Chapter 321 Competition
  Venerable Jixue from the East Emperor Holy Land Universe said respectfully to Duan Donghe: "Okay, Lord Duan Donghe, I will continue to resolve the situation."

Duan Donghe nodded when he heard the words, and then disappeared directly. After Duan Donghe left, the strong men present were freed from restraints and began to discuss one by one, which seemed a little lively.

The Second Lord of the Divine Eye Clan felt very ashamed when he saw this. He was the most powerful person in the universe, and now even a universe venerable had attacked them. They never expected that a mere venerable could solve the problem so quickly. You must know that the strongest among these powerful men from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe is just the Lord of the Universe.

In the death passage, those powerful men from different forces in the universe sea felt extremely unhappy when a mere venerable surpassed them, and even spoke angrily and disdainfully. But the powerful men from the East Emperor Holy Land Universe were all very excited, and they encouraged the Lord Jixue.

Venerable Jixue was sought after and encouraged by the powerful men in the East Emperor Holy Land universe, and his pride was palpable. He also looked at Luo Yuan in the distance, wanting to compete with Luo Yuan to see who had the last laugh and became the winner. The inheritor of the Duandonghe lineage.

Luo Yuan noticed the sight of the Lord Jade Blood and didn't care. For Luo Yuan, the inheritance of the Duan Donghe lineage must be his in the end, so he never took other powerful people to heart, but Luo Yuan Something can also be seen from the operation of cutting off the East River.

As the first person to meet the requirements for solving the Rhinoceros Game, Luo Yuan can be said to have the best advantage. He can do it step by step, but he also understands that Duan Donghe has been waiting for so many years. He has to choose a qualified person. The successor must be considered in all aspects, so he will definitely select several candidates, and then finally select the successor.

Moreover, Duan Donghe has been emphasizing that the more puzzles you solve, the more benefits you will get, which will naturally increase your chances of obtaining inheritance. If you directly solve the six thousand puzzles, you can directly obtain the final inheritance. Although Luo Yuan's He is confident, but he cannot completely ignore the top experts in the universe sea. After all, he is not the only one who has the advantage of cheating.

Now that there is this second inheritance candidate named Bixue who meets the requirements, it means that there will be more candidates who meet the requirements. It can be said that the hope of the human race in the original universe now rests on him. As for The original protagonist Luo Feng is still adventuring in the mysterious realm of the ancestors.

Luo Yuan felt a little pressure. Even though he was in the lead now, he did not dare to let down his guard, so he continued to crack the Rhinoceros Game. If he could crack the six thousand endgame in advance, then he could directly become the last one. Being the inheritor means that he is stable.


At this time, the Universe in the Holy Land of the East Emperor in the Universe Sea also received the news that Lord Jixue had become the second person to meet the requirements of breaking the East River. Even the ancestor of the East Emperor knew about this person. He was originally just an ordinary Universe. Your Majesty, you are now famous.

"Hahaha, okay, our clan's Lord Jade Blood has actually met the Rhino Emperor Bureau's requirements. Now our clan also has the opportunity to seize the inheritance of Duan Donghe."

"That's right, our East Emperor's Holy Land Universe has sent out many Universe Masters this time. Even the Universe Venerables and Immortal Gods are hundreds of them. They are also the most elite group of people, and they even have the highest talents. But let's say The one who can crack the endgame the fastest should be Lord Youzan, but it is the Lord Jade Blood who finally meets the requirements."

"Well, I know that Lord Youzan of our clan failed to reach the standard of breaking the East River after cracking one thousand two hundred rounds, but Venerable Jixue was judged to have met the requirements after cracking one thousand rounds. So, shall we? Can we use this information to determine Duan Donghe’s standards for the Rhino Emperor Bureau?”

"Yes, what is certain now is that the minimum standard for the Lord of the Universe to crack the Rhinoceros Game is a thousand endgames. It's just that we don't know how many Lords of the Universe are. After all, the Lord of Human Hunyuan is the first to complete the standard. He is a strong player, and we don’t know the specific number of endgames he has cracked.”

At this time, in the temple of the East Emperor Holy Land Universe, many universe masters and several of the strongest people in the universe were discussing. Suddenly there was a space distortion in the temple, and then a cyan figure appeared silently in the void of the temple. When all the strong men present saw the visitor, they stopped talking, and then they all faced the visitor respectfully. salute.

"Welcome to the ancestor."

"Welcome to the ancestor."

All the powerful men in the temple said respectfully.

The ancestor of the East Emperor looked down at everyone below with his plain eyes, and the green light on his body exuded majestic vitality. Then he said: "Well, from the current action of cutting off the East River, it can be judged that he has different feelings towards strong men with different strengths. requirements and standards, and the lower the level of people, the requirements will be much lower accordingly.

Okay, now I order you to make our clan’s cosmic sages and immortal gods in the inheritance land redouble their efforts. The more of them meet the standards of the Rhinoceros Bureau, the greater our clan’s final chance of obtaining this supreme inheritance will be. Much bigger. "

"Yes, I will obey the order." All the powerful men present agreed. The ancestor of the East Emperor nodded with satisfaction, and then disappeared.

At this time, these peak powerhouses in the temple are all veteran powerhouses who have existed for countless reincarnation eras. They looked at the place where the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor disappeared, and they were all shocked, because with their endless years of experience It seems that their ancestor of the East Emperor has been in retreat and will only appear once in a long time.

But since the powerful men of the Holy Land were asked to snatch the Donghe River inheritance, they often appeared. Especially when they came to the temple, they appeared directly instead of appearing from the ancient tree. From this, it can be seen that their ancestors faced The importance attached to the inheritance of Duan Donghe can be said to be unparalleled. After all, the strong men in their Holy Land have also obtained many ancient inheritances, but they have never seen such emphasis from the ancestor of the East Emperor.

"The Jade Blood Venerable in my holy land is the pinnacle venerable, and his strength is comparable to that of an ordinary Lord of the Universe. Especially his will has reached the level of the strongest person in the universe. It can be said that both in terms of strength and talent, he can match that of human beings. The Lord of Hunyuan was in the Venerable Realm, so he was naturally able to solve the endgame very quickly. We should have sent more young and strong men of his level there."

"Yes, these powerful men who have reached the level of quasi-universe masters have the most advantage here. Not only are the requirements for solving the problem much smaller than those of the masters of the universe, but the speed and ability to solve the problem are not slower than those of the masters of the universe. This Those are the ones who can seize the opportunity.”

The so-called quasi-universe masters are those who are still in the realm of universe masters, but their actual combat power is comparable to ordinary masters of the universe, and they have special abilities in a certain aspect, such as secret magic powers or willpower that exceed the average. A strong creature with outstanding talents.

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(End of this chapter)

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