Chapter 389 Original Ancestor
  Seeing the sudden appearance of the original ancestor, Luo Yuan and the others quickly stood up and shouted respectfully: "I have seen the original ancestor."

When they saw this mysterious original ancestor, their nerves that had been tense since the death of the founder of the giant ax relaxed a lot. They had forgotten that the human race of the original universe and the original ancestor, the strongest in the universe, Although he was permanently suppressed by the original will of the universe, his initial universe and virtual universe have always benefited the entire human race. Especially the initial universe is still the last fortress and shelter of the entire human race. Even the strongest people in the universe cannot Don't dare to break in.

The original ancestor looked at Luo Yuan and the four of them and smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "You are all very good, and your strength has reached the level of the master of the universe. Now that Luo Yuan has obtained the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage, he has the entire The training system of ancient civilization.

As long as there is enough time, it will not be a problem for you to become the strongest in the universe. However, the human race is facing a catastrophe now, and many forces will take action. After all, the treasures that the human race now possesses are coveted by all the forces in the entire universe sea. If only one force takes action, it will not be a problem for you. For you who have two powerful treasures, you can handle it, but now there won't be just one who wants to deal with us.

Luo Yuan, as the peak combat power and high-level leader of the human race in our original universe, you have obtained all the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage, which is equivalent to the human race in my original universe getting this inheritance. This is no longer your personal matter, but This is a matter for our entire human race. No one wants to see Giant Ax fall this time, but we cannot lose confidence just yet.

Not to mention the huge territory and cultivation resources that our human race has, let’s talk about the supreme inheritance of the Duandonghe line that Luo Yuan obtained. Although the forces of the Cosmic Sea cannot enter the original universe, the universe of those ethnic groups in the original universe There is no one who is not tempted by the strongest, which means that this time, our human race will face the siege of the peak race of the entire primitive universe.

With your current strength, after possessing the most powerful treasure, it is still a problem to survive even when faced with attacks from the strongest people in the universe. You can even hold off those strongest people for a period of time, because in the original universe, those who were the strongest in the universe were You will be suppressed by the origin of the universe and you will be protected at the same time, but what I am worried about is that those groups will use sealing methods to deal with you.

If the peak combat power of your human race is sealed, those humans who are weaker than you will have no ability to resist in front of them. It will be the biggest disaster for our human race. Although they cannot kill you, they can seal you. you. "

When Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong heard this, they all showed frightened expressions. They had never thought of sealing before. You must know that many treasures have the ability to seal. In the Luo Yuan Star Tower The sealing stars are specialized sealing treasures, but they are of an ordinary type. It would be terrifying if there were sealing weapons like the supreme treasure.

The strongest people in the universe could not kill the Lord of the Universe in the original universe, but they could seal the Lord of the Universe and bring him to their own small universe. The strongest people in the universe were the only gods in their own small universe. Comparable to the original consciousness of the original universe, they follow their words and are omnipotent. They completely killed the Lord of the Universe in a small universe with just one thought. Even the original universe cannot be shut down, because the small universes of the strongest people in the universe simply cannot Just not in the original universe.

The only most powerful treasures that the human race currently possesses that can resist the power of the seal are Luo Yuan's Star Tower and the Black Prison Tower obtained from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe this time, and these two palace-type supreme treasures themselves have The seal function, but which one is more powerful, can only be known when fighting against those strong men who also possess the most powerful sealed treasures.

As an invincible being who has been in the cosmic sea for many years, the original ancestor naturally has very rich combat experience. He is also very clear about the methods of the cosmic powerhouses in the universe, so he preached to the four of Luo Yuan: "There are two more dangerous situations now. You should pay attention to guard against them. One is that two or more of the strongest people in the universe appear to join forces to deal with you.      If these two or more strongest people in the universe surround you and then restrain you If you drag them into their small universe, it will be over. Another option is to directly use the sealing supreme treasure to suppress you. If you are sealed, then the only thing waiting for you is your demise. It is not difficult for the strongest person in the universe to take action to seal you. , but on the other hand, it is almost impossible for you to seal the strongest people in the universe. If you see them, run away quickly. With the most powerful treasures like flying palaces, you can still escape."

Although Luo Yuan and the other four felt very uncomfortable when they heard this, they still nodded. This is the difference between the strongest person in the universe and the master of the universe. Even though Luo Yuan now wants to break through to the strongest person in the universe, he understands that now he His strength has not yet reached that critical point. After all, his accumulation is too profound. Once he breaks through to the strongest in the universe, it will directly be the peak of the strongest in the universe, or even the ultimate strongest in the universe. This also means that he has broken through. The Strongest Man in the Universe is very difficult.

But consider that since the birth of the original universe for billions of epochs, the human race has only given birth to two of the strongest people in the universe, the original ancestor and the founder of the giant axe. Their talents are also billions of epoch-level geniuses, but even so, they can only be achieved through cultivation. It took endless years to reach the level of the strongest person in the universe. Even Luo Yuan's teacher, the Lord of Chaos City, has only touched the edge of the level of the strongest person in the universe.

Even if Luo Yuan fully exerts his strongest combat power now, he can reach the level of the strongest person in the universe, but he is still different from the strongest people in the universe. First of all, it is the small universe owned by the strongest people in the universe. The divine power that can be provided to them is more than Luo Yuan's divine kingdom, even though his divine kingdom is now boundless and huge.

Moreover, those who are the strongest in the universe can also evade the original laws of the universe, are not restricted by the laws of the universe, and can exert the supreme magical power of speaking and following the law to a certain extent. These powers are not possessed by the Lord of the universe, so Luo Yuan Now we will not confront those strongest people in the universe. If these strongest people block the space, then the powerful teleportation ability possessed by the masters of the universe will not be able to be used, but those strongest people in the universe can completely Unaffected, they can catch up at any time.

It can be said that the Lord of the Universe is at a disadvantage when fighting against the strongest people in the universe. In other words, the Lord of the Universe, who possesses the most powerful palace-like treasures, has a certain ability to protect himself when facing the strongest people in the universe. As long as you don't come out, it's still possible to run away.

The original ancestor looked at the expressions of Luo Yuan and the others, and said in a serious tone: "You don't need to be depressed, our human race's combat power this time is not weak, especially the palace-like supreme treasure Black Prison Tower that we just obtained, and If the tomb boat owned by Luo Yuan can be used properly, it can also make those alien races fearful, especially those alien races that are not very strong but want to fight against the autumn wind. We must use the power of thunder to make them fearful and make them fearful. They backed down and let them know that even if we, the human race, are not the strongest in the universe, we are not easy to bully.”

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(End of this chapter)

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