I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 332 Thunder-clothed Demon God

Chapter 332 Thunder-clothed Demon God
  At this time, other members of the Shenyan tribe in Ice Cliff Castle were also questioning why Duan Donghe treated them like this. Because of the protection of Ice Cliff Castle, the most powerful treasure, they became bolder and faced The candidates from the Divine Eye Clan asked angrily, but Duan Donghe was very calm. He sat on the throne and said coldly: "I'm not targeting you, it's just a request from a friend of mine. I actually agreed to him. Naturally. have it done."

The strong men of the Divine Eye Clan in Ice Cliff Castle became even more angry when they heard this. Each of them developed a deep hatred for Duan Donghe. From Duan Donghe's words, we can know that they had There was no chance of inheritance, but they paid a huge price for this opportunity, and even brought in two gods who were the strongest in the universe.

There are seven gods in the Shenyan clan who are the strongest in the universe. Each god has a small universe. At this time, the clones of these seven gods are gathered in the small universe of the first god. They have been paying attention to Duandong. He's actions and the test process of their tribe, they are jealous of Luo Yuan and the Jade Blood Lord from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe, and they are also happy that their tribe can meet Duan Donghe's requirements.

But after knowing that Duan Donghe said that none of their Shenyan clan was qualified to obtain his inheritance, and that they would all be wiped out, these seven gods were immediately dumbfounded. The inheritance was regarded as the only chance for the entire group to transcend reincarnation and become the third holy land universe, but now it has all come to nothing.

Suddenly, the seven gods of the God Eye tribe felt deep despair and resentment. They felt the deep malice of the entire universe towards them. This was their only chance to survive. Now everything was over, so they were a little crazy, but They felt very unwilling and aggrieved by Duan Donghe's friend's request.

At this time, in the inheritance hall, the huge ice cliff castle kept exuding the cold air, forming the strongest defense. The second god of the Shenyan tribe among them was very angry, but he is still in the territory of Duandonghe. So I could only endure it and force myself to calm down.

The second master, Duan Donghe, said: "My lord, the candidates of our God Eye Clan have completely followed your requirements from the beginning, and have not done anything that violates your rules. But just because of one We are not willing to accept any requests from friends. If you do this, how can there be any fairness? The candidates present may be the next Divine Eye Clan. If you do this, who will dare to obey you? Maybe your inheritance is just a trap!"

Duan Donghe couldn't help but sneered at the provocative words of the Second God. He said coldly: "When I act, Duan Donghe, I don't need to care about what others think. There are many people who will inherit the inheritance of my lineage, but you Da It's just beyond my request. As for erasing you, for me, it's just a matter of convenience. In my eyes, except for my last inheritor, it doesn't matter if you are gone."

Duan Donghe's words made the second master of the Shenyan tribe choke. He looked at the candidates from other tribes and found that all of them had expressionless faces. He knew that he still underestimated Duan Donghe, so he had to sigh. He took a breath, and then asked with great reluctance: "Lord Duan Donghe, do you really want to be so heartless? Can't you really give me the Divine Eye Clan a chance?"

Duan Donghe sneered expressionlessly: "What do you think?"

Hearing this, the second master of the Divine Eye Clan completely lost hope. His eyes turned red, and then he went completely crazy. He directly cursed: "Duan Donghe, you are just an old antique who has fallen. Now You only retain a trace of conscious intelligence, but you still want to wipe out our clan. Where else can you go now but here? I am waiting in this ice cliff castle to see if you can kill me. "

As soon as the Second Lord finished speaking, the Seventh Lord of the Divine Eye Clan also said angrily: "Duan Donghe, you can now tell us who your friend who wants us to perish is, so that even if we really You can still know who the enemy is without it.”

As soon as the Seventh Lord finished speaking, the other twenty or so strong men from the Divine Eye Clan also asked Duan Donghe who was the person who wanted to kill them because this guy made all their efforts go away. It was a useless effort. Duan Donghe didn't pay much attention to the questions and anger of the candidates of the Divine Eye Clan. Instead, he remained calm. After all, for him, all the candidates of the Divine Eye Clan would be erased by him. He looked down. Candidates of the God Eye Clan in Ice Cliff Castle.

Then Duan Donghe said coldly: "Why are you so anxious? Even if you know it, it won't change my decision to erase you. Now that I have told you the reason, I will naturally let you know the whole story."

After Duan Donghe finished speaking, he pointed directly towards the wall of the hall. Suddenly the wall separated automatically, and then a deep passage appeared. Then all the candidates present looked at the wall. They all wanted to see who could make Duan Donghe, a big shot, owe a favor, and to do so, he would not hesitate to eliminate candidates from the Divine Eye Clan lineage.

Luo Yuan also looked at the passage that suddenly appeared, and then he saw a tall figure walking out. What he saw was a strong humanoid man with a pair of golden wings. He was also wearing a golden coat. It was a scaly battle armor, but this strong man had nine pairs of eyes, and the light emitted made the candidates present dare not look directly at him, and they all avoided their eyes.

Seeing this unfamiliar strong man, Luo Yuan quickly searched for the information he had collected before in his mind, and then he couldn't help showing a surprised expression. This man seemed to be a lone and strongest man in the universe from the second reincarnation era. The person is named Thunder Clothes Demon God. This strongest person in the universe is very low-key, and his combat power is average. He does not have the most powerful treasure, and his title is only one of his top-level treasures called Thunder Clothes. Come.

There are many candidates present who can recognize the Thunder-clothed Demon God. After all, this person is the strongest person in the universe. As the highest combat power in the universe sea, no matter how low-key he is, he still attracts the attention of many strong people. But such an ordinary person Wuqi, the strongest man in the universe, could actually become friends with a big shot like Duan Donghe, which shocked the powerful men from the two holy places and the three major universes in the reincarnation era.

When the two gods of the Shenyan tribe saw the thunder-clothed demon who asked Duan Donghe to wipe them out, they were extremely angry. The second god directly said angrily: "Thunder-clothed demon, how could it be you? Just you You can also let Duan Donghe wipe out us, why, you don’t have this strength, right?”

The other candidates of the Divine Eye Clan also looked at the Thunder-Clothed Demon God angrily. They had put all their anger towards Duan Donghe on the Thunder-Clothed Demon God. They also knew the culprit, but with this mediocre How could the Wuqi Thunder-clothed Demon God allow a big shot like Duan Donghe to do this?

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(End of this chapter)

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