes, I would like to see a wonderful scene of you fighting for the treasure!"

"Lord of Hunyuan, I admire your courage, but you must have lost a lot of power in this battle. I don't want anything else. Just give me the silver wings behind you. As long as you give it to me, we Ziyue The people of the clan will leave immediately, and I, the Purple Moon Holy Land, will not embarrass you anymore, and will also give you three pinnacle treasures in exchange, how about it, it’s a good deal!” the Lord of Fenglong seduced.

"Human boy, I know that you are powerful and have many secret methods, but when nearly a hundred powerful forces arrive, even if we fight for the treasure, you will not be able to escape. And you have just become the Lord of the Universe. Even if you are powerful, you will not be able to escape." No matter how strong you are, you are still too young compared to those veteran strong men!" Lord Panke said coldly.

"Lord of Hunyuan, if you are willing to accept our request, we will summon hundreds of universe masters from the Purple Moon Holy Land to besiege you. By then it will be too late for you to run away. Even if the founder of the giant ax comes, he will not be able to protect you. !" Lord Youya threatened.

"Hahaha, it's a pity that the three of you didn't talk about cross talk. You cooperated quite well, and you were able to look at the extraordinary silver wings behind me. You are also very discerning. It's a pity that you miscalculated. I can't I entrusted this treasure to you. Don't threaten me. If you summon other universe masters from the Purple Moon Holy Land, how will you divide the treasure on me? You won't be able to beat the dog's brains out. What do you want? The treasure on your body will be exchanged for your lives!" Luo Yuan sneered.

As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, his silver wings erupted with brilliant silver sword light, which quickly enveloped the three light-year space. Then, combined with the Chaos Cage and the Infinite Sword Domain, the space was suddenly filled with terrifying murderous intent. The three top masters of the universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land frowned. They were angry at Luo Yuan's unrestrained attitude, but there was nothing they could do about it.

"Lord of the Five Huns, stop hiding. I know you are here. If you can survive the seventh level of death, you are also a person. But is it interesting to eavesdrop on our conversation like a mouse? Or do you want to have a snipe? Clams compete with each other and the fisherman wins?" Luo Yuan looked at the border of the cold wind belt and said coldly.

Now the entire cold wind belt is under Luo Yuan's control, so he can clearly see what is happening here. The Lord of the Five Huns still wants to fish in troubled waters, how can Luo Yuan comply with his wishes.

The Lord of Wuhun came out with a cold face after hearing Luo Yuan's words. He shouted: "You damn guy, do you know how I survived? I also admire you very much. As a new member of the universe, The Lord of the Lord can actually survive in this magma sea. I thought you had already perished, but I didn’t expect that your life was quite tough!"

Luo Yuan heard this and sneered: "You bastard is not dead, how could I die? An old broken pot like you who survived the reincarnation era of the first universe is approaching the end of his life. My life span is comparable to You are much taller, and you have been cultivating for endless years and you can’t even defeat me. Do you think you are a waste?”

"You sharp-tongued boy, I'm going to kill you!" The Lord of the Five Hun roared with extreme anger. He was originally full of boundless murderous intent towards Luo Yuankeng, but now he was killed in front of other strong men. Luo Yuan mocked, he was about to explode with anger.

The three people in the Purple Moon Holy Land looked at the tense posture between Luo Yuan and the Lord of the Five Huns, and they looked like they were watching a show. They also wanted the Lord of the Five Huns to test how strong Luo Yuan was, so they did not intervene for the time being. .


The Lord of the Five Hun didn't waste any time. He took out the "Sword Core World", the pinnacle treasure of the Master of Arrows. Immediately, countless sword lights surrounded it, which looked astonishing. Then the endless sword lights began to impact Luo Yuan's body. Domain boundary wall.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan laughed and said: "At the beginning, the three of you couldn't break my domain together, but now you want to fight me with such a pinnacle treasure. It's really idiotic. Lord of the Five Huns, you really have no brains!" "

If these sword lights attack Luo Yuan's field and have no effect, the Lord of Wuhun can't help but have blue veins popping up on his forehead when he sees this. He is really anxious, because he really can't do anything to Luo Yuan, and he will fight again. If you can't beat it, it will still be the same if you use the pinnacle treasure.

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(End of this chapter)

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