Chapter 322 Millennium
  The East Emperor Holy Land Universe and the Ziyue Holy Land Universe have gone through countless reincarnation eras since their birth, and each reincarnation era can generally give birth to nearly ten Universe Lords. After these endless years, their Universe Lords have increased. There are only a few hundred together, because the holy land universe where they are located can only hold so many universe masters.

After all, these strong men need resources to cultivate. Even if the Holy Land Universe is very powerful, there is an upper limit on resources. Therefore, in order to cultivate high-end combat power, they can only reduce the number of strong men. Each small universe is led by a Created by the strongest person in the universe, the strongest person who can be born is just the Lord of the Universe, but every Lord of the Universe imposes a great burden on the small universe, because his existence itself is harmful to the Holy Land Universe. .

In fact, those peak cosmic lords in the Holy Land Universe have reached the limit in terms of accumulation and law understanding, and can directly step into the realm of the Lord of the Universe. However, the Holy Land Universe they are in is an existence independent of the original universe. , so they are unable to obtain the divine power of law from the origin of the original universe, and coupled with the limitations of the holy land universe, they are unable to break through this realm.

And these powerful men who have reached the pinnacle of universe masters can be called quasi-universe masters. When a universe master falls in the holy land universe where they are located, it means that the opportunity for these quasi-universe masters has come. The Holy Land Universe can support a limited number of Universe Lords, which can be said to be like a carrot and a pit. After the death of these Universe Lords, the quota will be vacant.

Therefore, in order to gain the opportunity to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe, the pinnacle universe lords in these holy land universes have continuously improved their strength, sharpened their will, and raised their foundation and talents to the peak over a long period of time. If the Lord of the Universe falls, leaving a place for them will give them the opportunity to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe, so the Jade Blood Venerable is such a strong person.

Time is like running water. In the blink of an eye, eight hundred years have passed since Luo Yuan was studying the rhinoceros emperor's situation in the death passage of the tomb boat. But one day, with a ding-dong sound, this special sound effect caused Attracting the attention of everyone present, they also understood that someone strong had reached Duandonghe's basic requirements for the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for energy to condense in the air in the passage, and then Duan Donghe's figure appeared again. He still looked down with cold eyes, and finally his eyes fell on a Zerg from the Second Reincarnation Era. On the body of the powerful Immortal God, and then slowly said: "The person who has achieved the solution to the Rhino Emperor Game this time is the Zerg Xueyou from the Second Reincarnation Era."

Everyone present was shocked when they heard Duan Donghe's words, because the request for arrival this time was only an immortal god level. You must know that apart from Luo Yuan, who is the Lord of the Universe, the second person is the Master of the Universe. Your Majesty, no one expected that the third person to arrive at the request was just an immortal god.

After Duan Donghe finished speaking, he pointed directly at the Zerg Xueyou, and then a glazed palace emitting misty golden light enveloped him. It looked exactly like the palaces of Luo Yuan and the Lord Jade Blood, and it looked beautiful. Beautiful.

The other strong men present who did not meet Duan Donghe's requirements were all ashamed. They began to work harder to understand the rhinoceros emperor's game. At the same time, their confidence in cracking the rhino emperor's game became even higher. Time flew by like this. Later, candidates who met the requirements of Duan Donghe appeared one after another, including the Lord of the Deer Insect from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe.

Soon three thousand years passed by. At this time, there were glazed palaces emitting golden light in the death passage. Naturally, the candidates in these palaces were candidates who had reached the requirements of Duandonghe. So far, they have arrived. There are a total of sixty-two qualified people, but the strange thing is that there is not a single strongest person in the universe among these people.

There was a buzzing sound, and the familiar sound of water drops came again, and Duan Donghe's figure appeared again, but all the strong men present were already familiar with this operation, and none of the strong men felt that shocked or excited. In such a mood, they just want to know which strong person has met the requirement of cutting off the Donghe River. Duan Donghehe glanced at everyone present with a still cold glance, and then said: "The arrival request this time is for Demon Lord Tiebu from the first reincarnation era."

As soon as these words came out, the strongest people in the universe present were all shocked, because this Demon Lord Tiebu was the strongest person in the universe. He was the only strongest person in the universe so far who had met Duan Donghe's requirements. Naturally, it caught everyone's attention.

The 100,000 strong men present all looked at Demon Lord Tiebu, with shock and curiosity in their eyes, because they already knew that strong men in different realms had different requirements for passing the level, and the stronger they were, the more natural solutions they would reach. The quantity is also greater.

Especially the strongest people in the universe are extremely excited, because three thousand years have passed, and they, the strongest people in the universe, still thought that Duan Donghe was prohibiting the strongest people in the universe from passing, so they were worried, especially when they saw Even those creatures that were much weaker than them had met the requirements, but none of them had met the requirements. It was only today that they felt relieved.

At the same time, everyone present also knew that the number of solutions required for the strongest person in the universe to pass the rhinoceros game was two thousand games. This made them sigh inwardly, because they already knew that the master of the universe's solution requirement was one thousand games. The Lord of the Universe is one thousand and five, which means that each of the three realms has been improved by five hundred.

The nearly 100,000 strong men in the Death Passage are not very quick to understand the Rhinoceros Emperor's situation, but there are also a lot of strong men here, and they are all the best strong men from each power group, with the highest level of talent and understanding. The strongest, the number of strong people who can naturally break the rhinoceros bureau and meet the requirements is also increasing, so the number of glazed palaces that exude golden light in this passage is also increasing.

Everyone present did not expect that it would take thousands of years to crack the rhinoceros emperor's game, and they did not know if there would be other tests later, but so far it seems that the Duandong River has high requirements for the final inheritor, and now it has There are seventy candidates, but it seems that Donghe is not over yet, which means that the number of candidates he wants will only increase.

All the candidates present were also discussing the ideas and arrangements of Duandonghe. They felt that choosing the successor of Duandonghe would not only test their understanding, but also consider many other aspects. And they thought that Luo Yuan was just... There is only an advantage in understanding. Their tribe has sent so many strong men here this time, especially in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe, nine strong men have met the requirements, so the natural advantage will be greater.

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(End of this chapter)

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