I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 386 Obtaining the most powerful treasure

Chapter 386 Obtaining the most powerful treasure
  Beizhen Star Master looked at Luo Yuan's cautious look. He couldn't find an opportunity for a sneak attack. After thinking about it, he had no choice but to throw a world ring in his hand that looked like a ball of flame towards Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan used his divine power to throw it at Luo Yuan. The ring was grabbed, and then as the divine power penetrated, the spiritual imprint was laid, and it was easy to enter one's own spiritual power into this world ring.

Then Luo Yuan saw two extremely huge supreme treasures in the ring that could hold a whole world. These two supreme treasures were towering like giant mountains and just floating quietly. One of them was shaped like a pyramid. There is a black palace-type supreme treasure, and another one is a long stick made of metal. This long stick seems to be able to connect the sky and the earth. It is obviously an attack-type treasure.

Luo Yuan looked at these two most powerful treasures and thought about the information about the strongest people in the universe in the East Emperor's Holy Land. The black pyramid was the black prison tower that became the most powerful person in the universe. It was quite powerful. , it turned out that it was the strongest man in the universe who directly contributed his weapon. As for another long stick-shaped melee attack type of supreme treasure, Luo Yuan had never seen it before. It was a quite satisfactory kind of supreme treasure. , it seems that it can be extracted from the weapons arsenal of the Eastern Emperor Holy Land.

Compared with the ordinary attack-type supreme treasure, the Black Prison Tower is obviously much more precious. Beizhen Star Master looked at Luo Yuan, who was frowning and contemplating, and it was not clear whether Luo Yuan was satisfied or dissatisfied. He continued: "The Lord of Human Hunyuan, you should be just the most powerful treasure. The pressure radiated by the Supreme Treasure cannot even be withstood by ordinary Lords of the Universe. Ordinary storage preparations cannot be placed at all. So in order to show sincerity, this time it is me, the Eastern Emperor." The ancestor personally refined this world ring, and I hope you can keep your promise."

After Luo Yuan heard that this world ring was personally refined by the mysterious ancestor of the Eastern Emperor, some surprise flashed in his eyes. He put the ring away and then said with a smile: "Do you have any information about these two most powerful treasures?" Information? It’s not enough to just give me the most powerful treasure. Please also give me a copy of the corresponding instructions for use, otherwise your service will be too substandard, don’t you think?”

Luo Yuan now really looks like a profit-seeking businessman, which made the Beizhen Star Lord twitch his mouth and asked for instructions on how to use it. You think this most powerful treasure is a household appliance, but he knows not to get angry at this critical moment. , so he suppressed his impatience and said: "Don't worry, there is the memory stone that you mentioned before that records the training experience of the super strong people in the ancient civilization era."

Luo Yuan looked at the deep eyes of Beizhen Star Master and did not keep him waiting, so he took out a black memory stone and threw it towards the Beizhen Star Master as if he didn't care. Seeing this, the Lord quickly grabbed it in his hand. Only then did he let go of his worry. He was afraid that Luo Yuan would suddenly drive away in the tomb boat, so he could only stare. After all, he didn't understand Luo Yuan either. .

Luo Yuan did not wait for the North True Star Master to explore the information about the Memory Stone, but asked directly: "Okay, you can tell me the specific information about these two most powerful treasures. Since it is a transaction, There must be a beginning and an end, and you, the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor, should understand."

Star Master Beizhen was not angry either, and he also said seriously: "The Lord of Hunyuan has also seen the black three-vertebral tower-shaped supreme treasure, so I won't go into details. The other melee attack is similar to the supreme treasure. The most powerful treasure is called Yanjun. You only need to identify its owner to know the specific information it contains, including the ultimate secret method contained in it. It is not difficult to identify the owner of these two most powerful treasures.

It's just that the requirements for the user's will are a bit higher. For example, the Black Prison Tower requires the willpower of the strongest person in the universe if it is the strongest in the universe. If it is the master of the universe, it requires the strongest person in the universe. Will is enough, and the Yanjun Stick has the same requirements for the strongest person in the universe. If it is the Lord of the Universe, it only needs the will of the peak Lord of the Universe. "

Luo Yuan just nodded when he heard this and didn't say anything. He also knew that all the most powerful treasures would have requirements for the user's will, but the requirements were high or low, so he spent a huge price to go to the black-patterned stone pillar space. He sharpened his willpower and finally raised his willpower to the level of the strongest person in the universe, which also means that he can use all the most powerful treasures.

This Black Prison Tower is a precious palace-type supreme treasure. It not only has strong defense power but also extremely fast flying ability. Therefore, it is not surprising that the requirements for identifying the owner are higher than that of the Yanjun Stick. It’s just that these two supreme treasures Compared with the most powerful treasure in Luo Yuan's hands, the Supreme Treasure is in the sky and on the ground. First of all, killing Wu Yuyi requires having the willpower of the strongest person in the universe at the level of the venerable, while the Lord of the Universe almost surpasses The willpower of the strongest person in the universe is obviously much stronger than that of the Black Prison Tower. As for the Star Tower owned by Luo Yuan, it is a god-king level treasure. If the world owner wants to control it perfectly, he needs to have the willpower of the peak of the venerable. As for the willpower requirements of the immortal god level and above, he does not know. , and if you reach the level of the Venerable and above, it is simply impossible for the Star Tower to recognize its master. You will also have to go through the test of life and death. If you fail, you will fall.

Luo Yuan has been wandering in this cosmic sea for many years and has collected countless information. He has never heard of any supreme treasure that has such stringent requirements as the Star Tower. Moreover, once the process of identifying the master is started, it must not be stopped. It will either succeed or fail. Fall.

So just from the requirements of recognizing the master, the requirements of the Star Tower can be said to be the highest. This is related to its own level. Maybe Luo Yuan will not be able to exert some of its power until he reaches the true god level. Now for Luo Yuan This Star Tower is more like an extremely powerful palace-type supreme treasure. As for the Wu-killing Wings, now three pairs are comparable to the top supreme treasure.

Star Master Beizhen held the Memory Stone in his hand. He was not qualified to see the training memories of super strong people in it, and only the ancestors of the Eastern Emperor Holy Land could see it, so he did not immediately identify the authenticity of the Memory Stone. .

But Star Master Beizhen still said politely: "Master of Human Hunyuan, I hope that the Memory Stone you took out will satisfy me, the founder of the Eastern Emperor, so that the next transaction can continue, otherwise it will There is no future, you know."

Luo Yuan sneered in his heart when he heard this, but his expression was still serious: "Of course, what I took out is definitely authentic. You, the founder of the East Emperor, will definitely say yes after seeing it, but if you don't, come and hit me. Don't worry, I am a person His character is still guaranteed."

Beizhen Star Master nodded with satisfaction after hearing this. He didn't think Luo Yuan would do anything to trick them into the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land. After all, the masters of the universe of the human race in the original universe were still wandering in the cosmic sea. If Luo Yuan Feeling careful, their East Emperor Holy Land, as the strongest force in the universe sea, will not be lenient. So far, no force has dared to deceive the strong men of their East Emperor Holy Land universe.

So Beizhen Star Master returned to his black sphere-shaped palace-like supreme treasure. As the door closed, he teleported away and disappeared. Luo Yuan sensed it carefully. It seemed that they had left. He I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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(End of this chapter)

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