Chapter 284 The Secret of Opening

The black ship in front of us is endlessly huge. Even if the Lords of the Universe present have huge divine bodies, they are still as small as dust in front of the black ship. With the degree of danger here, if the Lords of the Universe present do not have powerful flying weapons, The treasure of the palace will surely perish on the spot when it comes to this black swamp.

Even if they, the masters of the universe, attack with all their strength, they will not be able to affect the black swamp, but the slight vibration of the black ship in front of them can cause the black swamp to form.

Luo Yuan looked at the huge ship in front of him. He then looked at the cosmic lords around him. He didn't know how to rob this black ship for a moment. There were many teleportations about the Tomb Ship, and the human race in the original universe No strong person has heard of anyone who has harvested the tomb boat, and among all the forces in this cosmic sea, only the strongest in the universe from the two holy places have obtained the tomb boat.

Therefore, Luo Yuan has no experience at all in how to seize the tomb boat. According to the general method of identifying the owner of a treasure, the mark of life is used to mark the owner. However, if the owner can be identified only through the mark, then the God Eye Clan here The Lord of Shadow Ai, the Lord of Witches and Demons, and the Lord of Deers and Insects of Purple Moon Holy Land have already taken action.

Luo Yuan communicated with the Lord of the Deer and Insects through divine power and encrypted it with secret patterns, so the Lord of the Witches and Shadows of the Divine Eye Clan could not spy on it.

The Lord of the Deer and Insect in the Purple Moon Holy Land sensed Luo Yuan's divine will, so he also sent a divine message: "Lord of Hunyuan, what do you want from me?"

Luo Yuan sent a message: "Lord of the Deer Insect, I have only been in this cosmic sea for a short time, so I don't know much about the tomb boat. I only heard some legends about the tomb boat, but is the information true?" But I don’t know much about it, so I want to ask the Lord of the Deer and Insects about the tomb boat.”

It can be said that of all the lords of the universe present, no one understands this tomb boat better than the Lord of Deer and Insects.

Hearing this, the Lord of Deer and Insect laughed and said: "Lord of Hunyuan, the information about this tomb boat is so precious, why should I reveal it to you."

Luo Yuan was not angry. After all, they just met by chance. He also smiled and said: "I'm just asking, it's okay even if you don't tell me. I just need to see how you do it and how to copy the cat and imitate the tiger. That's fine, right?"

The Lord of the Deer and Insects was also stunned when he heard Luo Yuan's words. He didn't expect that the Lord of Hunyuan who had become famous recently had such a rogue side, and then said: "It's okay if you want to know, but I won't tell you so easily. , unless you promise me a condition!"

Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are the conditions?"

The Lord of Deers and Insects replied: "There are many peak universe masters here who are ready to rob the tomb boat. Although I am the strongest among you, even so, I cannot deal with so many people at the same time. , and our Purple Moon Holy Land does not have strong men stationed in this area, so I hope you can temporarily help me deal with these masters of the universe. If you agree, I will tell you the information I know about the tomb boat, how about it? "

Luo Yuan replied: "Okay, I can help you, but if I can take away the treasure in front of you, I will not be humble."

The Lord of the Deer and Insects smiled and said: "This is natural. These precious treasures can be obtained by those who are able. As long as you have this strength, it doesn't matter if I give you this tomb boat."

Luo Yuan said: "Yes, the Lord of the Deer and Insects is indeed a reasonable person." Luo Yuan knew that although the Lord of the Deer and Insects was powerful, especially after possessing the most powerful and treasure-level divine armor, he became a sixth-level warrior. The Lord of the Universe, the strongest person in the universe, is as powerful as the ordinary strongest person in the universe. However, in a head-on battle, the peak Lord of the Universe present also possesses treasures above the pinnacle treasure and possesses the most powerful secret method. If there is a real fight, just say It's not accurate, so the Lord of the Deer Insect is still a little afraid.

Moreover, the Lords of the Universe here who are most feared by the Lord of the Deer and Insects are the Lord of the Witches and Shadows of the Divine Eye Clan. If the two Lords of the Universe of the Divine Eye Clan have the same abilities as the Lord of the Deer and Insects. Restraint, it's hard to say, just like the soul attack possessed by the Lord of the Pure Eye of the Divine Eye Clan can pose a threat to the Lord of the Deer and Insect.

Even though the Lord of the Deer Bug is the peak Lord of the Universe and possesses the most powerful treasure, reaching the strength of the sixth-level Lord of the Universe, he cannot kill all the Lords of the Universe present even if he uses his strongest strength. Luo Yuan is even more impossible. After all, Luo Yuan's fourth clone now possesses three most powerful treasures. If he uses his full strength, even the Lord of Deer Insects will fall.

After receiving Luo Yuan's response, the Lord of Deers and Insects smiled and said: "Okay, since you agree, then I will inform you about the tomb boat."

"I would like to hear the details." Luo Yuan said.

The Lord of the Deer Insect thought for a while and said: "In the extremely distant ancient times, there was an extremely powerful civilization. This space boat is the product of this civilization. It is an existence that all the forces in our entire universe sea cannot reach, and this If the passengers of the spaceship want to leave the spacecraft temporarily, the tool they use is the tomb boat.

You should also be able to feel that the power of that civilization is beyond all of our imaginations, and the treasures we use now, even the most powerful treasures, are products of that civilization. After all, the ancient runes on these treasures and that civilization The text is almost identical.

In addition to many treasures in this space boat, there are also some special treasures, such as the tomb boat, the black-patterned stone pillars and the blood sea plate. This kind of special treasure cannot be identified by imprinting the mark of life, and the owner of the tomb is The boat is more like a tool that can withstand part of the soul's attack power, and divine power cannot invade it.

But the tomb boat is made of natural special materials, so its defense is not formed by secret patterns, but the special material. If you want to make it recognize its owner, just imprinting the mark of life is useless. If you want to make the tomb boat To recognize the owner of a boat, you must find its control core, and it will take a long time for this tomb boat to appear. The control cores of all the tomb boats that have been born are not in the same place, so I don’t know the one in front of me. Where is the control core of the Tomb Ship? "

Luo Yuan laughed in his heart when he heard this. These tomb boats are very similar to standard boats. Even if the control cores are not in the same place, they are still similar. The Lord of the Deer Insect must know some secrets about the control core, but with the two of them relationship, these secrets will not be told to him.

The Lord of the Deer Insect coughed dryly to hide his embarrassment, and then continued: "If you want to claim the tomb boat, you have to enter the inside of the tomb boat, but it is useless to break in, even if Not even the strongest person in the universe can do it, he can only wait for this tomb ship to open the ship's door on its own."

Luo Yuan asked: "Then when will the ship door be opened?"

The Lord of the Deer Insect sighed: "I don't know either, but judging from the speed at which the tomb boat floats, it should be fast. As long as the tomb boat can completely come out of the black swamp, it can usually be opened. Of course, there will be a delay. In this case, the tomb boat that I discovered in the Purple Moon Holy Land was opened hundreds of epochs later by the most powerful person in the universe using a secret method."

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(End of this chapter)

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