Chapter 268 Strength
  The mountain guest looked at Luo Yuan and decided to tell some core secrets about the origin of the universe. He took a sip of wine and said: "For the original universe, all living beings who have not reached the strongest level in the universe are protected by the original universe. But if it is a creature that has broken through the strongest person in the universe, it will be the target of suppression by the origin of the original universe, because the small universe of the strongest person in the universe is separated from the original universe.

And the moment the small universe breaks away from the original universe, it means that the strongest person in the universe becomes an independent existence, which poses a slight danger to the original universe. You also know that the original universe is not eternal and will go through gestation, birth and destruction. The whole process, and this process is a reincarnation, and the original ancestor of your human race has a big secret. "

Luo Yuan couldn't help but ask after hearing this: "What's the secret of the original ancestor?" Luo Yuan didn't know much about the subsequent plot of this world. After all, who would look at millions of things so carefully, especially when the subsequent plot is more complicated? I didn’t look carefully. Who would have expected that I would travel to this world, so I am also very interested in these deep secrets.

The Mountain Guest was about to answer, but after thinking for a while he stopped. He waved his hand and said: "With your current strength, it is useless to know. Your body has always been in the original universe, and you can often travel in the virtual universe. This virtual universe was created by the original ancestor.

The will of the original ancestor is omnipresent in the virtual universe. When your strength reaches a certain level, he will naturally contact you, and everything you want to know will be answered, including all core secrets, especially the confrontation between the original ancestor and the origin of the universe. reason……"

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this. The original ancestor back then was powerful and invincible across the cosmic sea. He could be said to be the strongest person in the peak universe. However, he openly confronted the origin of the original universe. Luo Yuan recalled the original plot. He vaguely thought of something, but these were still too far away for him, and there was no point in thinking about them now.

Luo Yuan has never really fought with the strongest person in the universe, so he doesn't know his true strength. However, Sitting Mountain Guest has seen his own body, so he asked curiously: "Teacher, do you think I can do it with my current strength?" Can you fight against the strongest person in the universe?"

Sitting Mountain Guest smiled when he heard Luo Yuan's question and said: "Based on my understanding of your body, you have reached the extreme state of the Lord of the Universe, and your foundation is very solid and your knowledge is profound. You are even better than I was when I was the Lord of the Universe." If you want to be strong, with the Star Tower, Chaos Divine Armor, and your silver wings, you can still deal with the strongest person in the universe."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but show pride when he heard the mountain guest's high evaluation. However, he still asked curiously: "Even though I have reached the ultimate level of Lord of the Universe, I am still the same as the Universe in terms of controlling secrets and laws." There is a big gap between the strongest ones. For example, the strongest person in the universe can make the original law dissipate without restriction, but the Lord of the Universe cannot do that."

Luo Yuan had not long ago witnessed the battle scene between the founder of the Giant Ax and the two gods of the God Eye Clan. The terrifying power made him feel instinctive fear, and also made him understand that he is now different from these peak experts. gap, so he is still relatively low-key.

The Mountain Guest heard this and shook his head: "You don't need to belittle yourself. Once you fully master the Star Tower, it will not be impossible to kill the strongest person in the universe."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but be stunned after hearing what Mountain Guest said, and then looked at Mountain Guest with doubts. Seeing this, Mountain Guest knew that he should explain it, so he said: "The secret pattern level in the Star Tower in your hand It’s so high that even the Lord of the Universe cannot touch it, and each level corresponds to different strengths.”

"I would like to hear the details!" Luo Yuan said quickly and respectfully. This Star Tower is a god-level treasure refined by Mountain Guest. It can be said that no one knows it better than Mountain Guest. Even Luo Yuan has studied it for so many years. He had studied it thoroughly, so he also wanted to hear the introduction from the mountaineer. Sitting Mountain Guest thought for a while and said: "You should know that the most powerful treasures generally have corresponding secret methods, and if each layer of secret patterns in the star tower I refined is activated, the power generated is equivalent to the cast power. Different from the most powerful secret method, the first level of the Star Tower can be mastered as long as it can obtain preliminary recognition of the master, but the power that can be exerted by activating the secret pattern is very small.

And when you can master the second level of the Star Tower, the power that can be unleashed by activating the secret pattern is comparable to the strongest blow of the peak master of the universe using the most powerful secret method. This most powerful secret method usually takes a long time to create, and You don't need to spend that time creating, just activating these secret patterns.

If you can master the secret pattern on the third level, then the power you can explode with the help of the Star Tower is comparable to the power of the strongest person in the universe. When you master the secret pattern on the fourth level, the power you can exert is equivalent to At the level of the original ancestor and the giant axe, if you use the strength of the strongest person in the universe, then your power is equivalent to invincible in the universe sea. "

Luo Yuan was a little shocked when he listened to Mountain Guest's explanation. This Star Tower is indeed powerful, but it is not that easy to understand the secret patterns on it. You must know that this is the pinnacle of Mountain Guest's work. Even if the secret pattern structure inside Even the founder and original ancestor of the giant ax cannot master it so easily.

With Luo Yuan's talent, he is currently studying the secret patterns on the third floor of the Star Tower. He is already halfway through the research. If he can fully understand it, then he can compete with the strongest person in the universe with only the Star Tower. The strongest person in the universe should keep a low profile when he reaches his peak. Once he breaks through to the strongest level in the universe, his explosive strength will be comparable to the level of the founder of the giant axe.

It is difficult to create the most powerful secret method on your own, especially since it requires a long time and various verifications. It does not make sense to Luo Yuan, because he believes in defeating all methods with one force, regardless of all the bells and whistles of the enemy. Skills, as long as the strength is strong enough, ordinary moves can kill the enemy cleanly and neatly.

And if the secret patterns in this star tower can be activated, they can immediately erupt with power equivalent to the strongest secret method, and the requirements are not high. These are also those who were originally average in strength, but whose strength immediately increased after possessing the most powerful treasure. , the power of the explosion is also different.

The dark blue mountain peak is still flying at high speed in the endless abyss. Luo Yuan and the mountain guest in the inner world are drinking wine and talking happily, but mainly the mountain guest is talking and Luo Yuan is listening.

Sitting Mountain Guest was in a good mood today. He continued: "You should know that the universe is vast, and there are all kinds of strange things in terms of cultivation systems and various secret methods and magical powers. However, there is a method for evaluating the strength of the strong in the universe sea, which is the same as yours." The fuzzy divisions that are usually considered are completely different, so I’ll explain them to you.”

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(End of this chapter)

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