Chapter 380 Human Race Crisis
  After Luo Yuan chatted with the founder of Giant Ax for a while, he and the Lord of Chaos City went alone to discuss the training plan for the future strong men of the human race. At this time, Luo Yuan himself teleported through the channel of the Kingdom of God and came to Chaos City. Years later, Luo Yuan had some feelings when he came here again. Although the environment here was still the same for hundreds of millions of years, the people back then had all gone their separate ways.

Chaos City is located in the initial universe. At this time, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City are standing at the highest point of the City Lord's Mansion. They are overlooking the entire Chaos City with complicated expressions. The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan and said: "Luo Yuan, this human power training plan is for It is very important for the entire human race, and the inheritance of the ancient civilization in the Duandonghe line that you inherited is even more important. There can be no mistakes. So this time, as the commander-in-chief of the formulation and implementation of the plan, you must be careful and not let the aliens Gotta go.”

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this, and he smiled and said: "I know what's appropriate. This time I plan to set up the training center for human experts in Chaos City. This is the only place in the entire universe that is the safest for humans. As The number of strong human beings is gradually increasing, and other ethnic groups will definitely discover our plans, and may send out various detailed operations, but these are nothing to be afraid of.

Even if they get my training plan, it will be useless, because the training plan I formulated needs to be matched by the facilities in the inheritance space of the Duandong River line, just like the iceberg law pattern I used to test the secret method, except for Duandong No one or any force in the He lineage's inheritance space and the universe sea can do it, so he can't do anything like a cat or a tiger. "

Now, as a high-level human being, Luo Yuan understands that the core of the virtual universe is placed in the Chaos City in the city lord's palace. As a powerful existence that can simulate reality 100%, Luo Yuan naturally wants to make good use of the virtual universe, so in When formulating a training plan for strong human beings, many training models are implemented in the virtual universe.

For this reason, Luo Yuan also entered the basic inheritance information about the ancient civilization era into the information database of the virtual universe. On the one hand, he extracted and used it. On the other hand, Luo Yuan also had a lot of imagination. He combined the main god space cultivation model he saw in his previous life with this one. The cultivation system of the square world is integrated, Chaos City serves as the highest main temple, and the virtual universe can simulate and shape various experience worlds, which is simply perfect.

Luo Yuan doesn't have to worry about leaking the secrets. Only the top management of the human race or the soul servants who control key nodes can have access to the core secrets. Moreover, even what they can control is only part of it. The entire layout is controlled by Luo Yuan behind the scenes. He decided to select and train talents from the human universe in the entire original universe, so that more and more strong people could be cultivated.

At this time, in the Milky Way of the original universe, the Galactic Alliance with the Temple of Luo Yuan as the core has been formed, and the Temple of Luo Yuan is located in the Jiangnan Province of the Chinese Kingdom of Earth. The intelligent optical brain of Luo Yuan's original body sent a message that it turned out to be The Beizhen Star Lord of the East Emperor Holy Land Universe is constantly sending transaction applications to the summons token. Obviously this guy is much more anxious than Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan just asked him to wait in peace. He is busy now. Wait. He had arranged everything and naturally wanted to receive these most powerful treasures.

But before Luo Yuan was quiet for long, he received an email from the Lord of Chaos City, and it was the highest level urgent email. Luo Yuan was a little surprised. If major events related to the human race hadn't happened, an email of this level would be Luo Yuan didn't waste any time and directly branched out a consciousness to enter the virtual universe.

In the virtual universe, the palace of the Lord of Chaos, as soon as Luo Yuan's figure appeared, he saw the Lord of Chaos, who was pacing back and forth anxiously. When the Lord of Chaos saw Luo Yuan, he didn't explain much, but said directly: "Quick, follow me. Go see the founder of the great axe, something big has happened.”

After the teleportation, Luo Yuan and the Lord of Chaos City soon arrived at the temple on the exclusive plane of the founder of the giant axe. At this time, a series of high-level human race officials appeared on the throne surrounding the huge round table. Soon, nineteen masters of the human race universe They all came together. Although Luo Yuan wanted to ask the Lord of Chaos what happened, but seeing the frown on his face, he didn't ask much.

As the people arrived, the figure of the founder of the giant ax appeared on the black throne on the high platform, but he also looked solemn at this time. The masters of the human universe present all looked at the founder of the giant ax. This time they Being summoned urgently, he was also full of doubts. The founder of the giant ax glanced at all the peak human beings present, and he said in a low tone: "Everyone, I encountered a lot of trouble on the way from the core of Qingfeng Realm. Last time I and other cosmic seamen The map I won in the strong battle was fake. At this time, I was in danger and there was a possibility of falling."

All the peak human beings present were extremely shocked when they heard this. They had paid a huge price to grab the map of the core of Qingfeng Realm on the spot. Now they were told that it was fake, and it also made the only universe of human beings the most powerful. The strong man is in a situation where he is at risk of falling. The founder of Giant Ax is now the backbone of the human race. If he falls, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The founder of the giant ax said in a dull tone: "The place where the treasure is buried marked on the map should be a killing trap, just to attract me into the game, but those guys underestimated my strength and wanted to keep me, but I made them pay I paid a great price and repelled them, but I was unlucky and was swallowed into a dangerous place called the Dark Land at the end of the battle."

The peak human beings present were shocked and angry when they heard the name of the Land of Darkness. Luo Yuan had previously obtained a detailed map of the three Jedi in the Universe Sea and shared it among high-level humans, so everyone sitting here also Everyone knows exactly what this dark place is. It is one of the extremely dangerous areas in the core area of ​​Qingfeng Realm.

This dark place is countless times more dangerous than the God-Destroying Stream, Flame Ice Domain and Black Swamp that Luo Yuan has experienced before. So far, all the strong men in the universe who have fallen into this dark place have not been able to escape from it. , is a place of despair.

The founder of the giant ax also understood the danger of this dark place. He said seriously: "This dark place is extremely dangerous and mysterious. There has never been the strongest person in the universe who could come out after falling in, but I am the strongest person in the universe at the peak. Even though I am trapped inside now, I still have the most powerful treasure like the Divine Ax. However, it is not completely impossible for me to escape.

So while I am trying to find a way to escape from this dark place, you are not allowed to leak my whereabouts, and it is better for you to keep a low profile during this period. The original ancestor is still permanently suppressed by the original will of the universe, and I have In a dangerous situation, the human race does not have the strongest person in the universe at this time. This is extremely dangerous for the human race, so please take it seriously. "

In response to the instructions of the founder of the giant axe, all the masters of the human universe present solemnly nodded in response. They all understood that if the news spread that a group of people no longer had the strongest person in charge, then countless powerful aliens would take advantage of the opportunity. If they come to attack, it will be an apocalyptic disaster for the human race. Of course they understand the importance of this matter, and no one dares to relax their vigilance.

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(End of this chapter)

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