I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 390 The Angry Ancestor of the Eastern Emperor

Chapter 390 The Angry Ancestor of the Eastern Emperor
  Luo Yuan, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Peng Gong and the Lord of Darkness couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words of the original ancestor. Now all the strong men of the human race are rushing to the human territory of the original universe, so the most threatening thing to the human race is the original The nine superpowers of the universe all have the strongest people in the universe, and the human race is among them, but now their strength has been greatly reduced with the fall of the giant axe.

And in addition to these nine super powers, there are many sub-level top powers. The Thorn Ring Alliance that Luo Yuan offended was one of them. What the human race really needs to deal with are the nine super powers, but those times If the first-class top forces unite to deal with the human race, it will be a bit troublesome. A single force is not something to be afraid of, but if they unite, it will be difficult to say.

Especially these first-rate forces are all thinking about the status of super power. If their power can break and digest the current human race, then they can be promoted to a new super power, especially since Luo Yuan now has the Duandong River lineage. The news of the inheritance has been circulated in the cosmic sea, so the various forces in the original universe will definitely get it, and then they will jointly attack.

The original ancestor continued: "The decision to allocate the two most powerful treasures this time is made by me. The most powerful treasure in the palace, the Black Prison Tower, will be recognized by the Lord of Darkness, and the other most powerful treasure in the attack category, Yan Jun Gong will be recognized by the master of Peng Gong.

The Lord of Chaos City is my most proud disciple, and his strength is already very close to the strongest in the universe, so Chaos cannot take action at will. In addition to sitting in the initial universe, he is now trying to break through to the strongest in the universe as soon as possible and protect the human race. If he Once we take action, it means that the human race has reached a life and death situation. I don't want this situation to happen to the human race. "

When Luo Yuan, Lord Peng Gong and the Lord of Darkness heard the words of the original ancestor, they realized that the original ancestor had regarded the Lord of Chaos City as the new backbone of the human race. When the founder of the giant ax was away, it was the Lord of Chaos City who took charge of the overall situation. For countless epochs, There is nothing wrong, so everyone has no objection to the Chaos City Lord taking over the power of the human race, and with the Chaos City Lord sitting in charge of the initial universe, everyone can go to war with confidence. After all, the high-level people of the human race and all the geniuses of the human race have gathered in the initial universe. This is the last rear area of ​​the human race. If there is no strong person sitting in charge, they will not dare to fight out. Now everyone is relieved. Look Come to Yuanzu and think about the long term.

Time flies, and the human race in the original universe has been cautiously carrying out large-scale personnel mobilization and layout to prepare for the war of the races. At the same time, it is also preventing those forces in the original universe from discovering the fall of the giant ax and attacking them. But until now, those races There was no movement at all, which meant that those ethnic groups had not discovered the death of the founder of the giant axe, which made the higher-ups of the ethnic group relax a lot.

At this time, in the vast sea of ​​​​cosmos, there is a very broad independent universe. Although the size cannot be compared with the original universe, the area is larger than those of the small universes of the strongest people in the universe. This is the holy land universe of the ancestor of the East Emperor. The Emperor's Ancestor is also a very stable person, otherwise he would not have lived for so long, and he has become the only super strong man in the universe to survive reincarnation.

For the sake of safety, the founder of the Eastern Emperor placed his Holy Land Universe in a very remote place. There were no other forces for hundreds of millions of light years around. The place where Luo Yuan had traded with Nabeizhen Star Master was very close to the original universe. , just for the convenience of slipping back to the original universe at any time. Naturally, it is very far away from the East Emperor's Holy Land universe. After all, the current cosmic sea is in a state of distribution of power with the original universe as the center. Those old antiques are well versed in the way of stability, one by one Far from the original universe.

Because the distance is very far, even if Beizhen Star Master keeps using teleportation to rush on his way, it still takes a lot of time. It was not until Luo Yuan returned to the original universe for nearly two months that he returned to the East Emperor Holy Land universe, and then he couldn't wait to return. Give the memory stone that records the cultivation experience of superpowers in ancient civilizations to the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor.

At this time, in a huge temple, the figure of the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor, shrouded in cyan light, was sitting high on the throne, while Lord Beizhen stood respectfully below, and then looked at the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor with a pious expression as he looked at his hands. A black memory stone.

At this moment, the ancestor of the East Emperor looked at the Memory Stone in his hand, his eyes full of desire and hope. He had stayed in the current state for too long, so long that he had forgotten the concept of time, so he would do it at all costs Let the geniuses from the Holy Land of the East Emperor seize the inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage, but what he cares about most is the further cultivation experience. So the founder of the East Emperor couldn't wait to put his divine power into this black memory stone. Suddenly a large amount of information appeared in his mind, and then the founder of the East Emperor also accepted the information wholeheartedly. After all, every memory stone There was so much information contained in the stone. Luo Yuan had turned on ten thousand times the time acceleration at the beginning, and it took the outside world three thousand years to sort out some of it.

At this time, the Beizhen Star Master below also stood cautiously and quietly, not daring to disturb the East Emperor's ancestor to read the information in the Memory Stone. You must know that this time the East Emperor's ancestor personally led the transaction with Luo Yuan, if anything goes wrong The problem is that he, the Beizhen Star Master, cannot afford this responsibility. The ancestor of the East Emperor has been sleeping and only appeared once in a while after countless reincarnations. But now he is directly holding it on the throne of the temple for the sake of the inheritance of the Donghe lineage. , it can be seen that the inheritance of this Duandonghe line is of extraordinary value.

The ancestor of the East Emperor surpassed the strongest person in the universe, and was more powerful than the Giant Ax and the Original Ancestor. Naturally, his speed in interpreting the Memory Stone was much faster than Luo Yuan, and when he read it, he was very familiar with those universes. The training experience below the level of the strongest person was directly skipped, and he looked directly at the information about the strongest person in the universe and above. In order to extend the interpretation speed of the ancestor of the East Emperor, Luo Yuan stuffed a lot of ancient civilization era into it. Value information is simply a hodgepodge.

In order to cram all kinds of training experience and theories into it, as for the training experience of those who are above the strongest in the universe, Luo Yuan naturally does not dare to put the training experience of those super strong people because of the oath constraints of the Duandong River lineage. .

So I just put a lot of conjectures and theories about the strongest people in the universe into it, just like those long discussions. It looks like they are all right, but in fact they have no practical value at all, and they are all recorded by the strongest people in the universe. , as if it were a record of the discussion process, so as the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor continued to interpret, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper. With his state of mind, he could naturally tell that many of these theories were nonsense, but he only saw some interesting ones. After the theory, I relaxed a little.

I don’t know how long it took, Master Dongdi suddenly opened his eyes full of vicissitudes of life, but at this moment, he no longer had the ancient well without waves, only boundless anger, and these angry emotions turned directly into Become a substantial flame.

When Lord Beizhen saw this, his body couldn't help but tremble, and then he asked cautiously: "How do you do, Master Ancestor?"

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(End of this chapter)

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