Chapter 243 Join forces, shocked

The Lord of Fenglong watched Luo Yuan fight with the Lord of Wuhun. He smiled lightly and said: "Lord of Wuhun, everyone said that you were killed, but now it seems that your life is quite strong!"

The Lord of the Five Hun said angrily: "I can't be killed so easily. It's a bit reluctant to fight against this human boy with your strength. How about you join forces with me to deal with him and then remove the treasure from him?" How about a distribution?”

The Lord of Fenglong, the Lord of Youya, and the Lord of Panke looked at each other. They thought about it for a while and nodded, so the Lord of Fenglong nodded and said: "Okay!"

As soon as Lord Fenglong finished speaking, the three of them surrounded Luo Yuan from three directions. There was no way out from all directions. Luo Yuan saw that he was surrounded by these four people and couldn't help but frowned and said: "Haha, You who are from the first reincarnation era and the top experts from the Purple Moon Holy Land came to besiege me, the new Lord of the Universe in the original universe. If others find out, you will laugh out loud!"

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he flew straight up at an astonishing speed. Seeing this, the four masters of the universe who surrounded him also chased Luo Yuan. Just when Luo Yuan was avoiding their pursuit, Luo Yuan fought against the three peak universes alone. The news of the Lord spread to the human race in the original universe.


In the highest meeting hall of Hongmeng City in the virtual universe, all the universe masters of the human race gathered.

The always fiery-tempered Lord of Virtual Gold wondered: "Didn't the Lord of Hunyuan say that he has been exploring the outer periphery of the space ship? Why did he go deep into such a far place all of a sudden?"

"Hey, I also heard it from other friends. If it is true, then the Lord of Hunyuan is too bold!" The Lord of Flintstone sighed.

"I don't think this news is true. You have to know where we went to explore. Let's talk about the God-Destroying Stream. Even the strongest man in the universe may fall. The lava demon there is not easy to mess with, and It is absolutely impossible for the Lord of Hunyuan to reach that level with the strength of the Lord of the Universe who has just broken through to the Lord of the Universe, and to be able to kill three veteran strong men who have been in the Universe Sea for many years!" the Lord of Virtual Gold continued.

"That's right, I agree!" The masters of the human universe present also expressed their agreement with the view of the master of virtual gold.

The Lord of Wuhun is a peak powerhouse with the same strength as the Lord of Chaos City, and there are two peak Universe Lords, Yintuo and Zhujian Lord, fighting on the side. Not to mention counterattack, Luo Yuan even has the chance to escape and resist. None.

Lord Peng Gong looked at the expressions of the other Universe Lords with complete disbelief, and he said seriously: "To be honest, I didn't believe it at first, but I have a lot of friends, and I have a good relationship with several Universe Lords in the Purple Moon Holy Land. I got the exact news from them that the Lord of Hunyuan had indeed arrived at the Mie Shen Stream, and planned a battle with Yintuo, the Lord of Wuhun, and the Lord of Zhujian.

Later, when the Lava Demon God was activated, that special being was killed directly by Tuo, and the Lord of Wuhun and the Lord of Arrows were nowhere to be seen. They must have gone to break into the magma sea, as was the Lord of Hunyuan, and they were at Yanshui Lake. The figure of the Lord of Hunyuan was also discovered. "

Lord Peng Gong is the Lord of the Universe of the human race, a super strong man who can be ranked on the same level as the Lord of Chaos City. As soon as his words came out, all the Lords of the Universe present believed him, but it was precisely because of Lord Peng Gong , so the Lords of the Universe present all looked shocked and looked at each other.

"How is this possible?" "Has the Lord of Hunyuan just broken through to the realm of the Lord of the Universe?"

Some of the Lords of the Universe present were still skeptical, because they had never really seen it. All this was just what Lord Peng Gong heard from his friends in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Lord Peng Gong, is your source of information reliable?" Lord Xujin asked suspiciously. Any one of Yintuo, Lord Wuhun, and Lord Zhujian was stronger than him, but Luo Yuan was still beaten by him. Forced to death and two escapes, this is too unbelievable.

Lord Peng Gong nodded seriously and said, "We'd better inform Chaos. After all, Lord Hunyuan is his direct disciple!"

As Lord Peng Gong sent a message to the Lord of Chaos City, it didn't take long for the Lord of Chaos City to get the news, but he was still skeptical because it was too ridiculous, so he directly came to Hongmeng in the virtual universe, and then went to Luo Yuan sent the party information because he knew that Luo Yuan's body had always been on Earth in the Milky Way, so he could also use the virtual universe.

When Luo Yuan received the message from the Lord of Chaos City, he was not surprised. After all, what he did was really crazy. However, he still managed to get a trace of his consciousness and came to Hongmeng City in the virtual universe, and then appeared in the Supreme Main Hall. In the meeting hall.

Luo Yuan first greeted all the Lords of the Universe present and expressed his courtesy. He can be proud and crazy outside, but he still has to respect his own people in the human race. After all, he is still a member of the human camp. From now on, everyone Also communicated frequently.

The respect for Luo Yuan is also appreciated by all the Lords of the Universe present. A monster genius like Luo Yuan is rare to see in billions of epochs. He has no arrogance, but Luo Yuan can always remain humble and steady. This is a lot. Excellent character that geniuses don't have, which also means that Luo Yuan will go further and further in the future.

They also admired Luo Yuan's glorious deeds in the Universe Sea from the bottom of their hearts. Even they did not dare to do these things. He was able to escape the lava demon's pursuit in a desperate place like Mie Shen Stream, and he was able to fight against the three demons alone. A veteran and peak master of the universe, in the end, he was able to make them both die and hide in the magma sea. This is really amazing.

As Luo Yuan's teacher, the Lord of Chaos City asked in front of the Lords of the Universe of all human races: "We heard about what you did in the Universe Sea Destruction Stream, what about Yintuo, Lord of the Five Hun, Jiu Is what happened between the Lord of Arrows and you true?”

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this, and said: "At that time, Yintuo, the Lord of Wuhun, and the Lord of Arrows wanted to snatch the treasure from me. I didn't agree and started fighting with them. In the end, the Lava Demon God was alarmed. Then Yintuo Tuo was directly crushed to death on the spot, and the Lord of Wuhun and the Master of Arrows were blocked by me. In the end, they had no choice but to escape into the magma sea. Later, the Master of Arrows should also be dead. After all, all the treasures on his body were destroyed by Wuhun. Lord Hun got it."

As Luo Yuan explained in detail, all the universe masters present were shocked, because Luo Yuan was fighting for his life with the three peak universe masters, and they looked like they would die together. Of course, they didn't know It was actually just a clone of Luo Yuan, and the consciousness that came here now was considered by these universe masters to be the incarnation of Luo Yuan left in the original universe.

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(End of this chapter)

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