Chapter 333 Calculation
  At this time, the Thunder-clothed Demon God had already walked out of the passage, but his nine pairs of eyes glowed coldly, looking a bit ferocious. He laughed directly, and then faced the candidates of the Divine Eye Clan. Said: "Hahaha, you can't think of it, yes, it is me, the Thunder-clothed Demon God, and it is I who want to make your God Eye Clan lose the opportunity to inherit.

And I also want to wipe out all of your Divine Eye Clan. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, two of the most powerful gods in the universe, and more than a dozen peak universe lords, you guys really put their money where their mouth is this time, but This time, you all have to die, hahaha, I am so happy. "

The two gods of the Shenyan clan looked at the arrogant and crazy smile on the Thunder-clothed Demon God's face. They were immediately extremely angry. The second one among them even roared: "Thunder-clothed Demon God, you are really looking for death. Just with this... You dare to deal with my God Eye clan, even if we fall, after you go out, the other gods of our clan will come to hunt you down and kill you."

The Thunder-clothed Demon God listened to the words of the Second Lord, and sneered: "Really, even if I die, I will drag you down to be buried with me. Your God Eye clan is insidious, cunning, arrogant and domineering. This time you lost the chance to inherit." , will eventually disappear in the long river of time. As for chasing me, it depends on whether you, the Divine Eye Clan, have the ability."

The Seventh Lord of the Divine Eye Clan said coldly: "Thunder-clothed Demon God, I want to know now why you hate my Divine Eye Clan so much, and even want to erase us, why?"

Upon hearing this, the Thunder-clothed Demon God sneered: "You are really noble people who forget things. Do you still remember Demon God Kong Luo? In order to compete with us for the most powerful treasure, you actually sent seven gods to join forces to surround us. There are many people who bully those who are small. You are really powerful. In the end, Demon God Kong Luo was killed by you in order to protect me. I also escaped in a panic. Each of you has the most powerful treasure, and you are surrounded by seven of the strongest people in the universe. , you think we are easy to bully, right?

You are the number one force in the universe that can compete with the two holy places in the universe, so you are all arrogant and overbearing. I don’t have the most powerful treasure or a backer, so I can only avoid you. I can’t defeat you, but you You never thought that I would give you such a big gift today. How about it? Are you feeling desperate now, hahaha. "

The Second Lord in the Ice Cliff Castle roared: "You bastard, we should have killed you all in the first place, but even so, how could you make Duan Donghe agree to wipe us out with your strength? I can't I don’t believe you have this qualification.”

The Thunder-clothed Demon God seems to be in a very good mood now. He enjoys seeing the angry expressions of the strong men of the Divine Eye Clan. He only responded coldly to the Second Allah's question: "You have all reached this stage. situation, I might as well tell you the reason so that you can go on your journey with peace of mind. Do you think you were the first to discover this tomb boat? No, no, no, in fact, I am the first candidate to come in."

As soon as the Thunder-clothed Demon God said this, all the strong men present fell into silence and were very shocked. You must know that they had been watching the tomb boat emerge from the black swamp, and it was also at the hatch. He rushed in immediately after opening it, but now the thunder-clothed demon actually said that he was the first one to come in, and even became friends with Duan Donghe. This sounds like a fantasy.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God looked at the confused expressions on the faces of the three hundred strong men present, and he couldn't help laughing, and then he continued: "This is all just a game between Duan Donghe and me. It can be regarded as a deal. In the past, this tomb boat only appeared at the core of the Jedi, the space boat. Even the strongest people in the universe did not dare to go anywhere.

But I was lucky enough to discover this place in the end, so I was the first candidate to enter this tomb boat. Unfortunately, I couldn't meet the requirements for breaking the East River, so I was not qualified to receive the inheritance, so in order to let more people The strong men came here to accept the inheritance test. After discussing with Duan Donghe, I brought this tomb boat here.

Only in this way do you guys dare to come here. For Duan Donghe, he can better find the inheritors, and I can survive. By the way, Duan Donghe can help me avenge myself and cut off your lineage of the Divine Eye Clan. opportunities to inherit, or even directly erase you. So, I am still your benefactor. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even have the chance to come into contact with this inheritance, especially this master of human Hunyuan from the original universe. You are really talented and have the shortest training time, but your strength You are comparable to me, both in talent and potential. If anyone can obtain the inheritance of Duan Donghe lineage, I will definitely choose you. "

When Luo Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but smile proudly. This was the strongest person in the universe praising himself in front of so many elite experts, but he still said modestly: "Low-key and low-key, just basic operations, don't boast. , don’t boast.”

The powerful men from various forces present were shocked when they heard the words of the Thunder-clothed Demon God. However, when they heard Luo Yuan's expression and words that seemed to be self-effacing but actually arrogant, they couldn't help but twitch their lips, but they had to. It is admitted that Luo Yuan's excellence is difficult for them to catch up with.

Compared with the calmness of other strong men, the strong men of the God's Eye tribe who are now in the Ice Cliff Castle are all ashen as water. They never imagined that the tribe has spent such a high price, spanning three epochs. They even thought that the inheritance of the Duan Donghe lineage was originally the only hope for the ethnic group to transcend reincarnation and continue to rise, but it was finally dashed by such a weak thunder-clothed demon.

But no matter how unwilling the strong men of the Divine Eye Clan are, they can't change the established facts. It's just that they usually act too domineering and offended many strong men. But today, they fell silent. I don't know how to solve the predicament at hand.

But the Thunder-clothed Demon God would not give them time. He looked at Duan Donghe on the throne and said: "I have said everything I want to say, and my thoughts are clear. Lord Duan Donghe, you can take action. I want to see it with my own eyes." Watch the scene of these offal being wiped out.”

Duan Donghe also nodded when he heard this. He looked at the strong men of the Divine Eye Clan in the Ice Cliff Castle with an indifferent expression. Suddenly, the eyes of these strong Divine Eye Clan were frightened, and their bodies could not stop. He shuddered.

The second master of the God Eye Clan thought he was protected by a powerful treasure like the Ice Cliff Castle, so he roared angrily: "Hahaha, what a good plan, Duan Donghe, you want to wipe out us with just this residual thought? I don’t believe you can break the defense of this most powerful treasure, come on, we want to see how you kill us.”

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(End of this chapter)

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