Chapter 323 Breaking the situation
  Luo Yuan did not pay too much attention to the discussions among the candidates in the Death Passage. It was still difficult to understand the rhinoceros emperor situation, otherwise there would not have been only 70 strong people arriving after three thousand years. The requirements of Duan Donghe, and when comprehending the rhinoceros emperor's situation, they will be attacked from the soul, and the demands on their will are also very high, so these strong men will take a break every time they comprehend the situation for a period of time.

At this time in the void universe, the high-level humans of the original universe gathered together to discuss.

There was a rare look of anxiety on Chaos City Lord's face, and he said: "As far as the news we have received, the number of candidates who have met the requirements for breaking the East River has reached seventy, and the number of candidates who meet the requirements will only increase. The more there are, the competition for Luo Yuan will become bigger and bigger if this continues, and he is the only one in our human race who has met the requirements, so the chance will be much smaller than that of the two holy lands."

At this time, the founder of the Giant Ax and the eight masters of the universe at the top of mankind were discussing together. Among these masters of the universe were the masters of the universe such as the master of Huangjian, the master of Qingdong, the master of darkness, and the master of virtual gold. Lord, although they are currently in the three major Jedi areas of the universe sea, they are still very concerned about the situation in the inheritance land, and they are full of expectations for the future of mankind.

At this time, they heard what the Lord of Chaos City said, and some people said anxiously: "What should we do? We can't help now. Hey, it would be great if we were nearby, but it won't help if we rush over now."

It can be said that in the eyes of all the forces in the entire cosmic sea, the Broken East River inheritance is actually a war related to the future. It can be said that if that force obtains the Broken East River inheritance, then this force can have the hope of transcending reincarnation. , becoming the third holy land universe is a great opportunity to extend the race's immortality.

The founder of the giant ax looked at the worried eyes of the Lords of the Universe present, but he laughed boldly and said: "You don't need to be so anxious, and it's useless for me to be anxious here. We have to trust Luo Yuan and try not to If you don't disturb his enlightenment, let's go out and conquer these three Jedi and accumulate knowledge for our human race. I don't believe that the inheritance test of Duan Donghe will take several epochs to complete. We just need to wait."

The top human beings present also nodded, and then logged off one by one to continue their journey in the cosmic sea.


At this time, in Luo Yuan's personal plane in the virtual universe, there were clouds and mist, and tens of thousands of stone pillars stood. The three-dimensional shadow on each pillar looked particularly beautiful. At this time, Luo Yuan and the original ancestor were both here. After understanding the rhinoceros emperor's game, Luo Yuan didn't know the existence of the original ancestor at all, otherwise he would be shocked, but the original ancestor looked at Luo Yuan with more and more admiration.

Luo Yuan was currently standing in front of the three-dimensional phantom of the 3000th Endgame and carefully comprehending it. He felt that the 3000th Endgame was really difficult to crack. He had already made countless combinations to solve it. Over the years, One candidate after another met the requirements of Duan Donghe, which made Luo Yuan know that he needed to work harder. He also understood that Duan Donghe did not regard him as the only successor, but was still choosing and considering.

Luo Yuan knew that the 100,000 strong men who came here this time were all top strong men from all the major forces in the universe sea. They were all top-notch in terms of will and talent, and each had their own opportunities and advantages. He couldn't help himself. If you think you are invincible, you cannot underestimate all the powerful people in this universe sea.

However, for this inheritance, Luo Yuan himself was in a leading position, but he knew that he could not slack off and would retreat if he did not advance. He only had to try his best to crack the rhino emperor's game to six thousand in order to truly become the Duan Donghe The only inheritor has obtained this supreme inheritance.

Moreover, after Luo Yuan mutually confirmed the Rhinoceros Emperor Game and the secret pattern he had understood, his speed in deciphering and comprehending the Rhinoceros Emperor Game became faster and faster, and after Luo Yuan cracked the 2000th Endgame Then he began to use the secret method of borrowing secret patterns to understand the rhinoceros emperor's situation. Of course, the originally arranged method of cultivation and enlightenment will not change. He spends 10% of his time for entertainment and discussing the meaning of life with his close friends. For him, only by combining work and rest can he better understand. This Rhinoceros situation.

After Luo Yuan continuously compared the secret patterns and the Rhino Emperor Bureau, he is now sure that the Rhino Emperor Bureau must have referred to the secret pattern diagram when creating it, so both the Rhino Emperor Bureau and the secret patterns have been improved. This Rhino Emperor Bureau It also requires a lot of a person's understanding and logical thinking ability.

If Luo Yuan can study the rhinoceros emperor's situation more deeply, it will be more beneficial for him to study and understand the rules and draw the secret patterns. For the current candidates, the requirements for the Duandonghe inheritance they have reached are just at different levels. It's just the minimum standard reached. Immortal gods can meet the requirements as long as they can solve five hundred endgames, but the strongest person in the universe needs to solve two thousand endgames.

For those immortal gods, if their understanding and talents are good, it is not difficult to meet the requirements for solving the game. Even if their qualifications are not top-notch, they can naturally meet the requirements if they have enough time. But for the strongest person in the universe, They all reached the end of a certain law and opened up their own way, and then they could upgrade their divine kingdom into a small universe.

The understanding of these strongest people in the universe is very high. It can be said that as long as they have enough time, they can naturally reach the minimum requirement of two thousand endgames. And basically every time they reach the thousands, they will encounter the so-called bottleneck, and as the cracks are cracked As the number increases, the further back they go, the more difficult it is to crack.

For example, Luo Yuan has now cracked 2999 endgames. It is very difficult to reach the number of . This is a bottleneck. For other strong people, it may take ten thousand or even one hundred thousand years to solve the game. , and the level of resolution can only be achieved by reaching an era of cosmic reincarnation.

After all, every strong person has a limit to his understanding and ability to understand logical thinking, and this limit cannot be compensated for by endless time. Luo Yuan doesn't know whether he can crack the third thousand endgame, but if he can't Once this bottleneck is cracked, it will be difficult to continue cracking it later.

Similarly, if he can crack the third thousand endgame, then there will be no bottleneck for him up to the four thousand endgame.

Luo Yuan's current will has reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, and the actual combat power is also the same. If his understanding can be raised to the level of the strongest person in the universe, then in the future Luo Yuan will break through to the strongest person in the universe, then his The strength will be even more powerful.

But as for the road after breaking through to the strongest in the universe, Luo Yuan doesn't know how to go. Even the founder of the giant ax and the original ancestor are only the strongest in the universe. Their path is still being explored, but if If Luo Yuan can obtain the inheritance of Donghe River, his future journey will be smoother and stronger.

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(End of this chapter)

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