Chapter 345 I am the inheritor


Suddenly Luo Yuan opened his eyes suddenly. The Chaos Divine Sword floating in front of him sensed his thoughts and emitted a bright divine light. There was a terrifying light on the blade, and it directly split the surrounding space. From the opening, countless chaotic airflows spilled out.

Luo Yuan stood up, waved his hand, and the Chaos Divine Sword automatically flew into his hand. Then Luo Yuan directly practiced the supreme sword technique he had learned on the chaotic air flow. As the Divine Sword was swung, the sword's light was sharp, and then the light became brighter and brighter. The brighter the two, the rays of light flew out and finally formed a dark star, which looked like a neutron star, and all the light of his knife was integrated into the dark star, and the star continued to expand until it reached hundreds of billions. Kilometer size.

As the dark star finally seemed to reach a limit, it suddenly exploded from the core, and then golden light rushed out from it. Suddenly the entire inheritance space shook, and the void collapsed wherever the golden light passed. It was unable to recover for a long time, as if a terrible wound had been forced into this inheritance space.

Luo Yuan was shocked and excited when he saw this. Tears appeared in his eyes. He was so moved because he finally created the most powerful sword technique that surpassed the strongest man in the universe. The golden light he just reached was the one he would A new realm in which the way of swordsmanship is put to death and then resurrected is also the realm where the pattern of law is perfected.
  At the moment when Luo Yuan's supreme sword technique was created, Duan Donghe's consciousness awakened, and in all the inheritance spaces in the entire inheritance land, there was a cold mechanical intelligent voice prompting: "The last inheritor The decision has been made, and the other candidates have perished one after another."

At the same time, all the candidates except Luo Yuan were still comprehending the pattern of law contained in the iceberg. The next moment, a terrifying force descended on these candidates, and then these candidates were directly killed in endless unwillingness and panic. The souls were destroyed, but the divine bodies remained motionless, as if time had been suspended. Even the clones of these candidates in those small universes fell directly.

Although these candidates knew that they would fall when the inheritor appeared, it happened too suddenly, and Duandonghe gave them no time to prepare. You must know that these candidates all planned to die before they fell. They chose to self-destruct and then bring the inheritance back to the clan, but now their souls were directly wiped out by Duan Donghe, without even time to react.

At this time, the ancestor of the Purple Moon Holy Land suddenly opened his eyes. He felt that the candidates in front of him had lost their soul breath one by one, and then fell one after another, even the deer insect who had the most hope of inheriting the inheritance in the Purple Moon Holy Land. The master's clone also lost its life breath, and such methods shocked the ancestor of Ziyue.

At this time, the ancestor of Ziyue seemed to be a little confused. He never expected that their Ziyue Holy Land failed in the end. He couldn't help but wonder which force had obtained the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage. Although he was very anxious, but Reason told him that it was very likely that the person who would eventually receive the inheritance would be the powerful human being from the original universe, the Lord of Hunyuan.

At the same time, in the independent small world of the East Emperor Holy Land universe, the founder of the East Emperor, whose whole body exuded green light, also watched the candidate clones in front of him fall down one by one, losing their soul breath. He couldn't help but turn pale when he saw this, even after countless reincarnations. The good demeanor cultivated by the times was also directly broken. He was very angry now, especially when he saw the Jade Blood Venerable in front of him who had no breath of life. Dong Di roared: "Damn it, it is the human Hunyuan who has obtained the final inheritance. Really Very good.”

Likewise, as the candidates from the major forces fell one after another, without their souls, all the forces in the entire universe sea were detonated at once. You must know that the Duandonghe inheritance is the supreme inheritance that all forces covet. For them, It is the only hope to transcend reincarnation, especially those forces from the first reincarnation era. They have completely fallen into madness because their deadline is approaching and there is not much time to wait. For a time, all the forces in the Universe Sea were guessing who the powerful person who had finally obtained the inheritance was. Because there was no definite news, they didn’t know who had arrived. Even the powerful people in the Purple Moon Holy Land were just guessing. , and only the East Emperor Holy Land Universe can definitely be the Lord of Hunyuan, that is, Luo Yuan, because the most promising candidates for inheritance are Luo Yuan and the Jade Blood Venerable, and now the Jade Blood Venerable has also fallen, so he can get the final The only person qualified to inherit is the Lord of Hunyuan of mankind.

After Luo Yuan was prompted to become the last inheritor of the Duandonghe line, Luo Yuan directly sent this information by email in the void universe to the founder of the giant ax and his teacher, the Lord of Chaos City. As for the others People haven't paid attention to it, because few people know about this kind of thing now, so that the founder of Giant Ax can take corresponding measures. After all, this time the human race in the original universe will become the target of the entire universe sea.

At this time, Luo Yuan's consciousness was still in an independent space in the virtual universe. In addition to him, there was an original ancestor that he could not see. At this time, the original ancestor in white robes looked at the email written by Luo Yuan, He couldn't help showing a smile he hadn't seen for a long time, and couldn't help feeling happy. This fight for the inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage was actually a battle about the future of all ethnic groups in the Universe Sea, but now it was humanity that had won the final victory.

The original ancestor can now temporarily let go of his worries about the human race. Even if he cannot come out from the suppression of the origin of the universe, with the existence of Luo Yuan, the future of the human race is destined to be stronger and brighter, and with this break With the inheritance of Donghe's lineage, Luo Yuan is also likely to be able to transcend reincarnation, allowing the human race to become the existence of the third holy land universe, and become immortal from now on.

The moment Luo Yuan sent the email, the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Chaos City also received the news from Luo Yuan that they had obtained the final inheritance qualification of the Duandong River lineage. They couldn't help but fall into ecstasy, and at the same time they began to arrange the corresponding matters.

At this time, in the inheritance space of Duan Donghe's lineage, as other candidates fell one after another, Duan Donghe's figure appeared in front of Luo Yuan, but at this time, he was very gorgeously dressed, with all the clothes on him. The powerful treasure-level suit was just simulated at random, but Luo Yuan knew that this guy must have had it before he was alive.

Although Luo Yuan obtained the final inheritance qualification, he still did not take himself seriously. Instead, he saluted respectfully to Duan Donghe. Duan Donghe was very satisfied when he saw Luo Yuan's neither arrogant nor impetuous appearance. He nodded, then smiled and said to Luo Yuan: "Luo Yuan, you are really excellent. Even if I increased the difficulty of the test, you still met the requirements. Even I was far behind at your time.

You don't need to be so polite. From now on, you will be the next Duan Donghe. Everything here will be yours. You can accept me as your teacher and I will guide you on the road to true strength. "

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(End of this chapter)

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