Chapter 269 Secret Pattern
  Sitting Mountain Guest continued: "In the Universe Sea, the Lords of the Universe are divided into six levels. You also know that the Lord of Chaos City is the fifth level. These are the peak Lords of the Universe, and the sixth level has the most powerful treasure. The Lord of the Universe saw that he was invincible in the same realm, and his peak combat power was comparable to the strongest person in the universe without the most powerful treasure.

However, the founder of the giant ax is extremely talented. Even if he did not have the most powerful treasure when he was the Lord of the Universe, he was still stronger than the sixth-level Lord of the Universe. The giant ax can use the power of the most powerful and precious divine ax. It should be It was because he understood the secret patterns on that divine ax that it became so powerful. "


Time is like water, and three months have passed in the blink of an eye. While communicating with Luo Yuan, Sitting Mountain Guest guided Luo Yuan to understand the secret patterns on the Chaos Divine Armor. This secret pattern contains a set of powerful secret methods of control, especially Luo Yuan benefited a lot from the secret method of mind control to control nine million scales.

Sitting Mountain Guest said: "Now the Lord of the Universe and the strongest person in the universe use the most precious treasures, because the most powerful treasures have corresponding secret patterns. Some powerful people directly create secret methods based on the secret patterns on the most precious treasures, and then rely on this secret method to It spans the universe, so many powerful people directly block titles based on the secret characteristics of the treasure."

Over the years, Luo Yuan has not only been comprehending the secret patterns on the Star Tower, but also often comprehending the secret patterns on the silver wings. Now there are more secret patterns on the Chaos Divine Armor, and the incarnation of his divine power is still under the ice. In this space, he could comprehend the even more terrifying secret patterns on the stone wall. This was the most powerful secret that the strongest man in the universe spent his entire life mastering.

The six secret patterns that the Mountain Guest understood at that time were also kept by Luo Yuan, and then became his collection. With these six ready-made secret patterns as a reference, Luo Yuan can comprehend other secret patterns much faster. A lot, coupled with Luo Yuan's unparalleled talent, he quickly understood the secret pattern on the Chaos Divine Armor to the third level. Although it is not as good as the Star Tower, it can still explode with the strength of the strongest person in the universe.

As the two finally came out of the abyss, Mountain Guest also parted ways with Luo Yuan, but Mountain Guest also told Luo Yuan not to do such dangerous things in the future. Although it was only Luo Yuan's clone who was in danger this time, The various treasures he carried were too important to be lost. Mountain Guest did not want to waste so much time. He only hoped that Luo Yuan would grow up quickly and become a true god as soon as possible.

Only when Luo Yuan becomes a powerful true god can he help Mountain Guest go to the Origin Continent to launch a revenge plan against the three god kings.

Luo Yuan watched the mountain guest control the dark blue mountain peak to leave. Luo Yuan took out the blood cloud beads to transform his star tower into a blood-colored palace, and then controlled the blood-colored palace toward the endless frozen lake.

There were very few participants in this battle in the abyss, so there were very few strong people who knew about it. Especially after the God Eye Clan was humbled in front of the founder of the giant axe, they paid most attention to their face, so they did not spread this kind of thing to the outside world. This resulted in Many forces in the Cosmic Sea do not know that the true strength of the founder of the giant ax has reached the level of the original ancestor.

It’s just that those strong people are curious about whether the Silver Winged Treasure and the Divine Armor of Extinction in the abyss were obtained by that strong person. These are two special treasures that are comparable to the most powerful treasures. It would be a bit confusing if they were obtained by the strongest person in the universe. It's a waste, because this kind of treasure has the greatest improvement effect in the hands of the master of the universe.

Luo Yuan paid attention to the news about the founder of the giant axe, and found that the founder of the giant ax had kept a low profile after the battle with the two gods of the God Eye clan. It is not surprising to think about it. At the level of the founder of the giant axe, their Battles generally rarely occur unless it is for treasures above the pinnacle treasure or for grudges between ethnic groups.


The endless abyss, the mysterious space under the ice. The incarnation of Luo Yuan's divine power was wandering around in this stone palace while putting his consciousness on the six secret pattern diagrams left to him by Sitting Mountain Guest. As the peak master of the universe, Sitting Mountain Guest , although it only took a few days to comprehend these six secret patterns, they were also very profound and mysterious treasures for Luo Yuan, and Luo Yuan also benefited a lot from the process of comprehending them.

This secret pattern is different from the original law. Instead, the original law is transformed into the most basic language letters or basic calculation symbols, and then these symbols are formed into complex secret pattern diagrams through different compositions. These secret pattern diagrams can have various functions. With all kinds of power, even a person who doesn't understand it can explode comparable destructive power with divine power, but the amount of divine power required is unimaginable.

And only after comprehending these secret pattern diagrams can we understand how to directly construct and perfectly control this mysterious power, which contains not only the simple ten original laws, but also the complex combination and changes of the power of various laws. , Luo Yuan himself has reached the pinnacle in terms of the ten original laws. If he can learn to perform various combinations and constructions, it will be possible for him to create the universe out of thin air in the future.

Think about those god-level experts who can create the universe with a single thought and destroy the universe with a single thought. In the final analysis, they know the composition and origin of the universe very well, can easily analyze and construct it, and can also easily dismantle and destroy it. This is the core of the universe. power mastery,
  When his mastery of the secret map reaches the level of the strongest in the universe, he will be able to break through the strongest in the universe much faster.

Time passed very quickly. When the incarnation of Luo Yuan's divine power was studying the secret pattern in the mysterious space, his avatar was roaming in the space boat on the star tower that transformed into a blood-colored palace, so he encountered many dangerous places along the way. , but Luo Yuan avoided it directly. He didn't need to take the risk, and then headed towards the black-grained stone pillar.


Time is like water, and five hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the small universe of the First God of the God Eye Clan, there is a grand temple with beautiful surroundings, blue sky, white clouds, and sunshine. It was once strangled in the abyss. The present Lord of the Five Huns is currently on the second floor of the temple.

The Lord of Wuhun was leaning on the railing and overlooking the beautiful scenery around him. Suddenly a figure flew from above and kept shouting Wuhun's name. When the Lord of Wuhun saw the visitor, he smiled and greeted him: "Lord Anyong is here, long time no see. What are you here for?"

This figure is the incarnation of Lord An Yong. He has a very good relationship with Wu Hun, and these two people have enmity with Luo Yuan. Wu Hun looked at the anxious Lord An Yong, and then asked: "Look at your hair." What's the matter with being frizzy?"

Lord An Yong said hurriedly: "I have collected information about Na Luo Yuan. This guy has been very proud of himself recently."

"Really?" The Lord of the Five Huns heard the news about Luo Yuan, and his eyes were filled with cold light. Ever since his true self died after chasing Luo Yuan into the endless abyss, he has been full of hatred for Luo Yuan. So he has been collecting information about Luo Yuan through the intelligence system of the God Eye Clan, but all he can get is unknown. Even the person in charge of the intelligence system said that Luo Yuan is a very low-key strong man, and he is still at the confidential level. The highest human race executive.

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(End of this chapter)

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