Chapter 276 You are so weak

Luo Yuan's powerful mental power spread out and directly wiped out all the illusion attacks cast by the Lord of Pure Eyes. Then his hands turned into claws, and the Chaos Divine Armor blessed his body. His fingers were covered with black-gold super alloy, flashing with sharp cold light, and then Luo Yuan waved his right hand forward slightly, and the time and space in front of him tore apart like black cloth.

Then a giant five-fingered claw grabbed at the attacking double-headed white dragon. The five-fingered claw was like five peerless weapons coming to the world, grabbing the double-headed white dragon in his hand, and with a pop, this A double-headed white dragon roared in pain and was crushed to pieces by Luo Yuan's most powerful secret technique. Then the white dragon disappeared. It turned out to be a white ruler-shaped treasure.

Luo Yuan looked at the top treasure in his hand and couldn't help curling his lips. The Lord of Pure Eyes completely underestimated his strength and used this kind of tatters to test his strength, so Luo Yuan directly put the white long ruler into the storage equipment No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Although he is only interested in treasures above the pinnacle treasures, it would be good to exchange these top treasures for some contribution points.

Seeing Luo Yuan's behavior, the Master of Jingyan couldn't help but became furious. The human kid in front of him was so powerful that he directly took his top treasure as his own. Seeing this, he directly used his special skill to purge reincarnation. This is a powerful skill. The soul-like secret method is also what he relies on for many years in this cosmic sea.

Just as soon as the Lord of Purifying Eyes used it, Luo Yuan's figure disappeared, and the speed reached the limit. Before the Lord of Purifying Eyes could react, Luo Yuan came to the Lord of Purifying Eyes in the next moment. Luo Yuan raised his head. He raised his right hand and slapped the Lord of Pure Eyes on the head with five fingers like five golden blades.

When the Lord of the Pure Eye saw this, fear flashed in his eyes. Why was the speed of the human in front of him so fast? He was a strong person in spiritual attacks and was far behind in defense, so he condensed his divine power into a layer of armor in an attempt to defend against it. Luo Yuan's attack was just that he underestimated Luo Yuan's power.


The divine armor on the Lord of Pure Eyes was directly shot to pieces by Luo Yuan, and then the Lord of Pure Eyes spun in the air for an unknown number of times like a spinning top, and then hit the huge rock ground hard, hard A huge deep hole was blasted out of the rocky ground, and the Lord of Pure Eyes lay in it, spitting out several mouthfuls of red blood foam.

Luo Yuan saw that the Lord of Jingyan was vulnerable and sneered: "You are so weak. With your strength, you still want to settle accounts with me for your two useless tribesmen. You just ended up looking very arrogant. It's a pity that Your strength is far different from the appearance you put on to hold a cup, and if you still want to kill me, you are worthy!"

The Lord of Purifying Eyes crawled out of the pit. He stared at Luo Yuan in fear and said: "Lord of Hunyuan, how can you be so strong? Even my strongest skill, Purifying Reincarnation, is ineffective against you. My The will is comparable to the strongest in the universe, how could you escape so easily, I don't believe you are that strong!"

The Lord of Pure Eyes is a veteran and peak master of the universe. He has been practicing in this black-patterned stone pillar space for countless years, and has finally raised his will to the level of the strongest person in the universe. Moreover, he is also a peak expert who specializes in practicing the secret method of the soul. , but he underestimated Luo Yuan's strength. You must know that Luo Yuan is a monster with spiritual power and original energy.

Both in terms of mental power and force, he has reached the level of the strongest person in the universe. Although he is still only the peak master of the universe and does not have the power to follow the words of the strongest person in the universe, it is still easy to face these masters of the universe. , after the most powerful soul secret method of the Lord of Pure Eyes was ineffective in front of Luo Yuan, then for Luo Yuan, there was no difference between the Lord of Pure Eyes and those ordinary Lords of the Universe.

Luo Yuan didn't want to waste time with the Pure Eye Lord of the Divine Eye Clan in front of him. Luo Yuan went through all the trouble to come to this black-patterned stone pillar space just to sharpen his will. He didn't want to spend his time on these battles. It's just right to use this Lord of Pure Eyes to scare the monkeys, lest other strong men here come to trouble him.

The strength of a person's will is related to his or her beliefs. Will is the commander, consciousness is the general, and mental power is the soldier. Mental power can be improved through the system, but will is a unique trait of each person. This kind of mentality that can face challenges and crises without fear can not be obtained by picking up attributes, so Luo Yuan came to this black-patterned stone pillar space to sharpen his will and fill this shortcoming of his. Luo Yuan's cold eyes glanced at the Lord of the Pure Eye. With a thought, the black-gold Chaos Divine Armor on his body immediately sprouted sharp blades from each joint of his body. Then Luo Yuan transformed into the Blade Beast God and headed towards The Lord of Pure Eyes launches a fierce attack.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Lord of the Pure Eyes could only defend passively under Luo Yuan's attack. He didn't even have a chance to fight back. However, the Lord of the Pure Eyes was after all a long-established Master of the Universe, and his divine body had also been tempered to be very powerful. Not yet As for the immediate collapse under Luo Yuan's attack, the Lord of Pure Eyes was like a ball at this time, being beaten around by Luo Yuan, making deep pits on the rocky ground.

Luo Yuan attacked the Lord of Pure Eyes while mocking: "Lord of Pure Eyes, you are indeed good at soul secrets, but compared to me, you are still a little behind, especially in terms of physical attacks. There is a gap between you and me. It’s so obvious.”

At this time, all of Luo Yuan's joints turned into the strongest weapons, punching and kicking the Lord of Jingyan. Every move made the Lord of Jingyan scream and scream. The Lord of Jingyan felt that this was too aggrieved. , he said angrily: "Lord of Hunyuan, you are really bullying others too much!"

Luo Yuan couldn't help but sneered when he heard this: "It was you who came to trouble me first, and kept saying you wanted to kill me. But now you can't defeat me, but you still say that I am too much of a bully. I have never seen anyone as shameless as you." people."

When the Lord of Jingyan heard what Luo Yuan said, his face turned green and white. Although what Luo Yuan said was right, his direct disciple of the first god of the Shenyan clan would not admit his mistakes, so the Lord of Jingyan Suddenly the master's body glowed with green light, and then these green lights twined towards Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan was affected by these blue lights, and his speed also slowed down a bit. Seeing this, the Master of Pure Eyes quickly opened the distance from Luo Yuan, and then looked like a mouse looking at a cat, with his eyes full of vigilance and fear.

The Lord of the Pure Eye never imagined that the little guy in front of him who had only practiced for tens of thousands of years could fight to such an extent with him. In the end, he took out a trump card and temporarily escaped from Luo Yuan's control. After all, he was a member of the Divine Eye Clan. The extremely powerful man was attacked like a ball by the humans in the original universe.

Moreover, the Lord of the Pure Eyes has no ability to resist at all. You must know that there are many peak powerhouses from their respective forces nearby. The Lord of the Pure Eyes still wants to save face. If word spreads, then the Lord of the Pure Eyes will still be there in the future. Why is he messing around in this universe? He doesn't want to become the talking point behind other strong people.

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(End of this chapter)

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