Chapter 387 Distribution, Planning

Luo Yuan also completely closed the hatch of the Tomb Ship, and then teleported back to the throne in the core control hall of the Tomb Ship. He did not expect that this transaction went so smoothly. At least he had studied it before. The actor's self-cultivation simulated all possible situations of this transaction.

However, Luo Yuan carefully recalled all the movements and expressions of the Beizhen Star Master, and couldn't help but sneered. The Beizhen Star Master obviously had plans to take action against Luo Yuan, but he never found the opportunity. These things in the East Emperor Holy Land Universe The small universe of the strongest people in the universe collapsed long ago. If they hadn't pinned everything on that holy land universe, they would have fallen long ago.

There is still a big gap between the strength of the strongest people in the universe who have lost their small universes and those who have small universes. They are only ranked in the middle level among the strongest people in the universe. Therefore, the universe in the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe is the strongest. There won't be many of them.

After all, the carrying capacity of a holy land universe is also limited. The master of their universe is not promoted by comprehending the laws, but is determined by the carrying capacity given by the holy land universe. There is a quantitative limit. If there is no quota, then those quasi-universe masters He will never be able to break through to the realm of the Lord of the Universe, so the Beizhen Star Master does not dare to attack Luo Yuan. Outside, the Beizhen Star Master cannot break the defense of the tomb boat. If he dares to rush into the tomb boat, then Before he even encounters Luo Yuan, he will be killed by the mechanisms inside.

After Luo Yuan obtained two powerful treasures, he directly branched off a consciousness and entered the virtual universe. At this time, in the highest palace on Thunder Island in the virtual universe, the Lord of Chaos City was fully processing and controlling the arrangement of the entire human race. Some pay attention to the trends of all forces, and some concentrate and transfer the high-level combat power of the human race, especially those geniuses of the human race who are sent to the original universe.

It's just that the territory of the human race is very vast, and the strong men and geniuses are also very scattered. It is a huge project to bring all of them together, so the Lord of Chaos City will directly sit in the center and conduct overall control. Luo Yuan cannot do that. These, his main job now is to plan the training plan and future direction of the strong human race, and to improve the strength of the human race and his own strength.

As Luo Yuan's figure appeared, the Chaos City Lord's eyes could not help but shine. He looked at Luo Yuan with hope and asked: "How is the transaction going? Is it successful? Those two most powerful treasures are very important to the current human race." It’s very important and we are all waiting for news.”

Luo Yuan heard the words and said with a smile: "Teacher, don't you believe me? There is no reason why I can't succeed if I personally take action. I have already obtained the two most powerful treasures. I also temporarily claimed them and conducted a comprehensive investigation. These two supreme treasures are of a decent level, and the Eastern Emperor Holy Land has not done any tricks yet. Although they are not the top batch of supreme treasures, they are still enough for the current human race."

Although the two most powerful treasures given to Luo Yuan by the East Emperor Holy Land Universe are quite different from the most powerful treasures owned by Luo Yuan himself, they are enough for other universe masters of the human race to use. Even if they cannot defeat the strongest people in the universe, they will still be able to defeat them in a short time. Time restraint and life-saving are still no problem.

Luo Yuan sat on the stone chair aside and continued: "The two most powerful treasures obtained this time, one is the palace-type most powerful treasure, the Black Prison Tower. Teacher, you also know a little about its power. It is considered a good thing." Among the treasures, there is also the most powerful offensive treasure, the Yanjun Stick, which is quite powerful and can also form armor for defense. It can be said to be a good treasure that combines offense and defense."

Luo Yuan personally tested the Yanjun stick. Its material is good and can be changed and extended at will. It can also form a set of full-body armor. Although there are some gaps between those exclusive defense armors and the most powerful ones, they are better than those at the peak. The Arcana Armor is much stronger.

Luo Yuan continued to introduce: "The Yanjun stick has good attack power. It relies on terrifying gravity to attack the enemy. If divine power is used to activate the secret pattern of this most powerful treasure, the gravity it can generate will be very terrifying. , the more divine power, the stronger the gravity." Hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and said with a casual smile: "It seems that the guys from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe didn't play any tricks this time, that Black Prison The attributes of the tower are quite consistent with the Lord of Darkness. If he uses it, it can better stimulate its power. However, the Yanjun stick uses gravity to damage the enemy, so give it to the Lord of Penggong. He is better at stick weapons. And he also likes to attack the most powerful treasures. If this Yanjun stick is in his hands, the power it can produce is also very impressive."

Luo Yuan couldn't help but frowned after listening to the words of the Chaos City Lord. He got back two powerful treasures this time, and the Black Prison Tower was intended to be given to the Chaos City Lord. First of all, the Chaos City Lord was his teacher, so he should equip it first. The most powerful treasure, coupled with the strength of the Chaos City Lord is already very close to the strongest person in the universe. If he can recognize this Black Prison Tower as its owner, then he will have no fear in facing the strongest person in the universe.

So Luo Yuan said: "Teacher, your current strength is very close to the strongest person in the universe. If you can use that Black Prison Tower human race, then your strength is equivalent to those of the ordinary strongest people in the universe, and this Black Prison The tower is a palace-like most powerful treasure, and there is no such thing as who is more suitable. I think it is more appropriate to leave it to you."

Whether it is from the strength and prestige of the Chaos City Lord among the human race, or from Luo Yuan's own thoughts, Luo Yuan hopes that the Black Prison Tower can be handed over to the Chaos City Lord. He believes that no one dares to object, and the giant When the founder of Axe was away, the Lord of Chaos City was everyone's focus. As the Lord of Chaos City who was in charge of the original universe, how could he not have a most powerful treasure at his side.

At this time, in the cosmic sea, Luo Yuan was controlling the tomb boat to move forward in the vast chaotic airflow. All those who stood in the way were crushed and smashed. At this time, two rays of light flashed and flew into the tomb boat to open it. in the hatch, and then the hatch immediately closed. Two clones of Luo Yuan appeared in the control core hall. These were the clones sent by Luo Yuan to retrieve the relics of Jie Fanzi, the two most powerful men in the universe, and the clones who sharpened their will in the space of black-grained stone pillars. The current human race It will cause a catastrophe. Naturally, he will not let his clone stay in this cosmic sea. Everything must be recycled and all the power can be held in the palm of his hand.

After putting away all the treasures of the two clones, Luo Yuan drove the tomb boat back to the earth in the original universe, and then took all the people of the earth lineage that Jiang Fang had gathered together into his own kingdom of God. Among them, Luo Yuan's divine kingdom is now larger than the combined territory of the 10081 human universe kingdoms, so he is not worried about not having enough place to place them.

Luo Yuan's Kingdom of God now not only has tens of thousands of World Trees as support, but also has many resources in the cosmic sea. It can be said that the entire original universe is not as rich as his Kingdom of God, and the people living in it are of the same lineage as the Earth. The number of human beings is an astronomical figure. His Kingdom of God army now has one million Universe Lords in terms of peak combat power, but the Lord of the Universe still has not given birth to one. After all, the time is still too short. The Lord of the Universe It is not so easy to be born.

So Luo Yuan focused his attention on the alien masters of the universe, but those alien masters of the universe were hiding very deep. It was really difficult to find their bodies and use the secret method of soul slavery. After all, this required Luo Yuan. It would be better if Yuan’s true self comes forward. His clones are not yet able to do this. It would be great if he could seize the lords of the universe of the Zerg, Monster and Mechanical races and turn them into his soul servants. That would make the human race Much less stress.

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(End of this chapter)

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