Chapter 398 Background
  Although Luo Yuan and others had a certain understanding of what the Lord of Chaos City said about the original virtual universe, they just didn't expect it to be so powerful. This is simply equivalent to placing detectors in every place in the original universe. A large-scale ethnic war is not only a competition for peak combat power, but also comprehensive combat power, and the importance of intelligence to this ethnic war is unquestionable.

Therefore, after Luo Yuan and others learned that the original ancestor had such a powerful ability, they were all very happy and had confidence in this war.

The Lord of Chaos City continued: "The news of the death of the founder of the giant ax has just spread. Even if the three peak ethnic groups closest to my human territory want to deal with us, they will need time to arrange their deployment. But based on my understanding of them, the speed It should be very soon, so now Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong, as the leading combat force, the three of you start taking action now. All the resources in the clan can be accessed at any time. Those peak species in the treasure house The treasure can also be used."

Luo Yuan and the others were a little surprised when they heard this, but it is not surprising after thinking about it. Now is a battle related to the survival of the human race. Even if these treasures in the treasure house are not used, if the human race is defeated, then these treasures will be lost. Might as well use it.

The Lord of Chaos City said: "You start taking action. For the other Lords of the Universe, I will arrange them into three teams and let them cooperate with the three of you to act. Their individual strength is not as strong as you, but after joining forces, they will give Your role as an assistant is not small. In this ethnic war, you are the main force and determine the final success or failure of the war."

Luo Yuan, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Peng Gong all nodded when they heard this. The three of them are now the pinnacle masters of the universe. With the addition of the most powerful treasure, their strength can compete with the strongest people in the universe. Two, at least there is no problem in escaping, so act immediately.

In terms of the most powerful treasures, the current human race is indeed lacking, but there is still no shortage of peak treasures. Not to mention what Luo Yuan obtained when he was wandering in the cosmic sea, there were many masters of the universe among the 100,000 cosmic powerhouses before. When he was destroyed by his predecessor Duandong He in the tomb boat, the treasures he brought with him became Luo Yuan's current collection. There are still many various peak treasures.

Luo Yuan also understands that most of the top treasures in the human race's treasure house were collected by the founder of the giant ax when he was wandering in the cosmic sea over the years, but not many of them can be used by Luo Yuan. After all, his current wealth is It is richer than the human treasure trove. Not long after, Luo Yuan and the others returned to the main hall of Chaos City. They were ready. In addition to them, there were twelve masters of the universe waiting here. Although their strength is below level five, their combined strength is pretty good.

The Lord of Chaos City said: "Now I will divide these twelve Lords of the Universe into three teams. Luo Yuan, the Lord of Ice Peak and the others will be left to you. The Lord of Darkness will be responsible for leading the Lord of Qingdong and Peng Gong. The Lord is responsible for leading the Lord of Virtual Gold and the others. You should adapt first and be prepared at any time. I have the original ancestors here to provide information. If the aliens take action, I will let you attack immediately."

The masters of the human universe present all nodded, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit. The human race was not easy to bully.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan and said, "Luo Yuan, don't leave yet. I have something to tell you. If the others are fine, go and prepare first."

Immediately, in the main hall, except Luo Yuan, the other masters of the universe also left one after another. They were going to prepare equipment and deployment.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan and said: "Luo Yuan, I know you practice the method of clones. How many clones can you create now? How does it compare with your own strength? This is a big challenge for the current human race. Strength, so it is very important." Luo Yuan heard the words and thought for a while, and then said: "I can create up to ten clones now, but it is impossible to reach the clones with the strength of my original self. My current original self can explode the most. The strong combat power is already comparable to that of the strongest person in the universe, but he does not have the authority of the strongest person in the universe to speak easily and let the laws retreat. However, the master of the peak universe can still create three, and after using the secret magic power, he can reach the ordinary universe. I’m not too sure about the strength of the strongest person, after all, I haven’t fought against the strongest person in the universe yet.”

The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. He said solemnly: "Are you sure? After all, what you said is too incredible."

Luo Yuan just nodded seriously. His strength was tested in the battle room of Duan Donghe. Although he has not actually fought with the strongest people in the universe, he can virtually simulate those in the battle room. The strongest people in the universe from the ancient civilization era fought against each other. Although he suffered a lot in terms of authority, if Luo Yuan did not consider safety, he could definitely defeat the strongest people in the universe. We are not very worried about the joint attack of the big peak tribes.

Seeing Luo Yuan's serious expression, the Lord of Chaos City also nodded with a smile. Although Luo Yuan does not have the authority and supernatural power of the strongest person in the universe to follow his words, his own strength is still very powerful. Luo Yuan has been doing this all these years. He cultivates seriously and sends clones even when he goes out. Therefore, the outside world does not know much about Luo Yuan's true strength and only regards him as an ordinary Lord of the Universe.

The Lord of Chaos City smiled and said: "Your true strength still needs to be kept secret. You can now create the three strongest clones in the accelerated space of time. This also needs to be kept secret. It can be used as a trump card. Just treat it as a mobile team first and deal with any occurrences at any time." Unexpected circumstances, this time you, Peng Gong and the Lord of Darkness will be the main force in this ethnic war, so that the human race's chances of winning will be maximized."

Luo Yuan heard this and said: "Well, now I have the strongest clone who just came back from the universe sea and participated in the competition test of the Duandonghe lineage inheritance. I asked him to come forward and lead Bingfeng three people to fight. I am sitting in Chaos City, and as a key force, I am always ready to support and deal with the strongest people in the universe, so that the teacher can fully direct this war of ethnic groups."

When the Lord of Chaos City heard this, he also nodded. After all, Luo Yuan's consistent style is to focus on stability, and the human race will become stronger under his leadership. If he comes forward, he will immediately become the target of public criticism. For the human race, Luo Yuan represents the future, so the Chaos City Lord did not refuse Luo Yuan's request. Moreover, the Chaos City Lord has also seen Luo Yuan's clone. Except for the divine power reserve, which is not as powerful as the original body, everything else is almost the same. Moreover, I am still controlling it.

So the Lord of Chaos City said: "That's okay. You are sitting in the original universe, and I can rest assured to be responsible for the overall command. Moreover, your clone also has the combat power of the strongest person in the ordinary universe. You should also prepare. If those alien races appear If there is any change, I will tell you immediately, but based on the information provided by the original ancestor, the mobilization of the three tribes is very efficient, and it is estimated that they will arrive today."

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(End of this chapter)

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