Chapter 381 Face
  The founder of the giant ax said solemnly: "I am now going to fight against the dangers in the dark land with all my strength, so before I come out, if you don't have any important matters related to the human race, please don't contact me. That's it. During this period, the human race It’s up to everyone.”

After the founder of the giant ax finished speaking, his figure also disappeared. At this time, the nineteen masters of the human universe who were still sitting in the temple were all worried about the founder of the giant ax and the human race, but now they only They could look at each other, unable to do anything for the founder of the giant axe. The dark place was the prison of the strongest man in the universe. If the master of the universe went there, he would die directly.

When the original ancestor is permanently suppressed by the original will of the universe, the founder of the giant ax is the only strongest person in the universe of the human race. If even the founder of the giant ax falls, then the human race will lose the pinnacle strong man, then the human race will face The crisis will be unimaginable for them. Not to mention the cosmic sea, even other alien races in the original universe will definitely take the opportunity to counterattack.

When the Lord of Chaos City saw this, he also said seriously: "This time the founder of the giant ax is trapped in the dark land, the matter cannot be leaked to the outside world. This is the highest secret of the human race. If anyone spreads the news, he will be hunted down by all the powerful people of the human race. .”

The other peak human race experts present also nodded in agreement. After all, this matter was too important, and the survival of the human race depended on it.

But just when all the masters of the human universe were worried, the figure of the founder of the giant ax appeared on the empty black throne again, but this time he looked very anxious and angry, and said very fast: "Dim This place is a trap, don’t come here.”

As soon as the founder of the giant ax finished speaking, his figure disappeared, as if he suddenly disappeared in the middle of his words. This made all the masters of the human and universe present stand up in shock. They felt something was wrong. Something happened, and they suddenly felt uneasy when the founder of the giant ax suddenly appeared and disappeared before he could finish a sentence.

But before all the peak human race experts present could think about it for a long time, the Lord of Virtual Gold slumped down on the throne and said with a miserable expression: "The founder of the giant axe, he, he actually fell, and his small universe... Now that it has just collapsed, what should the human race do..."

Suddenly all the human universe masters present showed expressions of disbelief. They were completely confused by this sudden situation. They all showed angry and anxious expressions. With the strength of the founder of the giant axe, it could be so easy. He fell, and he still possessed the most powerful treasure of the Divine Ax. Combined with the last words of the founder of the Giant Ax, all the strong men present seemed to have guessed something, but now it was already too late. The power of the Ax Founder's fall was not something they could resist.

At this moment, the strongest man in the universe, who was the only central figure in the human race, fell. No one could answer what the human race would face. They only felt that the pillars of the human race collapsed at this moment. The initial universe was the small universe of the original ancestors. , because of the suppression of the original will of the universe, it is always in the initial stage. There is Chaos City built in it, and the top experts and geniuses of the human race live there.

The small universe of the founder of Giant Ax is a complete universe, and the number of living creatures living in it can be said to be unimaginable. But at this moment, the small universe of Giant Ax collapsed, and the strong people living in it saw When the void cracked, endless chaotic air flowed in like a storm, and almost all the senior executives and geniuses of the Giant Ax Arena and their families lived in it. They looked at this doomsday disaster-like scene, and suddenly a Everyone became panicked.

The boundless sky cracked into large holes, the heaven and earth collapsed, and the space trembled. Many people were involved in the cracks in the space, and then strangled into nothingness by the chaotic airflow. Although the strong ones among them did not know what happened, they Unable to sit still and wait for death, the powerful men above the immortal god level collected the ordinary creatures in the small universe into the world ring one by one, and then began to escape. At this time, Luo Yuan's sworn brother Hong was also among them. At this time, Hong also quickly brought the genius of the human race from the giant ax's small universe into the small world, and then used teleportation to perform a space jump. At this time, he was also frightened and anxious in his heart. As a direct disciple of the founder of the giant axe, Hong discovered that his teacher The life-saving thing he once gave him now has no effect at all, and even the aura left by the founder of the giant ax has dissipated.

At this moment, Hong seemed to have thought of the fact that the founder of the giant ax might fall. He also felt that the sky of the human race was really about to collapse. This life-saving thing contained the life mark of the founder of the giant ax, and this universe was The giant axe's small universe unexpectedly collapsed like this. At this time, Hong was also worried in his heart, worried about the future of the human race.

The founder of the giant axe, as the only strongest person in the universe who can fight in the human race, is also the pillar that maintains the human race's status in the universe. But now it is gone. How can this not make him feel anxious and frightened? At this time, he I couldn't help but think of the three brothers Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, and Thor, and I didn't know how they were doing now because they hadn't contacted each other for a long time.

At this time, the small universe of the founder of the giant ax is facing this catastrophe. The countless human races living in it are also mentally broken. Looking at the cracks in the space, they are like the mouths of vicious beasts that choose people to eat. , swallowing up countless people, and then being crushed into nothingness by the turbulent flow of space. They could only run around, and then ask for help from the strong ones.

But there are too many humans in this small universe. Even if these strong men continue to rescue, they can only save a part. Especially in this life and death crisis, they can only choose to save those geniuses and geniuses of the human race. His family, especially the elites from the Giant Ax Fighting Field, must be taken away. Soon these strong men brought the elites to the main space.

There are temporary transmission channels built by several masters of the universe here in the main space. In just a few seconds, everyone found that the small universe of the giant ax had almost collapsed. The Lord of Virtual Gold took the lead in guiding these strong men into the transmission channel. , started the teleportation, and left here. In order to save more human beings, several masters of the universe also personally went to collect those human beings.

At this time, in a temple in the virtual universe, other universe masters of the human race are waiting anxiously. They are all far away from the small universe of the founder of the giant axe, and there is no time to rescue them. They can only be in the giant axe. The few universe masters in the small universe only have this time. This is mainly because the speed of the giant ax's small universe disintegrates too fast, and it is caught off guard. It is very difficult to organize manpower for rescue in a hurry. easy.

The masters of the human universe present at this time all had ugly faces. The founder of the giant ax had just fallen, which had caused great disasters to countless human races. There would only be more crises and troubles waiting for them to face in the future. They suddenly felt a lot of pressure. The days with the support of the founder of Giant Ax were too comfortable. Only now did they know what a real crisis was.

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(End of this chapter)

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