Chapter 285 Gathering of strong men

Luo Yuan heard what the Lord of the Deer Insect said that the strongest person in the universe used a secret method to open the door of the tomb boat. He couldn't help but asked: "Well, doesn't the door of the tomb boat mean that even the strongest person in the universe can open it?" Can't it be forcibly opened? Have you, the strong men of Purple Moon Holy Land, reached this level?"

The Lord of the Deer Insects smiled and said: "Don't underestimate the strong man in my Holy Land. The strongest man in the universe who can open the ship door of the Tomb Ship is not only a powerful man, but also a powerful man. A master refiner who can refine treasures, he has a very deep understanding of the runes of ancient civilizations and can discover the mysteries contained in them, especially some of them.

One of the core secrets is that the tomb boat is a tool that can enter the tomb, and a tomb boat can only bring 36 strong men into the tomb. However, after entering the tomb, The tomb boat will leave automatically, so how to leave the tomb becomes a problem, so there are many cautious and powerful people who are not willing to take risks. "

Luo Yuan listened to the Lord of the Deer Insect's narration about the secrets of the Tomb Boat. He had a deeper understanding of the magic of the Cosmic Sea. As the Tomb Boat floated from the black swamp, the fluctuations caused by the tomb boat moved each person one by one. The powerful men from the reincarnation era were attracted, and they all rode flying palace treasures. Among them was the Ancestral God Cult from the reincarnation era of the first universe.

You must know that every reincarnation of the original universe will give birth to forces like the Ancestral God Religion, and they are all representatives of the original law. But once the original universe to which they belong is extinguished, these strong men of the Ancestral God Religion will lose the protection and blessing of the origin of the universe. , the strength will also be greatly reduced. The strong Ancestral God Sect who comes here is the Lord of Liujiu.

"It's really lively. So many powerful people have come here. Hey, isn't this the boat of the tomb?" Suddenly an arrogant voice came, and at the same time a white stream of light flew quickly, and a life mark went towards the tomb. The boat was branded, but there was no reaction. This behavior made the Lord of Shadow Eye of the Shenyan Clan laugh at it and said: "Hahaha, the Skeleton Clan is really whimsical. If this tomb boat is so easy to recognize its owner, how can it still be reincarnated?" Does it reach you?"

As soon as the Lord of Shadows finished speaking, a sharp voice came from the white stream of light and said sinisterly: "Guys from the God Eye Clan, stop talking sarcastically here. The other strong men didn't speak, they just stood here. Bark, this tomb boat is so mysterious. If I don’t try the Life Seal Brand, how do I know it won’t work? Besides, didn’t you also try it before you decided it doesn’t work, so why are you laughing at me here?”

In fact, the God Eye Clan has strong men stationed here. The moment the tomb boat appeared, they immediately used various methods to try to identify the owner. Naturally, they also tried the method of using the life mark to identify the owner. , but how could the Lord of Shadow admit it?

The Lord of Shadow Ai from the Divine Eye Clan snorted coldly when he heard this: "What does our Divine Eye Clan have to do with your Skeleton Clan? You are worthy of being compared with the strong men of my clan."

The strong man from the skeleton clan in the white flying palace treasure still made a sharp voice and said: "You God Eye clan are still like that, self-righteous and shameless,"

The strong men from different forces present watched with great interest the quarrel between the two peak tribes who both came from the reincarnation era of the first universe. Although the Skeleton Clan is not as powerful as the God Eye Clan, it has always been with the God Eye Clan. It can't be dealt with, and their various secret arts and magical powers are also restrained, so they can be said to be natural nemesis.

Since the birth of the first universe, the Skeleton Clan and the Divine Eye Clan have been rivals for three universes and have fought against each other for countless epochs. However, the Skeleton Clan can still survive. This shows the strength of this clan. It should not be underestimated, after all, the God Eye Clan is the strongest force in the reincarnation era of the first universe.

The tomb boat continued to emerge from the black swamp, and a month passed quickly. During this period, many powerful people came, but they were all in the flying palace, and their specific situations were not known, such as How strong these strong men are, and there is one strong man, these cannot be directly explored.

It's just that there is only one tomb boat here, but there are many strong people coming here. Even the number of boarding places is only 36. There are more wolves and less meat, which is destined to cause a war sooner or later, so the strong people here Although it was quiet, Luo Yuan still felt a tense and oppressive atmosphere. “Boom!”

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the space shook. The tomb ship finally emerged from the black swamp, and then floated in the void out of thin air. Then the ship also shook, and then it was exposed on the outer wall of the ship. A black gate began to open slowly.

Seeing this, the Lord of the Deer Insect immediately sent a message to Luo Yuan through his divine power: "The hatch is open, let's go!"

Phew~ Phew~
  The pyramid-shaped flying palace of the Lord of Deers and Insects turned into a golden light and flew towards the door of the huge tomb ship, followed closely by the disguised Star Tower controlled by Luo Yuan. The Lord of Deers and Insects acted as the Purple Moon Holy Land. The peak expert knew more secrets, so it would be safer for Luo Yuan to follow him.

When the other forces present saw Luo Yuan and the Lord of the Deer and Insects, they rushed towards the hatch of the tomb boat immediately. They also burned their divine power one by one, and tried their best to activate the flying treasure to turn into a stream of light and chase after them. Among them, the Divine Eye Clan , the Ancestral God Sect, and the Skeleton Clan took the lead, and Luo Yuan didn't care about them. After all, the opportunity was in front of him, and no one wanted to fall behind.

The powerful men from the major forces following behind were also very fast, which put tremendous pressure on the Lord of the Deer and Insects flying at the front.

"Lord of the Deer Insect, as the pinnacle expert of the Purple Moon Holy Land, you have come to compete with us juniors for opportunities. You are so embarrassed. I think you should go back." A golden figure laughed wildly, and then a figure appeared in the void. The sword condensed with divine power struck at the pyramid of the Lord of the Deer and Insects, but was easily dodged by the Lord of the Deer and Insects. In order to enter the ship as early as possible, the Lord of the Deer and Insects ignored the strong men blocking the way.

The strong man from the First Ancestral God Religion also laughed and said: "Lord of the Deer Insect, you are already the peak master of the universe, and you also possess the most powerful treasure. No matter how you practice, you can't break through the strongest person in the universe. Why are you still fighting with me?" Do you still want to face the competition for the treasure?"

As soon as the strong man from the First Ancestral Divine Religion finished speaking, endless thunder struck at the Lord of Deer and Insects.

The Lord of Deer Insects said angrily: "These juniors are really too much. I don't want to trouble you, but you are all making trouble. Let me show you the strength that I, the Lord of Deer Insects, can do in this cosmic sea for endless years." By the way, I'm not a vegetarian, so I'm just using you to scare the monkeys. Just because I don't take action doesn't mean I don't have the strength to fight back."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel a little amused when he saw the Lord of the Deer Insect being attacked by strong men from all sides. None of these strong men came to attack Luo Yuan. That was because in their eyes, Luo Yuan could not pose a threat to them at all. Instead of Instead of wasting divine power on attacking Luo Yuan, we might as well focus on attacking the Lord of the Deer Insects who threatens us.

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(End of this chapter)

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