Chapter 327 Struggle
  At this time in the virtual universe, the original ancestor also looked at Luo Yuan, who was seriously comprehending the game of Rhinoceros. The original ancestor only felt that he was old, because Luo Yuan had only spent nearly four thousand years to crack 3,500 games. This shocked the original ancestor. After all, even he was only at the level of three thousand games.

Luo Yuan was looking at the three-dimensional phantom of the 3,500 rounds at this time, and then carefully comprehended the layout of various unit combinations. His true self was currently conducting research and development in the personal plane of the giant axe's small universe. To crack, at this time, when he realized, he could enter a supreme state of unity between heaven and man, so the efficiency of cracking these endgames became faster.

Moreover, Luo Yuan also picked up the most powerful secret techniques that Luo Yuan found in the three Jedi, and used them as seasoning. It was also quite useful to compare these secret patterns with the combination of the Rhino Emperor Bureau. What he had learned before The secret method is still far behind the strongest secret method in the ancient inheritance of the three Jedi, and the mountain guest only gave him some top treasures, so he needs these strongest secret methods to enhance his strength and heritage. .

Moreover, he studies these strongest secret techniques in order to create the strongest secret techniques that can fully adapt to him. With his current knowledge of secret pattern diagrams and law rune research, it is not difficult for him to create the strongest secret techniques on his own. It's just that he can't do it behind closed doors, so he needs to learn from and refer to the most powerful secret methods created by countless powerful people from ancient civilizations.

Luo Yuan suddenly felt something in his heart at this moment. He opened his eyes and looked at the 100,000 strong men in the death passage, with a strange look in his eyes. Now this passage was different from the quiet scene in the past. Instead, it seemed very lively. At a glance There were people everywhere in the past, and they were all discussing this or something with each other.

Luo Yuan listened to what these people were discussing, and found that they were basically discussing those powerful people who had reached the level requirements, especially a Lord of Water Song from the Second Reincarnation Era who had also broken through to the second level. , which made the powerful men in the First Reincarnation Era and the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe almost go crazy.

The top three now are the Lord of Hunyuan, a powerful human being from the original universe, also known as Luo Yuan, the Lord of Blue Blood from the East Emperor Holy Land universe, the Lord of Water Song from the Second Reincarnation Era, and the First Reincarnation There was no one from Era and Ziyue Holy Land Universe, so they naturally seemed even more anxious.

Just when these people were discussing with each other and congratulating the Lord of Water Song, Luo Yuan finally cracked the 3,500 pieces of the puzzle perfectly. The crystal pillars belonging to him also radiated bright light. When he was for his own Just when I was overjoyed with the achievement, Duan Donghe appeared on the stage with a thud as expected.

I saw cyan energy particles condensing in the air. After Duan Donghe appeared this time, he pointed directly at the ground where Luo Yuan was. Then the temperature in the death passage dropped rapidly, and even ice layers appeared. These ice layers The chill emanating from it froze their souls. Even though there were countless strong men present, they still felt heart palpitations.

When they looked into the void, there were cyan ice flakes similar to snowflakes falling from the sky. This extraordinary special effect made all the powerful people present feel incredible. They knew that something terrible was about to happen.

Then the cyan particles like snowflakes continued to surge towards Luo Yuan like a sea. Then Luo Yuan found that a spar pillar appeared on the ground in front of him. This pillar was cyan, and these cyan light spots were Outside the golden and red palace, a cyan glazed palace is condensed, which looks magnificent.

Regarding this, Luo Yuan was a little surprised. When he broke through the number of three thousand, Duan Donghe did not respond. However, he did not get out the third crystal pillar until he cracked the number of three thousand five hundred. Maybe it was because he cracked the The speed of the endgame is too fast. If the news is spread too early, it will be a huge blow to other strong players, so it should be postponed. When Duan Donghe brought Luo Yuan and the number of cracked endgames to 3,500, Luo Yuan became the most shining one among the 100,000 strong men, shaking all the 100,000 strong men around him. Especially the two gods of the Divine Eye Clan were like lifeless rubber balls, wilting directly, with panic in their eyes.

The Seventh God of the Divine Eye Clan collapsed on the ground, his eyes full of fear and roared: "How is it possible that our Divine Eye Clan has spent such a high price this time to send all the most elite geniuses in the clan? They also directly sent two gods. If we cannot obtain the inheritance, then all of us will perish. Not only will the Divine Eye Clan suffer huge losses, but we will also lose the hope of transcending reincarnation and becoming a holy land universe."

The seventh god actually cried as he spoke, completely losing the majesty and dignity of the strongest person in the universe.

And the one who also burst into tears and cried was the ancestor of the derivative beast lineage from the first reincarnation era. He let out bursts of wild beast-like roars and roars, with a face of unwilling despair, and also came from the first reincarnation era. The strong men all looked numb. They had sent the most candidates this time, and they were the ones most eager to seize the inheritance. Moreover, they were all ethnic groups whose time was coming. If they could not obtain the Donghe lineage this time, inheritance, then they can only perish in the end.

These strong men from the first era of reincarnation can be said to be the most special group of strong men in the universe. Each of them has experienced endless years, and basically all of them have mastered the strongest secret method. But even so, they It is still difficult to escape the constraints of the laws of the universe. As long as one does not transcend reincarnation or is not attached to the Holy Land Universe, no matter how powerful he is, he will eventually fall after more than three reincarnation eras.

After countless reincarnation eras, those once extremely powerful forces and civilizations, and those stunningly talented and peerless strong men finally fell into the past, and even their names were not left. Therefore, the strong men in the first reincarnation era this time They are all extremely unwilling. They have survived until now. They have practiced for countless epochs before reaching their current realm and strength. Naturally, they are not willing to disappear like this. They are struggling and roaring. For this reason, they do whatever it takes, just for the survival and survival of the ethnic group. inherited.

These are these strong men from the first era of reincarnation, especially the strong men from the Divine Eye Clan. They are too clever in their calculations, and they continue to hinder Luo Yuan's footsteps. They do not hesitate to take action against Luo Yuan, trying to strangle Luo Yuan in the cradle. , but in the end, they still watched Luo Yuan become the core inheritor, and he was not far from the fourth level inheritor, and these forces could not even step into the second level.

You must know that the levels set by Duan Donghe are only four levels in total. If Luo Yuan can resolve the game to 4,000, then he can directly become the inheritor and obtain the inheritance. Then they will not even be qualified to compete with Luo Yuan. None of them are gone, and these forces from the first era of reincarnation only have a handful of powerful people who have reached the first level.

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(End of this chapter)

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