Chapter 346 Holy King
  Duan Donghe waved his hand, and everything in this inheritance space disappeared, including the three icebergs. Luo Yuan opened his mouth when he saw this. He felt that these things were still very useful. He wanted to study it again. Duan Donghe wanted to study it again. Donghe just smiled when he saw Luo Yuan's standards.

"Hunyuan, what you see now is just the most basic inheritance. You can take time to study the 820 basic inheritances here in the future for leisure and entertainment, but your main thoughts now should be on Based on the core inheritance of my Duandonghe lineage."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but get excited when he heard this. If the eight hundred and twenty basic inheritances here were placed in the cosmic sea and were valuable knowledge that all forces would strive to seize, then how strong would the core inheritance of the Duan Donghe line be? So he was looking forward to it.

Duan Donghe waved to Luo Yuan and asked Luo Yuan to follow. Then Duan Donghe took Luo Yuan to fly up. When the two of them flew into the air, a light door appeared. Then Luo Yuan followed Duan Donghe and flew After entering, Luo Yuan realized that he had come out of the sword inheritance space when they crossed the light door.

Then Luo Yuan turned around and saw the eight hundred and twenty glowing portals suspended in the void. Duan Donghe also saw these light portals. Now that the last inheritor has been born, there is no need to continue visiting. , so as soon as he thought, these light gates disappeared directly.

Duan Donghe smiled at Luo Yuan and said: "This inheritance space is very precious. It can automatically absorb the energy of the universe to maintain its operation and achieve eternity. As the inheritance place of my Duan Donghe lineage, it is a treasure, better than you guys The most powerful treasure defined by the universe sea is even more precious, and it is much more special than the small universe of the strongest person in the universe.

So this inheritance space is not just the size you see. In fact, it also contains many plane spaces. As the master of this inheritance space, you can directly choose to turn it on and off. The 820 independent small worlds can naturally be turned on and off as you wish. After you become the new Duan Donghe, you will also have all the permissions here. "

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this. He also knew that Duan Donghe had fallen. What is left here is just a trace of the consciousness of his predecessor Duan Donghe. After he receives the core inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage, he will become As the new Duandonghe, all the treasures in Duandonghe's lineage will become his property, and all the inheritance here will increase his heritage.

Duan Donghe took Luo Yuan and flew towards the core of the inheritance space. Soon they came to the core inheritance space of Duan Donghe's lineage. Then Luo Yuan felt that the scene in front of him kept changing, and finally the two of them came to the top of a towering mountain. Luo Yuan looked down and saw endless mountains, and there were also clouds and mist that shrouded these mountains. , as if the sea water is flowing, and these mountains are like islands, giving Luo Yuan a vast and heavy feeling.

When Luo Yuan saw this scene, he looked at Duan Donghe with some doubts. They were not here to receive the core inheritance, so how could they bring him here? Although the scenery was nice, Luo Yuan was not in the mood to appreciate it now.

Duan Donghe didn't let Luo Yuan wait for long. He said directly: "Our current location is the highest mountain in the entire inheritance space. Look ahead." After Duan Donghe said this, he pointed directly to a towering mountain in the distance. Luo Yuan also looked directly at the huge statue. He could see that the statue was a strong humanoid man wearing a battle armor, and the power exuded by the statue gave Luo Yuan an aura that transcended everything.

Luo Yuan also felt an aura from this statue that far exceeded the strongest man in the universe, stronger than the founder of the giant ax he had ever seen. This was just a statue. If he were here, wouldn't it make him The entire cosmic sea collapsed in an instant. Duan Donghe looked at Luo Yuan's solemn expression and said with a smile: "This statue is the third generation inheritor of my Duan Donghe lineage. It is also called Duan Donghe Jueyi Saint King. A super strong man, and I am the 192nd generation inheritor, my full name is Duandonghe Zhenkan Wu."

Luo Yuan looked at Duandonghe Zhenkan Wu's admiration for the statue. He was also stunned for a moment. He felt that the name of the inheritor of Duandonghe lineage was particularly strange. Although he had heard that It felt very domineering, but he always felt that he was a bit middle-of-the-road, and the name Duan Donghe, Zhen Kan, and Wu initially mentioned did not include Zhen Kan, so Luo Yuan asked directly, and he also understood that Duan Donghe, Zhen Kan, Wu The inheritor of the pulse must also be particular about naming, and he also felt that giving himself a name that sounded domineering.

Duandonghe Zhenkan Wu seemed to know what Luo Yuan was thinking. He also said directly: "After you receive the core inheritance of my Duandonghe lineage, then your name will be Duandonghe·Hunyuan, although I don’t know your real name, you can add it yourself. My previous name was actually Zhenkan. I changed it after becoming the inheritor of Duandonghe lineage. The following Wu is me. of sealing.”

Although Luo Yuan still had doubts after hearing this, he did not interrupt Duan Donghe Zhenkan Wu because he knew that this person would explain it to him. As expected, Duan Donghe Zhenkan Wu looked at After coming to the statue in the distance for a while, he continued: "My Duan Donghe line has gone through nearly two hundred inheritors, but only this third inheritor is the greatest among them.

The first generation inheritor of Duandong River was just a super strong person in the ancient civilization where I was born. The same was true for the second generation inheritor, but it was not until the third inheritor that our lineage became a It has made the most pinnacle existence in the entire civilization known, and also made countless powerful people aware of our existence.

The strongest person in the universe as you say in Haikou is called a true god-level powerhouse in my civilization, and everyone below the true god is an ant. However, this so-called true god is just the bottom of the super strong ones, far from that. There is still a gap of countless thousands of miles between the peak experts. Even if I spend my whole life, I have never reached that peak level. "

Luo Yuan listened carefully. He had known for a long time that the strongest person in the universe was also called the true god, and the title of the strongest person in the universe was just the definition of the cosmic sea. Moreover, he also knew that there were also differences among the true gods. There are several levels, but he is not very clear about the specifics. After all, he didn't look carefully at the beginning, especially the later ones, which he swallowed wholeheartedly.

Duan Donghe lamented the past, and he continued: "Of all the inheritors of Duan Donghe's lineage, this is the third inheritance ancestor who has reached the realm of the Supreme True God, and has been worshiped by countless powerful people. With the word "sacred" added to the end of his name, such a title can only be obtained by those who are at the peak of super power, and our third-generation ancestor is the king among the saint-level powerhouses, an invincible existence, so Finally he got the name of Duandonghe Jueyi Saint King."

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(End of this chapter)

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