Chapter 328 Excited Duan Donghe

Duan Donghe's figure appeared in mid-air, but his image was a little different this time. He wore a gorgeous white armor this time, and he looked powerful and majestic. Even the loneliness and indifference he had before was gone. Went a lot.

Then Duan Donghe looked at Luo Yuan with blazing eyes and said slowly: "Human Hunyuan, you are very good. You can actually end Three Thousand and Five in less than one era, even with an acceleration of ten thousand times. Extraordinary, I never thought that I would meet such an outstanding junior like you after waiting for countless years."

As Duan Donghe's words fell, the 100,000 strong men below couldn't help but look panicked, because based on Duan Donghe's current appearance, they all felt that Duan Donghe planned to hand over the inheritance directly to Luo Yuan. But if that's the case, then everything they did would be meaningless.

But Duan Donghe didn't pay attention to the thoughts of these strong men. Instead, his face showed a look of memories, and his body even trembled because he was so excited. Duan Donghe opened his eyes suddenly, and he looked towards Luo Yuan said: "I am a sinner, because my arrogance almost caused the Duandonghe lineage to perish, and now only this intelligent consciousness is left for inheritance.

But I am lucky. I used to have amazing talents, but even so, my noble and powerful lineage was still directly broken, so I have always wanted to find a successor whose understanding and talents are not worse than mine, but today I Finally found it, you, the master of human Hunyuan, have broken through to the third level in less than half an era, far exceeding my previous record.

Therefore, Lord of Hunyuan, I congratulate you. I see everything that happens to you here. If you can break through to the fourth level, I will sacrifice the 100,000 eliminated strong men here to serve you. You celebrate! "

The one hundred thousand strong men present were all horrified when they heard Duan Donghe's words. What did they hear? Duan Donghe actually said that he would use the lives of these strong men to celebrate the Lord of Human Hunyuan, although they also From Duan Donghe's behavior, they knew that Duan Donghe was not a good person, but when they actually heard Duan Donghe say that if Luo Yuan became the inheritor, he would directly kill them one by one.

Duan Donghe ignored the horrified expressions of these 100,000 strong men, but looked directly at Luo Yuan and said: "The time I set to crack the Rhino Emperor Bureau this time is three epochs. If you can reach the third era within this time, Four levels, then I will directly hand over the inheritance to you. Even though I have fallen, I have fulfilled my wish. My Duandonghe lineage will continue to be passed down, and it will be more glorious than before, but you will also have to pass me on by then. This lineage continues.”

After Duan Donghe said these words, his figure disappeared and he did not look at the other candidates from the beginning to the end. Suddenly, there was deathly silence in the death passage. The eyes of the 100,000 strong men present looked at Luo Yuan with madness in their eyes. With murderous intent and even resentment, only a few people looked disappointed, but they were helpless when looking at the three-story glazed palace that protected Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan did not pay attention to the looks of other strong men. In his eyes, these guys did not pose any threat to him. Luo Yuan also knew the three-epoch time limit set by Duan Donghe. Luo Yuan began to close his eyes again to understand. Although he still has a lot of time in this rhinoceros situation, he doesn't want to waste so much time.

As time passes, although the 100,000 strong men present know that Duan Donghe has intended to hand over the inheritance to Luo Yuan and has also set a test time of three eras, these strong men have practiced for endless years anyway, so they His state of mind is still very strong, so he is still comprehending this rhinoceros emperor situation, hoping to surpass Luo Yuan's record in these three eras.

It’s just that there are many things in the Rhino Emperor Game that are easy to understand and crack. Basically, it will take several thousand years for a strong person to reach the second level. However, no strong person has reached the first level. So far, no one has reached the first level. Those who have reached the first level are those immortal gods and cosmic sages, which means that their potential is limited and they can no longer break through to this level, which also means that these powerful people will only become cannon fodder in the end. What surprised Luo Yuan was that the Lord of the Deer and Insects from the Purple Moon Holy Land had also reached the second level, and so had the Lord of the Witches and Demons from the Divine Eye Clan. Now, the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Divine Eye Everyone has a little hope.

Time continues to pass, and soon nearly 20,000 years have passed, and the limit of the three eras set by Duan Donghe is also approaching. At this time, the 100,000 strong men in the death passage are becoming more and more anxious. , they are also worried that Luo Yuan will break through to the fourth level. After all, if Luo Yuan really reaches the fourth level, it means that they will all fall.

There are also some among the 100,000 strong people who are constantly cursing Luo Yuan for not successfully reaching the fourth level. There are even desperate lords of the universe who desperately attack Luo Yuan, but they just haven't attacked Luo Yuan yet. The three-story glazed palace in the palace was shocked into nothingness by the mechanism set up in the palace.

At this time, in the human race's virtual universe, the original ancestors watched Luo Yuan's speed in cracking the Rhino Emperor's game and his understanding improving faster and faster. Only then did they truly feel the terrifying nature of Luo Yuan's talent. He was also the pinnacle of existence for countless epochs. A strong man, an invincible strong man who spans the cosmic sea, but he has never seen Luo Yuan increase his speed like a rocket, which makes him full of confidence in the future of Luo Yuan and mankind.

The original ancestor thought for a while, and he felt that Luo Yuan's excellence was closely related to the special treasure of the earth. You must know that the earth's lineage was cultivated by the mountaineers at great cost. All people born on the earth are born The soul power is very powerful. It can be said that at the level of the original ancestor, there are not many strong people who can interest him. Apart from the two holy places and the mountain guest, the only one is the current Luo Yuan.

It’s just that the original ancestor also knew that this mountain guest must have his own agenda. He didn’t believe that this mountain guest would selflessly cultivate Luo Yuan. Whether it was Puti, the eldest disciple of the mountain guest, or Emperor Yan, the second disciple, the original ancestor existed. For countless epochs, he has also created a virtual universe and has some understanding of the entire original universe, but he has never been able to see through the mountain guest.

At this time, Luo Yuan was still studying the Secret Pattern Diagram and the Rhinoceros Game. If he had just spent all his time studying the Rhinoceros Game, he would have reached the fourth level long ago, but he was gaining With enough advantages, he is no longer in such a hurry. He is not only studying the Rhinoceros Game, but also studying the secret patterns accordingly. Therefore, his understanding is constantly improving, and after his willpower reaches the peak of the strongest person in the universe, he will think about it again. It seems a little difficult to improve.

From countless times of dismantling and comprehending the Rhino Emperor Game, and then combining and breaking it, he has gained a deeper understanding of the composition and mysteries of the universe, and at the same time, his background is constantly improving.

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(End of this chapter)

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