Chapter 283 Tomb Boat
  The Flame Ice Domain is vast, and because of its special nature, all time and space in it are frozen, making it impossible to teleport, and it is only possible at the very edge. Therefore, all cosmic experts who enter the depths of the Flame Ice Domain can only fly on their own.

In order to ensure his own safety, Luo Yuan took out his two domain treasures, the Chaos Cage and the Snow and Fire Realm, and then formed two layers of protective domains to cover himself. This not only protected him from the external environment, but also It plays the role of detecting the surrounding environment. If danger approaches, Luo Yuan can respond immediately.

In this way, Luo Yuan flew for two months without encountering any danger. When his outermost field protection touched another field, he knew that he had collided with other strong people. Before he could wait, Luo Yuan reacted, and a divine voice came from another field: "The one in front is the Hunyuan Lord of the human race in the original universe?"

Luo Yuan was confused when he heard the other party reveal his identity all of a sudden. He quickly asked: "I am the Lord of Hunyuan, who is your Excellency?"

After the other party heard Luo Yuan's reply, he immediately sent a message: "What a fate, I am the Lord of the Deer Insect of the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe!"

Luo Yuan was a little shocked when he heard this. This Lord of the Deer Insect is a super strong man, and he is the sixth-level Lord of the Universe who possesses a most powerful treasure called the 'Deer Insect Divine Armor'. But this Lord of the Deer Insect The Lord is a lone ranger who really likes to take risks alone in this cosmic sea.

If other masters of the universe were like this Lord of Deer and Insect, they would have died many times long ago, but this Lord of Deer and Insect has the Purple Moon Holy Land as his backer, and both the information and his own strength are extremely strong. , coupled with the protection of a powerful treasure, so he can swim in this cosmic sea like a fish in water.

Luo Yuan didn't want to offend the sixth-level Lord of the Universe, so he responded: "It turns out that you are the Lord of Deer Insects. It is indeed fate. I have always heard about your adventures. Today I can meet you in person. This is also my reason." An honor."

The Lord of Deer and Insect didn't care about Luo Yuan's words, because there were many people who spoke like this, so he said directly: "Lord of Hunyuan, you were also attracted by the sound of space-time vibration just now! "

Luo Yuan did not hide anything, but nodded openly and said: "Yes, there may be a powerful treasure somewhere, so I decided to go and have a look. I think there should be many strong people rushing there."

The Lord of the Deer Insects heard this and said happily: "That's great, I'm going there too. Now that we've met, what if we go together?"

Luo Yuan thought about it, the strong men in the two holy land universes can be said to be in a neutral and transcendent position. Except for the existing strongest ones in the universe, it is impossible for other masters of the universe to break through to the strongest ones in the universe, so one by one It was also relatively free and straightforward, so Luo Yuan simply agreed.

So the two of them took direct flying palace treasures and flew to the black swamp. After flying for a few days, they both arrived at their destination, and then saw some flying treasures staying here. There was a burst of energy from those treasures. There is a terrifying aura, and it seems that this treasure has attracted many powerful people.

At the same time, they also saw that the thing in the world was indeed a treasure, and it was also a giant battleship-type treasure that was completely black. However, at least part of it was still emerging, and part of it was trapped in the boundless black swamp. The giant ship slowly floated outward, causing the surrounding black fluid to flow, causing strong space-time oscillations.

The most conspicuous things that came here were not only the star tower disguised by Luo Yuan, the pyramid of the Lord of Deer and Insect, but also a spire palace. Then the voice of the Lord of Deer and Insect transmitted to the spire palace through the domain and divine power: " Are they the Lord of Shadow Ai and the Lord of Witches and Demons from the Shenyan Clan?" Luo Yuan could also hear the voice of the Lord of Deer and Insects. When he heard the names of the Lord of Shadows and the Lord of Witches and Demons, He quickly searched for information about these two people in his mind. These two people were a powerful couple from the God Eye Clan. Outsiders generally called them "Shadow Witches".

The Lord of Shadow Ai and the Lord of Witches and Demons in the Spire Palace were also stunned when they heard the message from the Lord of Deer and Insects. They did not expect to meet the Lord of Deer and Insects here, so the Lord of Witches and Demons said: "That's right. It’s us, the Lords of the Deer and Insects, who are here for the treasure here. Hey, next to us is the Hunyuan Lord of the human race in the original universe who is now famous.”

"Yeah." Luo Yuan and the people from the Shenyan clan didn't deal with them, but he didn't know the two people in front of him, so Luo Yuan simply responded.

The Lord of Witches and Demons was surprised: "I didn't expect to see the Lord of Hunyuan here. It's really rare for us to have you two come together."

Luo Yuan didn't know what the shaman master of the Divine Eye Clan meant. He just replied: "We happened to meet each other, and we both happened to be here, so we went together."

The Lord of Lu Chong could hear the dissatisfaction in the tone of the Lord of Witches and Demons. He recalled the news that the two Masters of the Universe of the Divine Eye Clan seemed to have fallen because of Luo Yuan. However, this had nothing to do with Lu Chong. It doesn't matter if the Lord.

Therefore, the Lord of Deer Insects chuckled and said: "It is fate that everyone gathers here. I am very happy to see you all. Others know that I, the Lord of Deer Insects, like to make friends and take risks. This time I can meet the tomb master here." The birth of Zhou is also a great opportunity for us, so why should we be so nervous?"

The Lord of the Shadow Eye and the Lord of the Witches of the Shenyan Clan in the steeple palace did not say a word when they heard this. Maybe it could be seen from their aura that they were very unhappy. Luo Yuan did not care about them, as long as they did not cause trouble. , Luo Yuan didn't bother to care about them. If he dared to attack him, Luo Yuan wouldn't mind letting the man and woman become a desperate couple.

Luo Yuan saw the huge battleship in front of him. It looked like it was tens of billions of kilometers long. Although it was a little worn out, the aura it exuded was indeed terrifying. He originally thought it was a peak flying palace treasure, but he didn't expect it. It turned out to be the legendary tomb boat.

This space ship itself is a terrifying supreme treasure. Many of the ancient powerful people on board died here. Their treasures and corpses were naturally left in the tombs, but these tombs have powerful restrictions. , even the strongest man in the universe later could not enter, but the tomb boat in front of him was allowed to enter.

The strong men of the universe present watched the extremely huge black ship floating upwards, and the entire black swamp was also trembling with it. In front of this tomb ship, they, the masters of the universe, were at their peak. As small as ants, the black swamp here is very terrifying. Even the strongest people in the universe dare not touch it. If they did not have the treasure, they would have been suppressed by the aura emitted by the tomb boat and would not dare to move.

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(End of this chapter)

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