Chapter 275 Lord of Pure Eyes

Just when Luo Yuan found a place to practice, the Lords of the Universe nearby started discussing when they saw Luo Yuan. Many Lords of the Universe also spread the news that Luo Yuan appeared in the black-patterned stone pillar. For these, Luo Yuan Yuan is not afraid at all. After all, he will be practicing here for a long time, and he will be discovered by other strong people sooner or later.

So far, the one with the biggest hatred against Luo Yuan is the Divine Eye Clan. As for other forces and Luo Yuan, they have not yet reached such a level of unrequited hatred, and the strongest people in the universe from the Divine Eye Clan learned about the founder of the giant axe. After gaining strength, they didn't dare to come to deal with Luo Yuan, but it was hard to say for those masters of the universe.

The Lord of the Pure Eyes of the Divine Eye Clan is a little different from the other Divine Eye Clan members. This guy’s skin is like white jade, but the one-eyed shadow floating behind him is much stronger than the other Lords of the Universe. He is seen closing his eyes to resist. The impact of will produced by the black-grained stone pillars made him very close to the black-grained stone pillars, and other universe masters did not dare to come here.

When the Lord of the Pure Eyes was practicing, he sensed a powerful aura wave coming very close to him. He couldn't help but open his eyes and saw that it was a human from the original universe. He quickly found out about Luo Yuan's information, and then narrowed his eyes, Luo Yuan's ability to reach here shows that he is at a similar level to his will.

The Gods of the Divine Eye Clan have long given orders to them, the Lords of the Universe, to attack the Lord of Hunyuan when they have the opportunity. The strongest person in the universe cannot act, but there is no problem for the Lord of the Universe to act, so the Lord of Pure Eyes also He had murderous intentions towards Luo Yuan. He knew that every Lord of the Universe who came here had a clone, so he could also guess that the current Luo Yuan was probably also a clone.

Even if the main body cannot be destroyed, Luo Yuan's clone can still be destroyed. The Lord of the Pure Eye also feels that this can give an explanation to the Divine Eye Clan, and based on the information he has obtained, the Lord of the Hunyuan of the human race in the original universe is just It took only tens of thousands of years of cultivation to reach this level, and even the will has reached the same level as the Lord of Pure Eyes.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Pure Eye, a talented and extremely talented person like Luo Yuan would be a great threat to his Divine Eye Clan if he grew up, so he could take the opportunity to eliminate this henchman.

The Lord of Jingyan is a solitary person and does not have many friends among the Divine Eye clan. The relationship between the Lord of Jingyan and the Lord of Jingyan is very deep, but later it was learned that the Lord of Jingyan died because of Luo Yuan. He was full of hatred for Luo Yuan, but he had been practicing in this black-patterned stone pillar all year round, and finally met Luo Yuan, and the hatred in his heart was finally released.

"There is a road to heaven but you don't take it. There is no door to hell but you come to it on your own. That's very good. In that case, I will deal with you this time!"

The Lord of Pure Eyes sneered in his heart, so he turned into a white light and killed Luo Yuan. The other Lords of the universe who saw the actions of the Lord of Pure Eyes all looked at each other, and some even gloated about the show. They had heard this before How great is the Lord of Hunyuan? They also want to see how strong this new Lord of the Universe is.

Luo Yuan was sitting cross-legged practicing, feeling the impact of will from the black-patterned stone pillar, sharpening his will, when he suddenly noticed a white light flying from not far away. Luo Yuan saw the pure eyes from this white light. The figure of the Lord, this guy carried such overwhelming hatred and murderous intent, made Luo Yuan frown.

The Lord of Pure Eyes flew at a speed close to hundreds of times the speed of light. He looked menacing. However, he landed on the huge rock where Luo Yuan was with a boom. The two of them looked directly at each other, their eyes wide. There is a look of caution.

The Lord of Pure Eyes was dressed in white, and walked towards Luo Yuan with a sneer. Each step he took directly spanned hundreds of thousands of miles, and it looked like he was teleporting. As he walked, he said: "Should I be called the Lord of Hunyuan, or should I be called the Lord of Hunyuan?" As for the Lord of Yuanting, I heard that you are the strongest genius among the human race in the original universe. You are indeed worthy of this title, but that’s the end of it for you today.”

Luo Yuan stood up, looked at the Lord of the Pure Eyes calmly and said: "Lord of the Pure Eyes, you and I don't seem to have any personal grudges. If you don't practice well, why are you here!"

The Lord of Jingyan stared at Luo Yuan and sneered: "Do you still have a small grudge against my Shenyan clan? What do you think I am for?" Upon hearing this, Luo Yuan said: "You are here to avenge your tribe. Or is it to regain the lost face of your Divine Eye Clan?"

The Lord of Pure Eyes said indifferently: "It seems that you still have self-awareness. Whether it is for the face of our clan or for the sake of the clan, you will die this time!"

After speaking, the Lord of Purifying Eyes got closer and closer to Luo Yuan, and his voice resounded in Luo Yuan's ears with the blessing of powerful divine power.

Luo Yuan heard this and sneered: "You want to kill me, are you worthy?"

The Lord of Pure Eyes looked at Luo Yuan and said: "You were also swallowed up by the abyss, and you also lost so many treasures, especially the silver wings. I didn't expect that it only took you a few hundred years to reach this level. To this extent, it’s just that your growth time is too short and you are still too immature in front of me.”

Luo Yuan just smiled and shook his head when he heard this. Although his cultivation time is indeed very short compared to these veteran masters of the universe, his foundation and heritage are no worse than these veteran masters, and are even stronger. Moreover, Luo Yuan Yuan Xian possesses the three most powerful treasures of Chaos Divine Armor, Star Tower and Silver Wings, as well as many peak treasures. If they really fight, even the strongest person in the universe will have a certain chance to be killed.

"No, no, no, Lord of Pure Eyes, although you are also very strong, you are still too weak compared to me. You must know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!" Luo Yuan sneered.

"Hahaha, you are very conceited. I have never seen a junior who dares to talk to me like this. In that case, I will let you feel my power so that you can know how big the gap in our strength is!" Jingyan The Lord said coldly.

As soon as the Lord of the Pure Eyes finished speaking, the one-eyed shadow behind him quickly turned into a giant one-eye, and then continued to solidify. The blood-red one-eye in it kept turning, and then stared at Luo Yuan fiercely. For a moment, Luo Yuan seemed like After being stared at by some ancient behemoth, a simple mirror floated out of the body of the Lord of Pure Eyes and shined towards Luo Yuan.

The Lord of Pure Eyes raised his hand and pointed at Luo Yuan, and then a white light rushed towards Luo Yuan, and then the white light passed through time and space. During the journey, the white light changed into a huge white dragon, but this white dragon It gave birth to two heads, roared at Luo Yuan and strangled him.

When Luo Yuan saw the white dragon attacking, he also felt a powerful spiritual attack. It was obvious that the Lord of the Pure Eye used a powerful illusion secret method on him at the same time, and then took advantage of Luo Yuan's trance. , used his treasure to instantly strangle Luo Yuan, but when Luo Yuan saw this, he only raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said coldly: "How dare you do anything in front of me with just illusions!"

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(End of this chapter)

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